

Din sökning på "*" gav 533333 sökträffar

Experimental study of dowel design in the shear plate dowel joint

The shear plate dowel joint (SPDJ) is a novel connection design for use in heavy timber structures. Load transfer between timber members is enabled using a single large diameter dowel and externally glued steel plates. The steel plates are glued to the timber using bond lines of low stiffness and high fracture energy to achieve a uniform shear stress distribution, thus maximizing the load carrying

Social fields and natural systems : Integrating knowledge about society and nature

Sustainability science is a wide and integrative scientific field. It embraces both complementary and contradictory approaches and perspectives for dealing with newer sustainability challenges in the context of old and persistent social problems. In this article we suggest a combined approach called social fields and natural systems. It builds on field theory and systems thinking and can assist su

Associations between relevant cardiovascular pharmacotherapies and incident heart failure in patients with atrial fibrillation : A cohort study in primary care

Objective: To study association between relevant cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and incident congestive heart failure (CHF) in patients with atrial fibrillation treated in primary health care. Methods: Study population included all adults (n=7975) aged 45 years and older diagnosed with atrial fibrillation at 75 primary care centers in Sweden between 2001 and 2007. Outcome was defined as a first di

Att förstå Kinas nutida militära strategier

Bokanmälan av (1) Peter Mattis: Analyzing the Chinese Military. A Review Essay and Resource Guide on the People’s Liberation Army [2015] och (2) Joe McReynolds (red): China’s Evolving Military Strategy [2016]

Mechanical and structural characterization of cast iron using synchrotron light

The paper describes work done using synchrotron light to investigate the microstructure and how it behaves in 3D when a load is applied. Two different cast iron materials with different matrix structures and graphite morphologies were investigated; SiMo51, which is basically a spheroidal iron (SGI) alloyed with Si and Mo, and a lamellar graphite iron (LGI). The tensile test specimens were loaded i

Dislocation Generation from Grain Boundaries in Nanosized Cu-beams

As the dimensions of a structure are decreased towards the nanometer scale, the mechanical response to loading deviates from what is observed macroscopically. This is due to a change in material properties stemming from the relative increase in number of surface atoms as compared to bulk atoms. Surface atoms lack some of their neighboring atoms, leading to a reorganization of the electron clouds a

Biomass steam gasification in bubbling fluidized bed for higher-H 2 syngas : CFD simulation with coarse grain model

A comprehensive coarse grain model (CGM) is applied to simulation of biomass steam gasification in bubbling fluidized bed reactor. The CGM was evaluated by comparing the hydrodynamic behavior and heat transfer prediction with the results predicted using the discrete element method (DEM) and experimental data in a lab-scale fluidized bed furnace. CGM shows good performance and the computational ti

Combining ASTER multispectral imagery analysis and support vector machines for rapid and cost-effective post-fire assessment : A case study from the Greek wildland fires of 2007

Remote sensing is increasingly being used as a cost-effective and practical solution for the rapid evaluation of impacts from wildland fires. The present study investigates the use of the support vector machine (SVM) classification method with multispectral data from the Advanced Spectral Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) for obtaining a rapid and cost effective post-fire assessment in a

Musikalitet som förmåga till närvaro, struktur och flöde: Ett centralt begrepp i skådespelares lärande

Denna artikel undersöker vilken betydelse och potential som begreppet musikalitet kan ha för skådespelares lärprocesser. Studien riktar sig främst till lärare och forskare vid landets högre konstnärliga utbildningar. Betraktad som professionsforskning och som exempel på språkliga metaforers potential i konceptualiserings- och lärandeprocesser bör den emellertid kunna vara av intresse även för andr

Anaphoric reference to quantified expressions in Swedish

This paper presents the results from two studies on anaphoric reference to quantifying expressions (QEs) in Swedish, contributing to the current cross-linguistic discussion on this issue. For English it has been shown that the polarity of the QE (positive vs negative) determines the anaphoric set reference (to the referens set, REFSET, or to the complement set, COMPSET), while for Spanish it has b

Search for heavy charged long-lived particles in proton–proton collisions at s=13TeV using an ionisation measurement with the ATLAS detector

This Letter presents a search for heavy charged long-lived particles produced in proton–proton collisions at s=13TeV at the LHC using a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1fb−1 collected by the ATLAS experiment in 2015 and 2016. These particles are expected to travel with a velocity significantly below the speed of light, and therefore have a specific ionisation higher tha

The complexity of mudstone diagenesis–some insight from the Tøyen Shale, Lower to Middle Ordovician, southern Sweden

The Lower to Middle Ordovician Tøyen Shale in southern Sweden, a biostratigraphically well-dated siliciclastic mudstone unit, shows 18 distinct authigenic cements that include sulfides, carbonates, silicates, clays, and phosphates. Marcasite, sphalerite, galena, and six texturally distinct types of pyrite characterize the sulfides whereas only one type of dolomite and three different generations o