

Din sökning på "*" gav 529368 sökträffar

Problematisk grammatik i målspråket (L2): Vad är värdet av översättning från modersmål till målspråk som språkfärdighetsträning?

Det här föredraget rapporterar resultat från ett postdoc-projekt som undersökte värdet av översättning från modersmålet (L1: svenska) till målspråket (L2: engelska) för utvecklingen av språkfärdigheten hos studenter som läste engelska på universitetets A-nivå. Med språkfärdighet menas här studenters förmåga att på ett korrekt sätt använda vissa grammatiska strukturer i L2 som visat sig särskilt pr

Selective conversion of alcohols to aldehydes over metal oxide catalysts

Popular Abstract in English Alcohols and aldehydes are used in the chemical industry largely as a starting material for the manufacture of a wide range of products. They are also used as such in various industrial applications. The flexibility is due mainly to the functionalities of the alcohols and aldehydes being hydroxylic and carbonylic, respectively. Much interest is directed nowadays at convNowadays, transition metal oxide catalysts are employed to a large extent in many chemical processes for the selective production of chemicals and intermediates. Although metal oxides are mostly known as oxidation catalysts, they can successfully catalyze a wide range of reactions, such as dehydration. Two different processes have been studied in the present work: the selective oxidation of methan

On coded and multi-dimensional partial response signaling

Optimal finite partial response signals based on 2 and 4 PAM have been found by Said and Anderson. The encoder is a simple discrete-time filter, whose combination of bandwidth and Euclidian distance is optimized. Here we extended the idea to the case where the modulated symbols are first encoded by a short convolutional encoder. This gives power gains of 1-3 dB while maintaining the same bandwidth

On nested convolutional codes

Nested convolutional codes are a set of convolutional codes that is derived from a given generator matrix. The structural properties of nested generator matrices and nested convolutional codes are studied. A method to construct the set of all (rational) minimal generator matrices of a given convolutional code is presented. Nested convolutional codes derived from equivalent minimal generator matric

En het potatis. Om mat och måltider i barn- och tonårsfamiljer

A hot potato: food and meals in families with small children and teenagers. Introduction, with aims and hypothesis The project ‘Konsumenters problemlösningar på livsmedelsmarknadens nya arenor. Matinspiration under tidspress’ [‘Consumers’ problem-solving/solution to the food market’s new arenas: food inspiration against the clock’] initially addressed the following issue: shopping for food and p

Traffic Engineering and QoS Control between Wireless DiffServ domains using PQ and LLQ

Numerous recent studies have proven that traffic patterns generated by multimedia services are different from traditional Poisson traffic. It has been shown that multimedia network traffic exhibits long-range dependency (LRD) and self-similar characteristics. The area of wireless IP traffic modeling in terms of providing assured QoS to the end-user is still immature and the majority of existing wo

Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Reactive Flows under HCCI Engine Conditions

Popular Abstract in English In the past ten years, homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion has been one of the subjects receiving great research interests in the combustion research community and the engine industry. This is because HCCI combustion processes have the potential of not only capable providing high efficiency like diesel engine combustion, but also producing much lowLarge Eddy Simulation (LES) modeling is developed to study homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion under different engine operation and mixture conditions, including real engine configurations and generic test cases. A previously developed HCCI model has been validated by comparing the simulation results with engine experiments. A new spark-assisted HCCI (SACI) combustion model h