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Secular Spirituality in Contemporary Sweden
In this paper I will examine the interspace where new religious systems and practices in contemporary Sweden meet the secularized society and give rise to a new, enchanted cosmos. I will discuss how this meeting has generated a science-like concept, the potential concept, which I would refer to as a common used notion within contemporary neo-spirituality, since there are similarities between the n
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Clean Water: Analysis and Purification
Because of their predetermined selectivity, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) have been extensively investigated to offer efficient separation of organic pollutants for water analysis and purification. In this review, we first describe the current development of water compatible MIPs, and the physical encapsulation and chemical immobilization of MIP particles for practical applications related
Factors Associated with Multiple Medication Use in Different Age Groups
BACKGROUND: Multiple medicine use among elderly persons is likely to be the result of treatment regimens developed over a long period of time. By learning more about how multiple medication use develops, the quality of prescribing may be improved across the adult lifespan. OBJECTIVE: To describe patterns of multiple medicine use in the general Swedish population and its association with sociodemog
Giant monopole resonances and nuclear incompressibilities studied for the zero-range and separable pairing interactions
Background: Following the 2007 precise measurements of monopole strengths in tin isotopes, there has been a continuous theoretical effort to obtain a precise description of the experimental results. Up to now, there is no satisfactory explanation of why the tin nuclei appear to be significantly softer than Pb-208. Purpose: We determine the influence of finite-range and separable pairing interactio
Recombination-Induced Autoionization Process in Rare-Gas Clusters
We investigate electron-ion recombination to excited states in atomic clusters exposed to intense NIR and XUV pulses, which leads to a yet undiscovered autoionization mechanism as a consequence of multiple recombination processes.
Perceived risks for slipping and falling at work during wintertime and criteria for a slip-resistant winter shoe among Swedish outdoor workers
The leading cause of work related accidents in Sweden is falls. Many slips and falls occur on icy and snowy surfaces, but there is limited knowledge about how to prevent accidents during outdoor work in winter conditions. The purpose of this study was to describe risk factors of slips and falls and criteria for slip-resistant winter shoes from a user perspective. The result is based on focus group
Den hälsofrämjande promenaden. Äldre människors promenerande som nytta, nöje och norm.
From a medical point of view, walking is an activity that is becoming more and more associated with health promotion. Especially older people are encouraged to take walks, since ageing is considered to increase the risk of ill-health.The aim of this article is to discuss how older people reason about health and walking, and their use of talking walks. The article shows that the interviewees are aw
Individual and collective responses to large carnivore management: the roles of trust, representation, knowledge spheres, communication and leadership.
Overseeing the continued recovery, dispersal and management of large carnivore populations while simultaneously considering human viability and welfare requires delicately balancing local concerns for rural communities’ livelihood prospects and property vulnerability with international concerns for saving threatened species. In this article, we propose an integrated analytical perspective to eluci
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy - Effects on Sternotomy Wounds and the Intrathoracic Organs
Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund En till fem procent av de patienter som genomgår öppen hjärtkirurgi får en efterföljande infektion i operationssåret och bröstbenet. Infektionen kan leda till allvarliga komplikationer såsom blodförgiftning, organsvikt och i värsta fall till att patienten avlider. De traditionella metoder som används för att behandla den här typen av infektion har visat sig haNegative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has been widely adopted for the treatment of deep sternal wound infections due to its excellent clinical outcome. However, the mechanisms of action and effects on hemodynamics have not been thoroughly elucidated. The aims of the work presented in this thesis were, therefore, to examine the effects of NPWT on sternotomy wounds and on the intrathoracic organs.
Modelling Contextualization in Theology
A high body mass index is associated with reduced risk of rheumatoid arthritis in men, but not in women.
To investigate the impact of overweight and obesity on the risk of RA.
An Approach to Analyze the Movements of the Arms while Walking using Wearable Wireless Devices
Abstract—Rhythmic movement of the arms while walking is an important feature of human gait. In this paper, we present an approach to analyze the movements of the arms while walking by using three wearable wireless devices placed around the torso. One of the devices is transmitter placed at the back and the other two are symmetrically placed receivers that record the power variation due to movement
Accenten i skånska sammansättningar : en granskning av Mathias Standbergs doktorsavhandling
Mathias Strandberg’s doctoral thesis De sammansatta ordens accentuering i Skåne- målen (‘Tonal Word Accent and Stress in Compound Words in Traditional Scanian Dialects’) deals with the prosodic system of the dialects of Skåne in southern Swe- den. These dialects have two prosodic features that diverge from the situation in Standard Swedish. Both the dialects and the standard language have two tona
Is it the boundaries or disorder that dominates electron transport in semiconductor `billiards'?
Semiconductor billiards are often considered as ideal systems for studying dynamical chaos in the quantum mechanical limit. In the traditional picture, once the electron's mean free path, as determined by the mobility, becomes larger than the device, disorder is negligible and electron trajectories are shaped by specular reflection from the billiard walls alone. Experimental insight into the elect
MicroRNAs in HER2-Amplified Breast Cancer
Popular Abstract in English Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Although survival rates are low compared to other cancers, more than 500,000 women worldwide die of breast cancer every year. It is however not a single disease but rather a collection of different diseases with similar appearance but distinct molecular mechanisms.Background: Breast cancer is the most common female malignancy and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Targeted therapy against the main biomarkers estrogen receptor alpha (ER) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2/ERBB2) have greatly improved mortality rates, but ab initio or acquired therapy resistance is common. It is imperative to identify patients who will benef
The Book Trade Expansion: Books and Publishers in Sweden, 1945–1970
The post-war years were a time of expansion in Swedish publishing. The economy was growing, people became better educated, the rise of a large middle-class meant new costumers, new publishing and sales strategies added to the increasing market, and overall there was higher sales, more titles published and more people reading. Despite the success story there has been hardly any research done on the
How to supply a frigate
Purpose - When deploying a frigate to the Gulf of Aden as a part of the Operation Atalanta, the Norwegian Defence outsourced logistics to a TPL provider. The purpose of this paper is to explore the cooperation between the Defence and the TPL provider during the operation. Design/methodology/approach - A qualitative design was chosen. Semi-structured interviews were combined with relevant secondary
Primary immunodeficiency in southern Sweden. Strategies for diagnosis and clinical management
Popular Abstract in Swedish Immunsystemet är ett invecklat och komplext system som finns överallt i kroppen och som inte är begränsat till ett enda organ. Vi utsätts hela tiden för ”angrepp” från mikro-organismer (t.ex. bakterier eller virus) men också för främmande ämnen som kan vara skadliga eller giftiga. Immunsystemets huvudfunktion är att hjälpa kroppen att känna igen dessa ”angripare” och atThe overall aim of this PhD project was to gain insight into the incidence of primary immunodeficiency (PID) in southern Sweden and to optimize diagnostic and treatment measures for these patients. We estimated the occurrence rate of PID in the pediatric population of southern Sweden during a period of 4 years and described the demographic, clinical and immunological characteristics of the identif