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Cette étude propose une analyse de la proportion d’élèves suédois qui étudientle français au collège et présente une réflexion plus générale sur la situationde l’enseignement du français en Suède. À partir de données statistiques de labase de données SIRIS, mise à disposition publique par la Direction nationale desÉtablissements scolaires, les résultats montrent que, même si la proportion d’élèves

Disciplinary intersections of gender and ethnicity in populist radical right media in Romania

The present study examines how the desirable ideals of femininity for the ethno-nationalist project are framed in populist radical right media in contemporary Romania. The study examines the editorials of populist radical right party leader (Corneliu Vadim Tudor) published at election times between 2000 and 2012 in the weekly party publication. It explores the inventory of media frames, which prov

Pre- and postoperative information needs

The purpose of this study was to investigate patients' need for pre- and postoperative information. Fifty patients admitted to open cholecystectomy were included in the study, 37 women and 13 men. Their median age was 49.5 years, ranging 17-76. The patients answered one questionnaire both at admission and at discharge. In the questionnaire, 48 statements had to be answered on a five-point, Likert

Blågröna lösningar i Sofielund : klimatanpassningsåtgärder i allt tätare städer

Ett klimat i förändring är något som påverkar oss alla. För staden och dess invånare innebär det bland annat mer nederbörd och en ökad risk för översvämningar. Det är därför viktigt att arbeta med klimatanpassningsåtgärder.Tanken med den här broschyren är att visa vilka lösningar som naturen kan bidra med. Den fokuserar på ett redan bebyggt område; Sofielund i Malmö. Innehållet bygger på intervjue

Dwell Time Delays for Commuter Trains in Stockholm and Tokyo

The paper analyses dwell time delays for commuter trains in Stockholm and Tokyo. In both cities, small dwell time delays of at most five minutes make up around 90% of the total delays. Therefore, it is valuable to understand and deal with these disturbances. To this end, we use high resolution data on dwell times and passenger counts from both countries over the last several years. We find that thThe paper analyses dwell time delays for commuter trains in Stockholm andTokyo. In both cities, small dwell time delays of at most five minutes makeup around 90% of the total delays. Therefore, it is valuable to understandand deal with these disturbances. To this end, we use high resolution data ondwell times and passenger counts from both countries over the last severalyears. We find that these d

Stapling for tibial-growth deformity : A case report on roentgen stereophotogrammetric analysis

A 9-year-old boy sustained a Salter-Harris Type IV fracture in the proximal tibia. the injury resulted in a progressive valgus deformity, detected already after 3 months by roentgen stereophotogrammetry. After temporary stapling medially, the growth rate increased laterally and the deformity was corrected. Unilateral stapling is an alternative procedure for correcting angular deformity following a

Growth of children with physiolysis of the hip

Growth during adolescence was analyzed in 40 children with slipped capital femoral epiphysis using the Infancy Childhood Puberty growth model. the advantage of this model is that reference values for height can be adjusted for the individual age at pubertal maturation. In both sexes an above average height was found before the onset of the pubertal growth spurt. However, the pubertal gain in heigh

Epidemiology of slipped capital femoral epiphysis in southern Sweden

Five hundred thirty-two cases of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (physiolysis colli femoris - PCF) treated at three orthopedic departments in southern Sweden between 1910 and 1982 were used for epidemiologic studies. Three hundred twenty-five cases came from a well-defined area and were used for incidence analyses. During the whole period of investigation, the disease was more common in men than

Synaptic connections formed by grafts of different types of cholinergic neurons in the host hippocampus

The present experiment was performed to determine whether different types of grafted central cholinergic neurons are able to form synaptic contacts with host hippocampal neurons. Grafts from the septal-diagonal band area, which contain the neurons that normally innervate the hippocampal formation, were compared to those from the nucleus basalis magnocellularis region (NBM), the striatum, the ponto