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Wake analysis of aerodynamic components for the glide envelope of a jackdaw (Corvus monedula)
Gliding flight is a relatively inexpensive mode of flight used by many larger bird species, where potential energy is used to cover the cost of aerodynamic drag. Birds have great flexibility in their flight configuration, allowing them to control their flight speed and glide angle. However, relatively little is known about how this flexibility affects aerodynamic drag. We measured the wake of a ja
Mid-Holocene humid periods reconstructed from calcite varves of the Lake Woserin sediment record (north-eastern Germany)
Time-series of varve properties and geochemistry were established from varved sediments of Lake Woserin (north-eastern Germany) covering the recent period AD 2010–1923 and the mid-Holocene time-window 6400–4950 varve years before present (vyr BP) using microfacies analyses, x-ray fluorescence (µ-XRF) scanning, microscopic varve chronology, and 14C dating. The microscopic varve chronology was compa
“And how old are you?”: Age reference as an interpretative device in radio counselling
Aim of study: Negotiations about problem definitions are a crucial part of psychotherapeutic and counselling work. In a conversation with a psychotherapist or a counsellor, the client's initial description of his or her trouble is transformed into an expert-informed problem formulation. This study aims to explicate how reasoning about troubles and life difficulties in a dialogue with a psychothera
Kinetic and thermodynamic study of the interactions between human carbonic anhydrase variants and polystyrene nanoparticles of different size
The activity and adsorption of three variants of human carbonic anhydrase (HCA) with similar topology but variation in charge and stability were studied in the presence of carboxyl-modified polystyrene nanoparticles of different sizes ranging from 25 nm to 114 nm. The balance of forces driving the adsorption of carbonic anhydrase variants is affected by the physicochemical properties of the protei
Integrated Transceivers for Millimeter Wave and Cellular Communication
Abstract:This doctoral thesis is addresses two topics in integrated circuit design: multiband direct conversion cellular receivers for cellular frequencies and beam steering transmitters for millimeter wave communication for the cellular backhaul. The trend towards cellular terminals supporting ever more different frequency bands has resulted in complex radio frontends with a large number of RF in
Early onset of industrial-era warming across the oceans and continents
The evolution of industrial-era warming across the continents and oceans provides a context for future climate change and is important for determining climate sensitivity and the processes that control regional warming. Here we use post-ad 1500 palaeoclimate records to show that sustained industrial-era warming of the tropical oceans first developed during the mid-nineteenth century and was nearly
Exports and Externalities
This thesis, Exports and Externalities consists of three papers. The first chapter, Bridging Trade Barriers: Evaluating Models of Multi-Product Exporters, evaluates empirically the theoretical predictions of several models of multi-product exporters. For identification I use a quasi-natural experiment, the introduction of the Öresund bridge between southern Sweden and Denmark, to analyse the impac
Female mice lacking estrogen receptor-α in hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons display enhanced estrogenic response on cortical bone mass
Estrogens are important regulators of bone mass and their effects are mainly mediated via estrogen receptor(ER)α.CentralERα exertsaninhibitoryroleonbonemass.ERα ishighlyexpressedinthearcuate (ARC) and the ventromedial (VMN) nuclei in the hypothalamus. To test whether ERα in proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons, located in ARC, is involved in the regulation of bone mass, we used mice lacking ERα expr
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Biodiversity at multiple trophic levels is needed for ecosystem multifunctionality
Many experiments have shown that loss of biodiversity reduces the capacity of ecosystems to provide the multiple services on which humans depend. However, experiments necessarily simplify the complexity of natural ecosystems and will normally control for other important drivers of ecosystem functioning, such as the environment or land use. In addition, existing studies typically focus on the diver
Human TRPA1 is a heat sensor displaying intrinsic U-shaped thermosensitivity
Thermosensitive Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) channels are believed to respond to either cold or heat. In the case of TRP subtype A1 (TRPA1), there seems to be a species-dependent divergence in temperature sensation as non-mammalian TRPA1 is heat-sensitive whereas mammalian TRPA1 is sensitive to cold. It has been speculated but never experimentally proven that TRPA1 and other temperature-sens
Microsphere-based modeling of electro-active polymers
Elektroaktiva polymerers (EAPs) främsta egenskap är deras förmåga att kunna omvandla elektrisk energi till mekanisk energi (och vice versa). Den typ av EAPs som behandlas inom ramen för detta arbete kallas för dielektriska elastomerer och är en undergrupp av elektroniska elektroaktiva polymerer. De karakteriseras av en väldigt låg elastisk styvhet, kapabel till stora elastiska deformationer, och a
Hallandslistan i kung Valdemars jordebok : nya perspektiv på Hallands tidigmedeltida skattesystem
The cadastre of King Valdemar is one of the most investigated and debated written sources that survive from early medieval Denmark. In particular, the detailed list of revenue from Halland has attracted a lot of attention. Despite this, many unanswered questions still remain. This article attempts to address some of these queries.
Prognostic factors in breast cancer with focus on proliferation and non-linear effects
A grammar sketch of Kalamang with a focus on phonetics and phonology
Kalamang is Papuan language spoken by 150 people in the east of Indonesia. The language is threatened with extinction. This thesis treats mainly phonetics and phonology, but also gives an overview over parts of Kalamang grammar. Pronouns, demonstratives, nominal morphology and some basic syntax are discussed, among other things. The thesis also includes a word list with 700 Kalamang lexemes, and a
Evaluation of air-soil temperature relationships simulated by land surface models during winter across the permafrost region
A realistic simulation of snow cover and its thermal properties are important for accurate modelling of permafrost. We analyse simulated relationships between air and near-surface (20 cm) soil temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere permafrost region during winter, with a particular focus on snow insulation effects in nine land surface models, and compare them with observations from 268 Russian st
In search of the severity dimension of traffic events: Extended Delta-V as a traffic conflict indicator
Most existing traffic conflict indicators do not sufficiently take into account the severity of the injuries resulting from a collision had it occurred. Thus far, most of the indicators that have been developed express the severity of a traffic encounter as their proximity to a collision in terms of time or space.This paper presents the theoretical framework and the first implementation of Extende
The effect of baking and enzymatic treatment on the structural properties of wheat starch
In this study, bread was baked with and without the addition of α-amylase. Starch was extracted from the baked bread and its molecular properties were characterized using 1H NMR and asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) connected to multi-angle light scattering (MALS) and other detectors. The approach allows determination of molar mass, root- mean-square radius and apparent density as wel
Labor market consequences of childhood onset type 1 diabetes
This paper examines the effect of the onset of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) before 15 years of age on labor market outcomes and contributes to the literature on effects of childhood health on adult socioeconomic status. Using national Swedish socioeconomic register data 1991–2010 for 2485 individuals born 1972–1978 with onset of T1DM in 1977–1993, we find that T1DM in childhood has a negative e