

Din sökning på "*" gav 526204 sökträffar

Improvements of the Bromodeoxyuridine-DNA Flow Cytometry Method for the Study of Cell Proliferation

Potential doubling time (Tpot), DNA synthesis time (TS), and labelling index (LI) are fundamental growth kinetics parameters in clinical and experimental cancer research, which may be of further practical importance regarding prognosis and treatment prediction of cancer. They can be measured by bromodeoxyuridine(BrdUrd)/flow cytometry (FCM) methods, where BrdUrd, an analogue of thymidine, is incor

Time- order effects in timed brightness and size discrimination of paired visual stimuli

An aim of the present paper is to examine changes in the magnitude and direction of time-order effects with changes in the physical magnitude of the stimuli, overall levels of performance, and with changes in load processing capacity. Increments and decrements in performance are gauged by means of the steepness of psychometric and chronometric functions. Load processing capacity is assessed by div

On the antiporter-like subunits of respiratory chain Complex I - implications for the evolution and coupling mechanism of the NADH:quinone oxidoreductase enzyme complex

Popular Abstract in Swedish Evolusjon og energikonservering i en katalysator i cellens kraftverk Alle levende organismer må omforme energien i mat eller sollys til en form som cellen kan bruke som energi. Energien brukes både til prosesser som bryter ned og bygger opp komponenter i cellen. Den brukes også til prosesser som muskelsammentrekninger, celledelinger og bevegelser. Uansett hva slags celComplex I or NADH:quinone oxidoreductase is the largest enzyme complex, but the least understood energy coupling site in the respiratory chain of mitochondria and bacteria. No high-resolution structural information exists for this enzyme and the molecular mechanism that couples electron transfer and proton pumping is not understood. In mammals, about 50% of the mitochondrial DNA is encoding protei

Balsam för själen - om kyrklig körsång i Lund

Detta är en ministudie över den körsång som bedrivits inom Lunds kyrkliga samfällighet under 2012 med fokus på vuxna körsångare, deras musikaliska bakgrund och relation till musik, i synnerhet körsång. Sångarnas profil kompletteras med kommentarer av några körledare och av författaren i egenskap som musikhistoriker.

Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease: Risk Factors and Outcome Predictors with special reference to the role of leukocytes and inflammatory mediators

Ischemic cerebrovascular disease (CVD) is usually a consequence of atherosclerosis and is the commonest cause of stroke. The identification of risk factors and outcome predictors and the initiation of preventive measures constitute the cornerstone of efforts to reduce the risk of stroke and improve outcome. The trend for long-term outcome after stroke and the predictors of this outcome were evalu

Local capacities and health: The importance of transportation, communication, market sophistication, and skillful labor

Research suggests that access to transport, communication, market, and social infrastructure is important for provision of health. Humanitarian organizations - realizing the importance of building local capacities - are allocating noticeable time and resources on the process. But, studies testing this relationship are scant. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relation between transpor

Time-resolved ellipticity gating of high-order harmonic emission

We present time-resolved cross-correlation measurements of extreme ultraviolet (xuv) pulses generated as high-order harmonics of intense 35 fs pulses, using a short (12 fs) probe pulse. We modulate the ellipticity of the laser driving the generation process such that the polarization is linear for short times around the temporal peak of the pulse. Since harmonic generation is strongly suppressed f

Praktisk husbyggnadsteknik :(2:a uppl.)

Boken beskriver mycket översiktligt hur ett hus kommer till och vilka komponenter som ingår i byggnaden. Några djupare byggnadsfysikaliska resonemang ingår inte. Framställningen visar hur det ser ut i praktiken. Motiveringar till varför man bygger på ett visst sätt behandlas i en annan litteratur. I det första avsnittet beskrivs summariskt hur byggnadstekniken kommer in i byggprocessen. Därefter g

Using a Gaussian Channel Twice

The problem of communicating one bit over a memoryless Gaussian channel with an energy constraint is discussed. It is assumed that the channel is allowed to be used only two times. An ideal feedback channel is also supposed available. The optimal feedback strategy and the bit-error probability are derived. It is shown that feedback gives a significant performance gain and that the optimal strategy

Läst genom kameralinsen : studier i filmiserad svensk roman

Vad har hänt med romanen i "filmens tidsålder"? Hur har den påverkats under filmmediet? I denna bok undersöker Ohlsson romaner av sex svenska författare – Hjalmar Bergman, Stig Dagerman, Gösta Gustaf-Janson, Per Gunnar Evander, Vilgot Sjöman och Stig Larsson – som alla har erfarenhet av filmarbete. De studerade romanerna är "filmiserade" i olika avseenden: de kan handla om filminspelning och biobe