

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Hydrolysis of nonstarch carbohydrates of wheat-starch effluent for ethanol production

A (polysaccharide-rich) waste stream derived from a combined starch and ethanol factory was investigated regarding hydrolysis of the nonstarch carbohydrates for ethanol production. The material was characterized and processed to yield the maximum amount of sugars. The starch fraction was hydrolyzed with amylolytic enzymes, and the resulting fibrous material was separated by filtration. This materi

Datorreglerad golvvärme

I denna rapport behandlas uppvärmning med golvvärme och hur man med datorns hjälp kan reglera ett golvvärmesystem. Rapporten innehåller också en beskrivning av olika golvvärmesystem, främst vattenburen golvvärme, samt hur värmeförlusterna i en byggnad påverkas med golvvärmesystem. De reglerprinciper som behandlas i detta arbete är framkoppling från utetemperatur, återkoppling från innetemperatur o

Att förebygga förlossningsasfyxi. Kan vi komma längre med fosterövervakning?

Intrapartum death has become a rare event since the introduction of electronic fetal monitoring (EFM). Randomized studies of EFM versus intermittent auscultation show that EFM reduces the risk of low Apgar score at birth and of neonatal seizures, although it may be possible to ensure low perinatal mortality even with intermittent auscultation alone. The rate of operative deliveries may increase wi

Yrke: begravningsentreprenör : om utanförskap, döda kroppar, riter och professionalisering

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling studeras begravningsentreprenörernas arbete. Materialet är i första hand inhämtat genom intervjuer och observationer på begravningsbyråer som tillhör Sveriges Begravningsbyråers Förbund. Begravningsentreprenörer upplever att det finns en negativ bild av yrket, som är kopplad till hanteringen av avlidna. Samtidigt efterfrågas begravningsentreprenörernThis dissertation has a dual purpose. Firstly to describe what funeral directors do and how they experience their work. Secondly to see if, and in that case how, funeral directors influence rites around the deceased, both official as well as more private rites. The study is based on text analysis, interviews with 32 funeral directors and field studies on four funeral parlours. Only funeral directo

Finns ingen sanning om invandringen

Många menar nu att vi har varit blinda för sanningen om invandring och integrationens problem. Men det finns förstås inte en enkel sanning kring detta komplexa problem. Så låt oss slippa även framtida enögdhet, skriver Jerker Karlsson, doktorand i etik vid Lunds Universitet.

Gene-environment interaction and male reproductive function.

As genetic factors can hardly explain the changes taking place during short time spans, environmental and lifestyle-related factors have been suggested as the causes of time-related deterioration of male reproductive function. However, considering the strong heterogeneity of male fecundity between and within populations, genetic variants might be important determinants of the individual susceptibi

Prevalence of blood parasites in different local populations of reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) and great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)

Blood parasite prevalence in two related warbler species (Acrocephalus arundinaceus and A. scirpaceus) was studied at three Bulgarian sites that differed mainly in altitude and weather. The prevalence of Haemoproteus, the most common parasite genus, was significantly lower at the highest altitude site (730 in above sea level, asl). Such a pattern was not found in ectoparasite-transmitted Hepatozoo

The modified Ross operation using a Dacron prosthetic vascular jacket does prevent pulmonary autograft dilatation at 4.5-year follow-up.

Objective: Following the Ross operation, pulmonary autografts tend to dilate over time. This study researches the fate of the pulmonary autograft - at 4.5 years following the modified Ross operation - with special reference to the impact of the modification on (a) pulmonary autograft dilatation, (b) the neo-aortic root geometry, (c) neo-aortic valve function and (d) the coronary artery reserve. Me

Oncological outcome after incidental perforation in radical rectal cancer surgery.

PURPOSE: Identification of risk factors of poor oncological outcome in rectal cancer surgery is of utmost importance. This study examines the impact of incidental perforation on the oncological outcome. METHODS: Using the Swedish Rectal Cancer Registry, patients were selected who received major abdominal surgery for rectal cancer between 1995 and 1997 with registered incidental perforation. A cont

Analysis of atrial fibrillatory rate during spontaneous episodes of atrial fibrillation in humans using implantable loop recorder electrocardiogram.

Atrial fibrillatory rate (AFR) can predict outcome of interventions for atrial fibrillation (AF); however, AFR behavior at AF onset in humans is poorly described. We studied AFR during spontaneous AF episodes in patients with lone paroxysmal AF who received implantable loop recorders and had AF episodes of 1 hour or more recorded (n=4). Mean AFR per minute was assessed from continuous implantable