Din sökning på "*" gav 526204 sökträffar
Verpoest I : New thermoplastic composite preforms based on split-film warp knitting
Poetics of Thrill: Combining Underground Music, Video Arts and Spectator Sports on a Sport Festival
Initial, transient and steady state evaporative resistance of impermeable protective clothing
The measured water vapour resistances of clothing ensembles differ among laboratories particularly for impermeable clothing. Due to the moisture transfer in the clothing ensemble, evaporative heat losses in initial, transient and steady state phases are different. The purpose of this study was to investigate moisture absorption inside underwear and outer layer as a function of time, to quantify th
The integral dictionary: An ontological resource for the semantic web
New Results on Combinatorial Algorithms
In this thesis improved upper bounds for several important combinatorial problems are provided. Below is a list of the main results showed in the thesis. The problem of determining whether a k-connected partial k-tree is isomorphic to subgraph of another partial k-tree is shown to be solvable in time O(nk+2). The problem of determining the maximum number of node-disjoint subgraphs of a partial k-t
Organizational Challenges at the Periphery: Career Issues for the Socially Marginalized
Två analyser av Lars Noréns Natten är dagens mor
Real-Time Traffic Monitoring using Wireless Beacons with the Cell Transmission Model
One of the exciting emerging uses of DSRC/WAVE technology is the ability to monitor real-time road traffic conditions with high resolution, using beacons transmitted by individual vehicles, and make informed traffic control decisions such as traffic light timing or route advice. However, previous studies have shown that achieving a high level of accuracy in traffic density estimation requires very
The influence of urban design on outdoor thermal comfort in the hot, humid city of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Geobiosfären - en introduktion
The rule of law as perceived by the European Court of Human Rights’ in protecting the rights others
ß2 integrin-induced signal transduction events in human neutrophils
Popular Abstract in Swedish Neutrofilen är den vanligaste vita blodkroppen och de tillhör det sk medfödda immunförsvaret. Under normala förhållanden är neutrofilerna inaktiva och cirkulerar i blodomloppet. Vid exempelvis en infektion utsöndras inflammatoriska aktiverande ämnen från vår kropp men även från oönskade mikroorganismer och detta gör att neutrofilerna aktiveras. Från att ha varit runda, Inflammation is a localized protective response in vascularized tissues and can be induced by microbial infection or cell and tissue injury. Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) are the most common white blood cells and are recognized as major cellular mediators of acute inflammation. PMN are highly mobile cells that possess regulated mechanisms for controlling the expression and activation of adhe
Vileförklaringen och dess innehåll: Om avtalsrättslig begreppsbildning och systematik; (Declaration of legal intent and it's content: A study of concept formation and systematics in contract law.
The concept "declaration of legal intent" belongs to the legal tradition of most European countries. Different versions of a theory pertaining to the declaration of legal intent have been elaborated, all with a view to rendering the concept itself more precise: what conception of "intent" or "will" (counterparts of the latter word being used in several languages, for instance the Swedish viljeförk
Comparing citation patterns in entrepreneurship research articles in subject handbooks and Web of Science journals
Not knowing enough about the similarities or differences of citation structures between different types of publications creates problems related to whether citation maps of research fields based on Web of Science/ISI data are representative of research fields as a whole or if they are a representation of how WoS perceives the field, not the least in the humanities and the social sciences. To inves
Amperometric biosensors of food analysis relevance: Emphasis on the neurotoxin beta-ODAP in grass pea
Enzyme-based amperometric biosensors have been developed and characterized in flow systems for a variety of analytes such as [beta]-N-oxalyl-[alfa],[beta]-diamionpropionic acid ([beta]-ODAP), L-glutamate, glucose, lactate, and sucrose, that have food analysis relevance. The principle of enzyme "wiring" using polymeric mediators poly(1-vinylimidazole) {(Os-4, 4' dimethylbipyridyl)2Cl3+/2+} and poly
Europeiska lasereliten på rundabordsmöte i Lund
Träkonstruktioner och brand. Kunskapsöversikt och forskningsbehov
En komplettering av det nuvarande kunskapsunderlaget for träets termiska egenskaper bör i första hand fokuseras mot värmeledningförmågan och specifika värmekapaciteten för dels förkolnat trä , dels oförkolnat trä inom temperaturområdet over 100 ºC. Angelägen är också en vidareutveckl- av de samband, som krävs for en beräkning av träets reaktionsvärme vid verkliga brandförhållanden med utgångspunkt
Changing Markets for Lao Coffee
Induction heating of carbon fiber structures - properties and challenges
Carbon fiber reinforced plastic is constantly gaining market shares due to its unique properties. By heating this kind of materials using induction, many new applications occur. The high resistivity and anisotropic properties of carbon fiber composites means there are a number of challenges to overcome. This work emphasizes the key components related to induction heating of complex materials and p