

Din sökning på "*" gav 526291 sökträffar

Theory of practice and archaeology of culture contact: case study of early medieval Bornholm

In present study I am investigating situation of culture contact between inhabitants of early medieval island of Bornholm and Western Slavic (Wendish) immigrants to the island. I am arguing for a possibility of existence of different goals and networks among both immigrants and local population. Such circumstances lead to differences in practice and to understand how practice is constituted and to

Hur formades de svenska tjänstemännens organisationsmönster?

Artikeln söker förklara varför de svenska tjänstemännen organiserade sig i egna fackförbund och centralorganisationer (Sverige har världes mest socialt segregerade fackliga rörelse genom uppdelning på särskilda fackföreningar för arbetare, akademiker och övriga tjänstemän)

Partial task assignment of task graphs under heterogeneous resource constraints

This paper presents a novel partial assignment technique (PAT) that decides which tasks should be assigned to the same resource without explicitly defining assignment of these tasks to a particular resource. Our method simplifies the assignment and scheduling steps while imposing a small or no penalty on the final solution quality. This technique is specially suited for problems which have differe

The Forest and the Trees: Industrialization, Demographic Change, and the Ongoing Gender Revolution in Sweden and the United States, 1870-2010

This paper examines the major trends unravelling the long-term gender division of family support and care structure that reached its peak in the middle of the twentieth century, often called the “worker-carer” or the “separate spheres” model. The unraveling of the “separate spheres” began with the increase in the labor force participation of married women and continues with the increase in men’s i

Statistical evaluation of outdoor-to-indoor office MIMO measurements at 5.2 GHz

In this paper, we present a statistical evaluation of an outdoor-to-indoor multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) measurement campaign performed at 5.2 GHz. 159 measurement locations in an office building are analyzed. Our analysis pays special attention to two key assumptions that are widely used in stochastic channel models. An assumption that is used in practically every channel model is that th

Structural behavior of Dy-157,Dy-158,Dy-159 in the I=30-50h spin regime

Significant extensions to the high-spin excitation spectrum of the N = 91, 92, 93 isotopes Dy-157,Dy-158,Dy-159 have been achieved using the high-efficiency gamma-ray spectrometers Euroball and Gammasphere. These nuclei were populated via weak 3n or alpha xn exit channels in fusion evaporation reactions. In Dy-157, the yrast band has been extended to I-pi = (2)/(101+) (tentatively to (2)/(105+)) w

Recent Extraction Techniques with Emphasis on Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Microwave-assisted Extraction

Popular Abstract in Swedish För att kunna mäta ett ämnes halt i ett prov behövs en analysmetod. Det första steget i en analysmetod innefattar provupparbetning. Med det menas att ämnet man vill mäta halten av avskiljs (extraheras) från provet med någon sorts extraktionsteknik. I laboratorier världen över görs dagligen många analytiska extraktioner. Det kan handla om t.ex. livsmedelsanalyser, miljöaToday’s requirements of fast, reliable and selective analytical methods with minimal usage of organic solvents have accelerated the development of new, automated extraction techniques. In this thesis recent extraction techniques with emphasis on supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) and microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) were investigated. Different environmental and industrial applications such a

Multifunktionalitet hos prepositionen "till"

En översikt över huvudbetydelser hos prep. "till" i svenska och ett försök att systematisera hur dessa betydelser är inbördes relaterade till varandra - och hur de förhåller sig till andra prepositioners betydelser.