

Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar

Vibrations in a Seven-Storey Wood Building

In 1994 the Swedish Construction Code, BKR, was changed from being based on material to being based on function. This permitted constructing multi-storey buildings with a bearing framework made of wood, which had been prohibited since the end of the 19th century. There is now a growing in- terest of using wood as a construction material. In Växjö four seven-storey buildings, Limnologen, are under

Drug users’ rights in Ukraine Life as drug user in Kiev, Ukraine. Organization’s help and support.

The aim of my thesis was to study the organization Convictus, which works with people who have a drug dependency. More specifically, the purpose of this study was to find out what help Convictus can offer their members and its significance for people with drug dependence. I used the theories of symbolic interaction, the organization and its member’s values, norms and culture that they share as wel

Characterization of novel complement evasion strategies of Streptococcus pneumoniae

Nyupptäckt strategi som Streptococcus pneumoniae använder för att undvika immunförsvaret Pneumokocker lyckas undvika immunsystemet och orsaka livshotande infektioner. Om alla strategier bakterien använder upptäcks kan nya vaccin framställas och nya behandlingar utvecklas innan antibiotikaresistensen blir ett allvarlig hot. Infektioner På ett effektivt sätt rensar immunsystemet kroppen från främm

- Om en person inte är gammal… - … så är han inte så himla ruskig i ansiktet! En studie av förskolebarns förmåga att mobilisera motsatsord

För att undersöka barns fulla förståelse av ords betydelser är det nödvändigt att undersöka förståelse av ord i relation till andra ord. Antonymi, motsatsrelationen, är en av de semantiska relationer som barnet tillägnar sig tidigast i språkutvecklingen. Syftet med studien var att undersöka förskolebarns förmåga till motsatsordsmobilisering, det vill säga förmågan att välja rätt motsatsord som res

"Den kreativa skaparkraften"

I detta examensarbete för kandidatexamen i Strategisk kommunikation har vi gjort en studie med syftet att öka kunskapen inom och förståelsen för ämnet formaanpassning, genom att ta reda på hur svenska produktionsbolag och kanaler arbetat strategisk med anpassning av tv-format samt vilka faktorer som leder till att en formatanpassning genomförs. För att nå vårt syfte har vi undersökt hur de tre proIn this thesis for the bachelor’s degree in Strategic communication we conducted a study with the objective to gain knowledge in the area of format adaptation by conveying how Swedish production companies and TV-channels work strategically with television format adaptation. Our intention has been to comprehend the variables that lead to the execution of a format adaptation. To reach a conclusion w

Strength Analyses of Wooden I-Beams with a Hole in the Web

Wood-based light-weight I-beams are today widely used in the construction industry. An important feature of these beams is that the user can make holes in the web where needed. Today there is no general method used to calculate the reduced strength of these beams with a hole in the web. The calculation methods vary between the manufacturers and are commonly based on empirical results. The aim of t

Implementing a Component Based Parallel Distributed Finite Element Solver

Parallel computing is becoming more and more important in modern Finite Element Software. As problems grow larger, computation on a single processor may not be fast enough. To overcome this problem, one can utilize parallel programming using e.g SMP-machines or clusters. Furthermore, when local compute resources are scarce, it can be quite convenient to take advantage of non-local resources for pe

Implementering av CALFEM för Python

The objective of this dissertation is to implement a large part of CALFEM functions to Python and to explore libraries and software in addition to NumPy needed to achieve a comparable environment for CALFEM. No actions will be taken to improve or change existing programming. Comparison of code and description of the main differences when writing in Python is done to simplify the transition for exis

Att slåss för sitt lag - en studie av en fotbollsfirma i Sverige

The purpose of this study is to investigate what determines an individual to join the firm and how the membership in the firm affects the individual and his identity. This study is based on the interviews with six members of a football firm in Sweden. The selection of firm members to participate in this study was made based on the writers contacts within the firm. The results of this study shows t

Diode laser frequency stabilization onto an optical cavity

During this thesis work, a frequency stabilization system for an External Littrow Cavity Diode Laser (ECDL) at 370 nm has been set up and tested. The goal of the frequency stabilization is to achieve a long term frequency stability of less than ±50 kHz within 8 hours, which will be used for the single Ce ion detection project in the quantum information group. The system design is centered around a

Motionlogger 2. Software Implementation of Data Logging at High Frequencies

In today's industry the need for fast logging of measurements is increasing. Existing systems used by Tetra Pak AB have a maximum logging frequency which is inadequate. As a result of this Tetra Pak gave Industriprojektbyrån AB the task of developing a measuring system for this purpose. Industriprojektbyrån AB has before the start of this thesis developed the hardware set up for the system. Th

Growth and Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa

The main purpose of this essay was to find whether there was a significant correlation between RCA in agricultural products and growth in GDP per capita, in the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa. I used a modified version of the Solow model to estimate the presumptive relationship, and to see whether there is any convergence in growth between the countries. Due to lack of reported numbers I did not

Diskursiva framställningar av Italien – en analys av den offentliga diskussionen kring italiensk nationell identitet i samband med statens 150-årsjubileum

The aim of this study is to examine the discussion about the Italian national identity as it manifested itself during the period the celebrations of Italy’s 150th anniversary as a unified nation-state. The material is composed by a corpus of articles and speeches written by the President of Italy Giorgio Napolitano, the Pope Benedict XVI, the famous comedian Roberto Benigni, the author Andrea Cami

On the Motivation to Help: Victim Information, Proportion Dominance and Group Affiliation Systematically Explored

There are 3 factors that have a large impact on the motivation to help a victim. 1.) A higher willingness to help an identified, than a non-identified victim. 2.) A preference for saving a large percentage of a group at risk in comparison to only considering the total number of saved victims. 3.) A victim closer to the helpers in-group elicits a higher motivation to help. In previous studies only

A New H-Adaptive Method for Shell Elements in LS-Dyna

This thesis describes the development of a new h-adaptive method for shell elements in the explicit FE-code LS-DYNA. Adaptivity is used to obtain accurate results for large deformation analyses to a low computational effort. However, the present adaptive method available in LS-DYNA is based on a geometrical simplification. When the mesh is refined, the bending deformation of the shell is not consi

Acoustic Analysis of Loudspeakers Cavity Including Viscothermal Effects

The geometry of a loud speaker cavity often gets a complicated geometry with sharp corners and narrow ducts. For this kind of shape the internal energy losses caused by viscosity and thermal conduction play an important role in the acoustic behavior. Today there is no method that sufficiently predict these effects. In this report the analogy between the loudspeaker cavity, a simple mass and spring sy

Reduced models for dynamic analysis of high-speed railway bridges

Today a dynamic analysis is often performed with the use of advanced finite element software. An advanced model normally produces precise results. Analyzing these large models of bridges is however time consuming and a detailed description of the geometry, supports and material properties must be known. In an early stage of a project a reduced model could significantly reduce the time needed to perf