

Din sökning på "*" gav 532273 sökträffar

Enhanced priming of old, not new soil carbon at elevated atmospheric CO2

Rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations accompanied by global warming and altered precipitation patterns calls for assessment of long-term effects of these global changes on carbon (C) dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems, as changes in net C exchange between soil and atmosphere will impact the atmospheric CO2 concentration profoundly. In many ecosystems, including the heath/grassland system studied h

Non-linearity in the impact of bankruptcy risk on leverage

The paper investigates the effect of bankruptcy risk on firms’ financing decisions. More specifically, we analyze if a higher probability of bankruptcy reduces incentives for debt financing due to an increase in expected bankruptcy cost. We argue that an increase in bankruptcy risk affects financial decisions only when the probability of bankruptcy is sufficiently high. We therefore model a nonlin

Colour reconnection - Models and tests

Recent progress on colour reconnection within the Pythia framework is presented. A new model is introduced, based on the SU(3) structure of QCD and a minimization of the potential string energy. The inclusion of the epsilon structure of SU(3) gives a new baryon production mechanism and makes it possible simultaneously to describe hyperon production at both e+e- and pp colliders. Finally, predictio

ATLAS LUCID detector upgrade for LHC Run 2

During the 2009-2013 data taking period (Run I) LUCID was successfully providing information about the luminosity delivered to ATLAS by the LHC. Starting from 2015 (Run II) the LHC machine is expected to provide about twice larger peak instantaneous luminosity and the bunch spacing in the machine is decreased by factor of two (from 50 ns to 25 ns). The original LU-CID design could not cope with th

Gå julaspög

In Skånska årsfester in 1973, I described a few Christmas pranks from the Scanian Recording Collections. The best covered research, "go Christmas ghost" remained untreated. The custom was known since at least the mid-18th century and appeared in most of Scania and a few parishes in Blekinge until the 1930s. Young people made themselves unrecognizable by girls being dressed in outmoded male clothin

Mervärdesskatt i teori och tillämpning

Mervärdesskatt är en indirekt skatt som ger stora intäkter till staten. Företag lägger också mycket tid och resurser på att hantera den. Reglerna om mervärdesskatt består huvudsakligen av genomförande av de EU-rättsliga direktiv som finns inom området. Just det stora inflytandet av EU-rätten gör mervärdesskatten speciell och komplex.Mervärdesskatt i teori och tillämpning ger en introduktion i ämne

Accuracy of borehole thermal resistance calculation methods for grouted single U-tube ground heat exchangers

The borehole thermal resistance – that is, the thermal resistance between the fluid in the U-tube and the borehole wall – is both a key performance characteristic of a closed-loop borehole ground heat exchanger and an important design parameter. Lower borehole thermal resistance leads to better system performance and/or lower total borehole length and possibly lower installation costs. Borehole th

The HIF-2alpha-Driven Pseudo-Hypoxic Phenotype in Tumor Aggressiveness, Differentiation, and Vascularization.

Cellular adaptation to diminished tissue oxygen tensions, hypoxia, is largely governed by the hypoxia inducible transcription factors, HIF-1 and HIF-2. Tumor hypoxia and high HIF protein levels are frequently associated with aggressive disease. In recent years, high tumor cell levels of HIF-2 and the oxygen sensitive subunit HIF-2alpha have been associated with unfavorable disease and shown to be

Stödtjänster för hantering av forskningsdata – möjligheter för forskningsbiblioteken

I denna artikel beskriver vi verksamheten inom hantering av forskningsdata på Avdelningen för Vetenskaplig kommunikation vid Universitetsbiblioteket i Lund sedan den startade 2014. Huvuddelen av våra projekt har hittills varit av karaktären utredningar och behovsanalyser på grund av att det saknas policyer eller riktlinjer för forskare såväl nationellt som på lärosätet. Däremot finns förväntningar

Mid-infrared laser-induced thermal grating spectroscopy in flames

For the first time, laser-induced thermal grating spectroscopy (LITGS) in the spectral range around 3. μm is demonstrated as a versatile diagnostic tool. This spectral region is of particular interest in combustion diagnostics as many relevant species such as hydrocarbons and water exhibit fundamental vibrational modes and hence can be probed with high sensitivity. Another benefit of the IR-LITGS

Rate-ratio asymptotic analysis of the influence of stoichiometric mixture fraction on structure and extinction of laminar, nonpremixed methane flames with comparison to experiments

Activation energy asymptotic analysis and rate-ratio asymptotic analysis of combustion in laminar, nonpremixed flames are often carried out using conserved scalar quantities as independent variables. One such representation of a conserved scalar quantity is the mixture fraction, ξ, based on thermal diffusivity. These analyses are carried out in the asymptotic limit of large Damköhler number, with

Wake and be fine? : The effect of sleep on emotional memory

The aim of this thesis was to examine the effect of sleep on emotional memories. The first two studies examined the role of sleep in the generalization of fear learning and the third study examined how sleep affected the forgetting of unwanted emotional memories.In study 1, participants first underwent fear conditioning with a small and a large circle as the CS+ and the CS-. Next, after either a n