

Din sökning på "*" gav 526610 sökträffar

Glacio-isostatic control on hypoxia in a high-latitude shelf basin

In high-latitude continental shelf environments, late Pleistocene glacial overdeepening and early Holocene eustatic sea-level rise combined to create restricted marine basins with a high vulnerability to oxygen depletion. Here we show that ongoing glacio-isostatic rebound during the Holocene may have played an important role in determining the distribution of past hypoxia in these environments by

Kränkning och upprättelse : En rättssociologisk studie av kränkningsersättning till brottsoffer

Popular Abstract in SwedishKränkningsersättning förutsätter enligt lagtexten en ”skada” men det är inte en fysisk eller medicinskt påvisbar personskada som avses, snarare är det den personliga integritetskränkning som brottsliga angrepp kan medföra. Ersättningen är tänkt att ge kompensation för den kränkning som brottet medfört så att brottsoffret får upprättelse. Men är det möjligt att ersätta enThe thesis takes its starting point in the question of how damages for violation of crime is determined. This type of non-pecuniary damages to crime victims has a fundamental uncertainty regarding the computation of damages and what is really meant by “violation” in the meaning of the law. There is also a gliding between the violation and the suffering, as to which the compensation is related. The

The risk of cancer among persons with a history of injecting drug use in Sweden - a cohort study based on participants in a needle exchange program.

Abstract Background. Injecting drug use (IDU) may lead to exposure to a range of carcinogenic agents. We investigated the risk and distribution of cancers among individuals with a history of IDU in Sweden. Material and Methods. The cancer incidence in a cohort of longitudinally followed participants in a needle exchange program (NEP), recruited between 1987 and 2007, was compared to that in the Sw

Estimating potential forest NPP, biomass and their climatic sensitivity in New England using a dynamic ecosystem model

Abstract in UndeterminedAccurate estimation of forest net primary productivity (NPP), biomass, and their sensitivity to changes in temperature and precipitation is important for understanding the fluxes and pools of terrestrial carbon resulting from anthropogenically driven climate change. The objectives of this study were to (1) estimate potential forest NPP and biomass for New England using a re

Atmospheric synthesis of superhydrophobic TiO2 nanoparticle deposits in a single step using Liquid Flame Spray

Titanium dioxide nanoparticles are synthesised in aerosol phase using the Liquid Flame Spray method. The particles are deposited in-situ on paperboard, glass and metal surfaces. According to literature, titanium dioxide is supposed to be hydrophilic. However, hydrophobic behaviour is observed on paperboard substrates but not on metal or glass substrates. Here, the water contact angle behaviour of

Mating Preferences of the Gynogenetic Amazon Molly Differ Between Populations Sympatric with Different Host Species

Gynogenetic species rely on sperm from heterospecifics for reproduction but do not receive genetic benefits from mating because none of the paternal genome is incorporated into offspring. The gynogenetic Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa) is a species of hybrid origins that are sympatric with one of the two parent species that provide sperm for reproduction, P. latipinna or P. mexicana. Amazons shoul

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This dissertation deals with the morphological development in written L2 French by Swedish learners. The thesis presents a detailed analysis of number marking and agreement in NPs and VPs, focusing mainly on the production of the morphemes –s (in NP) and the third person plural –nt (in VP). These agreements are particularly interesting in French where number morphology is often silent in the oral

Alcohol Use and Stress in University Freshmen - A Comparative Intervention Study of Two Universities

Starting university is associated with major academic, personal and social opportunities. For many people, university entrance is also associated with increased stress and alcohol consumption. At the start of the autumn term 2002, all students entering educational programmes at two comparable middle-sized Swedish universities were invited to participate in a comparative intervention study. This in

Prophage-Encoded Staphylococcal Enterotoxin A: Regulation of Production in Staphylococcus aureus Strains Representing Different Sea Regions.

The present study investigates the nature of the link between the staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA) gene and the lifecycle of Siphoviridae bacteriophages, including the origin of strain variation regarding SEA production after prophage induction. Five strains representing three different genetic lines of the sea region were studied under optimal and prophage-induced growth conditions and the Siph

Feeding appetite suppressing thylakoids to pigs alters pancreatic lipase/colipase secretion

The mechanism for a new appetite suppressor named thylakoids (membrane proteins derived from spinach leaves) was examined in vivo in pigs. Thylakoids inhibit the lipase/colipase hydrolysis of triacylglycerols (TG) in vitro and suppress food intake, decrease body weight gain and raise the circulating satiety hormone cholecystokinin (CCK) in rats but its mechanism in vivo remains unclear. We hypothe

The Formative Years of Anglo-Iranian Relations (1907-1953): Colonial Scramble for Iran and Its Political Legacy

As the title largely illustrates, this study seeks to investigate, from a diplomatic-history and geostrategic perspective, the key developments in Anglo-Iranian relations during what may best be dubbed their “formative years,” ranging from 1907 to 1953. Having thus provided a glimpse into pre-twentieth-century Persian–British relations, it moves to analyze the division of Persia into two spheres o

Self-consistent Hartree-Fock and RPA Green's function method indicate no pygmy resonance in the monopole response of neutron-rich Ni isotopes

The random phase approximation (RPA) monopole strength and the unperturbed particle-hole excitation strength are studied, in which the strength in the continuum is properly treated without discretizing unbound particle spectra. The model is the self-consistent Hartree-Fock calculation and the RPA Green's function method with Skyrme interactions. Numerical examples are the Ni isotopes, especially N

Waves of media democratization: A brief history of contemporary participatory practices in the media sphere

The article aims to provide a more historically grounded approach to the relationship between communication and participation, by distinguishing different waves of media democratization. The article first discusses the concept of participation and some of its complexities, and then sketches a series of intense moments of participation in and through the media in (mainly the second half) the 20th a

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Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the Western hemisphere and the incidence increases with increasing age. Most colorectal cancers are localized with or without lymph node metastases. Up to 20% of patients present with metastatic disease, most commonly to the liver. Surgery is the only curative therapy for localized colorectal cancer and adjuvant chemotherapy is usually recommend

Endogenous Dynamics of Institutional Change

A parsimonious set of mechanisms explains how and under which conditions behavioral deviations build into cascades that reshape institutional frameworks from the bottom up, even if institutional innovations initially conflict with the legally codified rules of the game. Specifically, we argue that this type of endogenous institutional change emerges from an interplay between three factors: the uti