

Din sökning på "*" gav 538779 sökträffar

Female Migrants in Search of Jobs: The Role of Social Capital in Labor Market Integration

The labor market integration of immigrants in general, and female migrants in particular, remains a central developmental objective for counteracting inequalities within societies across Europe. Previous studies put forth the concept of social capital, the resources linked to an individual's network of social connections, to explain immigrants’ diverging labor market trajectories. Policy-maker

Flo: Intuitive Music Device Design

FLO is designed and dedicated to creating intuitive music playing with tactile and sensory experience for advanced music producers as well as beginners, even with minimal skills. The inspiration is from the traditional Chinese instrument, the Guzheng. Thinking in a counterfactual way, as most of the synthesizers in the market present a western symbol as the piano keys, I investigated whether the

From Waste to Resource: Solid Waste Management in the districts of Sardinal and Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Solid waste management has become a large challenge worldwide as the generation of waste continues to increase. Deficient linear solid waste management practices have significant impacts on the environment, health and economy and there is a need for more sustainable systems and processes. Especially developing countries experience limitations on solid waste management. This study explores the dist

Virtual influencers come to the rescue? A quantitative study exploring consumer purchase intentions based on their perceived credibility of virtual influencers, with the mediating role of taste leadership

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the extent to which virtual influencers are perceived as credible sources of advertising and how their credibility attributes affect purchase intention among consumers. Specifically, this study aims to provide a deeper comprehension of this new influencer marketing phenomenon and to guide marketing managers in the understanding of cons

Academically skilled refugees’ experience of discrimination while integrating through the Danish and Swedish labor market

From empirical material collected through semi-structured interviews, this master’s thesis is conducting a critical discourse analysis, investigating to what extent discoursive structures entails discriminatory treatments of academically skilled refugees in the integration process of entering the Danish and Swedish labor market. Academically skilled refugees and relevant caseworkers from both Denm

The Use of Pesticides is “A Global Human Rights Concern”— Pesticide Application Affects the Occupational Safety and Health and the Access to A Healthy Environment of Agricultural Workers

In a working world faced with technological innovation, rampant viruses, environmental and climate change, and a volatile global political situation, agricultural workers face the continuing dual human rights dilemma of occupational health and safety and access to a healthy environment. More than a third of the world's working population is engaged in agriculture, which plays a vital role in d

Mapping of Material & Conversion Parameters of Packaging Production – Boardio®

Med en ökad efterfrågan på hållbara förpackningslösningar för den ständigt växande FMCG-marknaden, uppenbarar sig fiberbaserade system som ett svar på att fasa ut plast i förpackningar och minska vårt klimatavtryck. Att konstruera en förpackningslösning som till stor del består av kartong kommer med sina utmaningar, som att integrera funktioner i kartongen som polymerer tidigare bidragit till. Då With an increased demand for sustainable packaging solutions for the ever-growing FMCG market, fiber-based systems rise as an answer to phasing out plastics in packages and reducing the humanity’s climate footprint. However, constructing a packaging solution largely consisting of paperboard comes with its challenges, such as integrating functionalities in the anisotropic paperboard that formerly w

Distansarbetets påverkan på användarträning av Cloud ERP

År 2019 drabbades världen av covid-19, Sverige införde rekommendationer och riktlinjer som påverkade människors vardag. ERP ses som en stor implementation för organisationer där det krävs att slutanvändarna utbildas inom systemet. Trots att utbildning av ERP har en avgörande inverkan på implementationens utfall tenderar organisationer att underskatta utbildningskostnader, vilket får ERP-projekt at

Det gröna gapet

Studiens syfte var att undersöka det gröna gapet mellan konsumenternas attityd och beteende när det kommer till köp av kläder. Resultatet visade att ett gap förekommer mellan konsumenters attityd och beteende när det kommer till köp av mer hållbara klädesplagg. Med andra ord, attityden skiljer sig från deras faktiska köpbeteende. Dessutom undersöktes vilka faktorer som hindrar konsumenter från grö

Integrating and Communicating Sustainability Case Study: A global brand’s integration of sustainability in its corporate brand identity & external brand communication; a globalized & standardized vs. localized approach

This thesis has the purpose to research how a global brand integrates sustainability as part of its corporate brand identity and how the brand communicates sustainability to the local market, using a standardized or localized communication approach. The theoretical perspective is to incorporate the Corporate Brand Identity Matrix & Integration for sustainability — implementation model to analy

Environmental CSR impact on consumer purchase intention: A Cross-country Comparison

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this research is to find out which Environmental CSR concerns addressed by corporations impacts consumer purchase intention. This research also aims to examine whether the cultural dimension of collectivism/individualism has an impact on consumers' purchase intention toward CSR. Theoretical perspective: The theoretical perspective was based on the earliest theor

Improved User Experience for Industrial Machines

Detta examensarbete har skrivits i sammarbete med ett företag i södra Sverige. Målet har varit att utvärdera ett befintligt industridesign-förslag, undersöka vilka industraliserbara lösningar som finns tillgänglig på marknaden idag, och generera ett nytt designförslag som kan implementeras under en kortare tidsperiod. Målet med designförslaget har varit att ta fram en design som har en ny look-andThis master thesis has been written in collaboration with a large company in southern Sweden. The goal has been to evaluate a current industrial design proposal, look at the current technology available on the market, and then generate a new proposal that can be implemented in a short period of time. The goal with the design was to generate a design the has a new look-and-feel, while still fitting

Så tycker och känner jag om sociala medier - en kvalitativ studie om unga vuxnas relationer till sociala medier och känslorna som förknippas med olika plattformar

Studien kretsar kring unga vuxnas relationer till sociala medier ur deras eget perspektiv. Fokus fästs på vilka tankar och känslor som unga vuxna förknippar med särskilda digitala plattformar, såsom Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat och TikTok, i syfte att undersöka hur de själva tycker att de påverkas – antingen positivt eller negativt – av dessa sociala medier. Vidare innefattar studien utgångspunkt

Upplevd kvalitet i boendemiljöer: Hur byggnadsestetik, grönområden och sociabilitet predicerar anknytning till ett bostadsområde

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka vissa komponenter inom bostadsområden och hur dessa påverkar invånarnas nivå av anknytning till området de bor i. Hur individer uppfattar byggnadsestetik, grönområden och sociabilitet i sitt bostadsområde undersöktes genom användningen av en etablerad enkät, Perceived Residential Environment Quality-enkäten. Enkäten kompletterades med ett antal frågor rörandThis thesis aims to investigate certain components of neighborhoods and how they impact the residents’ level of attachment to the area in which they live. How individuals perceive building aesthetics, green areas and sociability in their neighborhood was examined using an established survey, namely the Perceived Residential Environment Quality survey. An additional set of questions covering neighb

Varför skiljer sig ungdomsbrottslighet i utsatta områden? - En kvantitativ studie om den socioekonomiska segregationens effekt på ungdomsbrottslighet i utsatta områden

Den socioekonomiska segregationen har fått konsekvenser för både individen och samhället i form av bristande integration och näringsliv, ökad otrygghet och ojämlika förutsättningar för individer att göra val som styr deras livskvalitet. Segregationens konsekvenser kan anses vara extra påtagliga i Sveriges utsatta områden. Tidigare forskning pekar på att ungdomar som begår brott kommer från ostabil

Let's get virtual: Sensemaking of employee engagement practices in a remote work environment

The purpose of this study is to understand how employees make sense of employee engagement activities in a remote work environment. Since the sudden shift to remote work represents a disruption of routine in the employees’ working life, we draw on Weick’s (1995) sensemaking theory to gain the best possible insight into the employees’ interpretation of remote engagement activities. Based on the tra

Adjusting to Impact: A study of research impact evaluation in Norway

Policymakers are increasingly demanding that their investments in research and knowledge production should yield returns. The interest of evaluating the societal impact of research has grown rapidly as research funders request evidence that their investments lead to public benefits. This thesis is a study of how the Research Council of Norway has operationalized such demands into new evaluation pr