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The ‘Hardship’ of Ordinary Crises: Gendered Precariousness and Horizons of Coping in Vietnam’s Industrial Zones.
This article focuses on the ways in which women employed in Vietnam’s heavy industry, mitigate and cope with crises at the workplace and in social life. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork, which I have conducted in the Industrial Zones of northern Vietnam in the international corporations called Xylan and Yate, I examine how women who are working on the floor manage crises entanglements as an under
Special Issue on Critical Explorations of Crisis: Politics, Precariousness, and Potentialities
In a crisis-ridden world, it has become increasingly pertinent to understand the breadth and depth of ‘crisis’. On a daily basis, we are alarmed by crisis reports concerning hurricanes and floods; economic and financial uncertainties; political instability; armed conflict; desperate refugees and migrants; persisting poverty; and outbreaks of aggressive global diseases such as Covid-19. This specia
Evaluation of a sound environment intervention in an ICU : A feasibility study
Background: Currently, it is well known that the sound environment in intensive care units (ICU) is substandard. Therefore, there is a need of interventions investigating possible improvements. Unfortunately, there are many challenges to consider in the design and performance of clinical intervention studies including sound measurements and clinical outcomes. Objectives: (1) explore whether it is
Nursing staff's experiences of working in an evidence-based designed ICU patient room—An interview study
Introduction It has been known for centuries that environment in healthcare has an impact, but despite this, environment has been overshadowed by technological and medical progress, especially in intensive care. Evidence-based design is a concept concerning integrating knowledge from various research disciplines and its application to healing environments. Objective The aim was to explore the expe
Morphometrical methods as tools for identifying field maple (Acer campestre L.) trees
Several morphometrical methods were evaluated with the purpose of distinguishing individual maple trees by their samaras and to reveal shape trends. Landmarks for geometric morphometrics gave 97–98% correctly classified trees in a jackknifed confusion matrix from discriminant analysis, fan-positioned landmarks and semilandmarks 92%, linear data 79% and elliptic Fourier analysis 65% correctly class
Krisens många dimensioner
Krisens många dimensioner:En kris är en händelse som kan få väldigt negativa konsekvenser – som ibland kan bli långvariga eller till och med permanenta. I dagens mediedebatt talas det regelbundet om ”klimatkris”, ”flyktningkris” och ”hälsokris”. Men vad betyder egentligen begreppet kris? Och kan en fördjupad förståelse av krisens bidra till framtida humanitärt arbete?
Kanadamodellen. Kollektivavtal i kampen mot sexuella trakasserier
Rapport från en jämförande studie mellan kanadensiska fackförbund och svenska avseende åtgärder mot sexuella trakasserier genom kollektivavtal
Separating Protection from the Exigencies of the Criminal Law: Achievements and Challenges under Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights
The chapter analyses the obligation upon states to identify migrants as victims of harm falling within the scope of Article 4 ECHR and to extend protection and assistance to them as victims independently from any criminal proceedings and from any actual or potential participation by the victims in any criminal proceedings. More specifically, the questions under investigation are the following: Is
Article 18 (Criminalization)
L.E. v. Greece: Human Trafficking and States’ Positive Obligations
'Famous from all antiquity' : Etna in Classical Myth and Romantic Poetry
In the early eighteenth century, the Sicilian volcano Etna was still primarily familiar to European culture through its many classical associations. This chapter examines the interaction between classical accounts of Etna and other, developing genres of describing and representing that mountain in the writings of some famous eighteenth-century travelers and ‘natural philosophers’. In paving the wa
Facilitating Versus Inhibiting the Transmission of Drug Abuse from High-Risk Parents to Their Children : A Swedish National Study
We seek to identify factors that facilitate or inhibit transmission of drug abuse (DA) from high-risk parents to their children. In 44,250 offspring of these parents, ascertained from a Swedish national sample for having a mother and/or father with DA, we explored, using Cox models, how the prevalence of DA was predicted by potentially malleable risk factors in these high-risk parents, their spous
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What is gender, anyway : a review of the options for operationalising gender
In the social sciences, many quantitative research findings as well as presentations of demographics are related to participants’ gender. Most often, gender is represented by a dichotomous variable with the possible responses of woman/man or female/male, although gender is not a binary variable. It is, however, rarely defined what is meant by gender. In this article, we deconstruct the concept ‘ge
White Matter Brain Development after Exposure to Circulating Cell-Free Hemoglobin and Hyperoxia in a Rat Pup Model
Neonates born with critical congenital heart defects are at risk of diffuse white matter injuries and neurodevelopmental impairments. This study aimed to determine the impact of circulating cell-free hemoglobin and hyperoxia, both present during cardiopulmonary bypass circulation, on white matter brain development. Postnatal day 6 rat pups were injected intraperitoneally with cell-free Hb or vehic
Modeling and Sampling of Spectrally Structured Signals
This thesis consists of five papers concerned with the modeling of stochastic signals, as well as deterministic signals in stochastic noise, exhibiting different kinds of structure. This structure is manifested as the existence of finite-dimensional parameterizations, and/or in the geometry of the signals' spectral representations. The two first papers of the thesis, Papers A and B, consider the m
Informal caregivers view of collaboration, communication and information to a person with dementia
Particleboard based on wood waste material bonded by leftover cakes of rape oil : Part 1. The mechanical and physical properties of particleboard
Human Geography and the hinterland: The case of Torsten Hägerstrand’s ‘belated’ recognition
Seeing human geography as a nexus of temporally oscillating concepts, this paper investigates the dissemination of scientific ideas with a focus on extra-scientific factors. While scientific progress is usually evaluated in terms of intellectual achievement of the individual researcher, geographers tend to forget about the external factors that tacitly yet critically contribute to knowledge produc