

Din sökning på "*" gav 526139 sökträffar

Mogen, vuxen och med nya perspektiv - utlandspraktik vid sex svenska industrigymnasier

I detta kapitel har vi undersökt hur sex industrigymnasier, knutna till multinationella företag, ser på utlandspraktik. Vi har frågat skolrepresentanter och elever om varför utlandspraktik ingår i utbildningen, vad som förväntas av eleverna och vad de själva förväntar sig, vilka erfarenheter och kunskaper som betraktas som viktiga samt om utlandspraktiken har någon betydelse för anställningsbarhet

Med Lenin på byrån - normer kring klass, genus och sexualitet i den svenska kommunistiska rörelsen 1921-1939

The thesis Med Lenin på byrån (With Lenin on the drawer) studies magazines produced by the Swedish communist movement during the inter-war years and has two aims; firstly to determine if (and how) class-norms were constructed through descriptions of gender and sexuality, and secondly if (and how) norms regarding gender and sexuality were constructed through descriptions of class. One of the underl

To Create a Sense of Belongings. Christening Gifts as Materialization of Feelings

Christening gifts are on the one hand very concrete and material. They have a value, both economically and emotionally. But on the other hand they also have a function that is neither concrete nor material. They express feelings, hopes, and dreams of belonging and community. The gift has a meaning for both the one who receives it, and the one who presents the gift.

Geographic Distribution of Intra-specific Variation in Widespread Eurasian boreo-nemoral Woodland Herbs

Popular Abstract in Swedish Geografisk fördelning av inomartsvariation i vittspridda Euroasiska skogsväxter Torbjörn Tyler Sammanfattning av författaren's doktorsavhandling Inledning Arter's utbredningar bestäm's inte bara av omvärldsfaktorer som klimat och jordmån utan även av de möjligheter det givit's dem att sprida sig. För att sprida sig över stora geografiska områden kräv's tid och i en väMany woodland plant species have huge distribution areas covering large parts of the Eurasian continent including areas that were glaciated during the last glacial period. In the present thesis, the geographic distribution of variation within such species is investigated and discussed in relation to glacial survival and post-glacial migration, dispersal ability, breeding system and levels of gene-

Tvång och rädsla som äktenskapshinder. Tomás Sánchez De sancto matrimonii sacramento

According to medieval canon law, a marriage could be declared invalid if the consent had been given through force or fear. This ruling was a natural consequence of the insistence on free consent as the only requirement for a valid marriage. It did, however, entail a number of both practical and theoretical problems. It could be difficult to prove force and fear within the family, but also to defin

Vascular Effects of P2 Receptors. Changes in Congestive Heart Failure.

Popular Abstract in Swedish P2 receptorernas roll vid utvecklingen av hjärt-kärlsjukdom I västvärlden orsakar hjärt-kärlsjukdomar mycket lidande och är den vanligaste dödsorsaken i befolkningen. Till gruppen hjärt-kärlsjukdomar kan man räkna hjärtinfarkt, kärlkramp, högt blodtryck, hjärtsvikt och slaganfall. En gemensam komponent i sjukdoms-utvecklingen är en förändring i blodkärlsväggen som gör Extracellular nucleotides induce dilatation and constriction of blood vessels by activation of P2 receptors. In this thesis the vasomotor effects of P2 receptor activation were studied in the rat mesenteric artery, and their changes in congestive heart failure (CHF) were evaluated using in vitro pharmacology, electrophysiology and competitive RT-PCR. Vasodilatation was induced by activation of P2Y

Numerical study of swirling impinging jets with heat-transfer

This paper deals with numerical simulations of circular impinging jets with heat transfer, by means of Large Eddy Simulation (LES). The LES code uses higher order finite-differences on staggered Cartesian non-uniform grids. The current LES have the potential of dealing with transition as well as providing data on details of larger scale structures, statistical correlations and turbulent spectral c

Design of coarse-grained dynamically reconfigurable architecture for DSP applications

This paper presents the design and implementation of a coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture, targeting digital signal processing applications. The proposed architecture is constructed from a mesh of resource cells, containing separated processing and memory elements that communicate via a hybrid interconnect network. Parameterizable design of resource cells enables flexible mapping of arbitr

Low Complexity Real-Time Feature Extraction Using Image Projections

In this paper it is shown how low complexity image projections can be used to replace the much more memory demanding functions morphology and labeling. The image projections are intended to be used in an automatic real-time surveillance system to detect objects and extract features. The projection unit operates directly on the binary motion mask from the segmentation unit and can extract location,