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Fri rörlighet i Norden. Nordiska gränshinder i rättslig belysning.
Samhörigheten mellan de nordiska länderna är etablerad sedan länge och det är många som pendlar, flyttar eller gör affärer över gränserna i Norden. Det finns också ett omfattande politiskt och rättsligt samarbete. Trots detta uppstår det ibland juridiska svårigheter, ofta kallade gränshinder, för den som vill röra sig över de nordiska gränserna. Det kan exempelvis handla om problem i anslutning ti
No title
Joint Facilities in Legal Private Management
The Swedish Joint Facilities create a common resource system for externalities of the individual property, such as common roads, bridges, residential services (waste disposal, car park, community places), irrigation and drainage schemes, and hunting ground. In a historical perspective, such facilities belonged to the village community, and remained as externalities when the society forced an inter
The Filmic Century/Centuries of the Mind : Tracing the Beginnings of the Subjective Cinema
Land Market, Property Rights, and Agricultural Transformation in southern Sweden 1680-1870
CMOS circuit speed optimization based on switch level simulation
The authors present a tool for transistor sizing for the purpose of speed optimization. The tool, called SLOP (switch-level optimization), is based on a switch-level simulation program for CMOS circuits. Consequently, the results are always verified by simulation. It gives the delay-area curve and the final sizes of each transistor according to the maximum width limitation specified by the user. E
Human studies - epidemiological techniques in developmental and reproductive toxicology
No title
Fartygsmiljöns aktiveringsgrad - En omgivningspsykologisk analys
Skejtare och rullbrädesåkare. En kulturhistoria
Jerusalem i Vitaby - Grevlundaborgen och dess syskonborgar i Skåneland
In Vitaby parish are the ruins of a castle built around 1200 and deserted before 1300. An excavation was made in 1911 and again by the author in 2001 and 2002. The construction i unique in Europe with a support wall for the shellkeep 5,5 meters high, going all through the motte down to the peat. The castle was probably owned by the family Galen
Oskyldighetspresumtionen är en grundläggande straffprocessuell princip som i korthet innebär en rätt för misstänkta och tilltalade att bli behandlade som oskyldiga fram till en fällande dom. Presumtionen kan även i vissa fall sträcka sig utanför själva processen. Två till synes svårförenliga intressen står mot varandra vid tillämpningen av oskyldighetspresumtionen; säkerställandet av en effektiv
Kanaaneiska myter och legender: översättning från ugaritiska med inledning och kommentarer av Ola Wikander
Ljus från nano-skogen
Impact Assessment of Developed Applications – Overall interactIVe Assessment
interactIVe introduces active intervention safety systems in order to increase traffic safety. The interactIVe functions are – depending on their purpose – able to brake and steer autonomously. Furthermore, the driver is continuously supported by interactIVe assistance systems which warn the driver in potentially dangerous situations. Seven demonstrator vehicles – six passenger cars of different v
Personal cooling with phase change materials to improve thermal comfort from a global warming perspective
Ecotourism in Scandinavia. Lessons in Theory and Practice
In recent years, public, scientific and governmental interest in ecotourism in Scandinavia has grown substantially. This book is the first to comprehensively describe, analyse and evaluate aspects of Scandinavian ecotourism. It will appeal to researchers and students of tourism in general and ecotourism in particular.