

Din sökning på "*" gav 535516 sökträffar

Manlig Prostitution - Ett tabubelagt fenomen

A research of prostitution in Sweden shows that it is more common with male prostitution than it is with female prostitution. Despite the fact that it is more common with male prostitution, there are more female prostitutes that meet social workers. Our purpose with this study was to examine why some men choose to prostitute. How does he get in contact with his customer and where do they meet. Our

Att vara adopterad - En studie om adopterades syn på adoption ur ett utvecklingsperspektiv

The aim of this study was to examine the experiences of adopted adults concerning their childhood, the search for origin and opinions on adoption and what influence these aspects have had on their lives. The method used was semi-structured interviews and the people interviewed were all adopted adults. To analyse our results we used John Bowlby´s “attachment theory”. During our interviews another a

Fia med knuff - Socialsekreterares upplevelser av sin makt i arbetet med tvångsomhändertagande av ungdomar

The power of social services, involving there line of work with care for young persons with problems, is often discussed in negative terms by the general public and has gotten a great deal of attention, therefore we got interested of the social workers side of the story. The purpose of this study is to highlight social workers experiences of their power in their work with care for young persons wi

The Complexity of Class - A Study of Ideology and the Power of Literature in Ian McEwan's Narrative

Ian McEwan's novels Atonement and Saturday open up for discussion of class. Present-day society gives people access to art and literature to a greater extent than before, which evens out the divisions of knowledge over class boundaries. McEwan seems to suggest that literature can pave the way for overcoming class differences through sympathy and identification. This essay aims to examine what

Introduktion för lyckad integration. En studie om Lunds kommuns introduktionsprograms betydelse för integrationsprocessen

Authors: Hanna Eklund & Jasmina Pajić Title: Introduction as a tool for successful integration. A study of how the introduction-programme of Lund municipality plays a role in the process of integration. [translated title] Supervisor: Kristina Göransson Assessor: Anders Östnäs The main purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the significance of the introduction program in an individu

Sociala rörelsers medieframställning- En studie av European Social Forums gestaltning i den mediala offentligheten

Studien tar avstamp i det komplexa och invecklade förhållandet mellan sociala rörelser och medier. Medan medierna är en del av det etablerade samhället är de sociala rörelserna politiska aktörer som önskar utrymme i medierna för att deklarera politiska strategier och på så vis nå fram till mottagarna och senare bilda opinion. Mer detaljerat fokuserar studien på den mediala framställningen av Euro

Lättskum som skydd av egendom vid brand i byggnad

This report tries to introduce a new way to use high expansion foam in case of a fire, namely as a protection for property. The use of high expansion foam as a tool to extinguish a fire in a building is widely known in Sweden. But the tool is not the first action taken by the fire service and the knowledge of how to use high expansion foam is not very high. Information on how Swedish rescue serv

Vilka ekonomiska strategier gör ett europeiskt lågprisflygbolag framgångsrikt?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att genom att titta på olika modeller för oligopol undersöka vilka strategier Europas lågprisflygbolag använder sig av för att konkurrera med andra flygbolag. Spelteoretiska modeller används för att utreda hur lågprisflygbolagen konkurrerar med olika strategier på en oligopolmarknad. Detta underbyggs empiriskt genom en multipel regressionsmodell som testar vilka av dive

Highway to ... Paradise - Undersökning av elgitarristernas syn på elgitarrsoundet

When I began to study at the Academy of Music in Malmö, I found myself in a playing situation where I could not bring my full amplifier rig but just my electric guitar to ensemble lessons. Since I was familiar with my sound, I found difficulties to play on other amplifiers. So I began to research and learn on electric guitar and amplifier's world all over again. Many times I felt the frustrati

Avgörande Beslutsfaktorer vid Outsourcing av ERP system

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) är en komplex samling applikationer vars syfte är att tillhandahålla ett integrerat verktyg för att modellera samt vidareutveckla ett företags organisatoriska processer relevanta för organisationens valda strategiska mål. Allt fler företag outsourcar sitt ERP system i syfte att vinna konkurrensfördelar. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa de faktorer som spela

Roller i utvecklingsprojekt - Rollers betydelse för systemutvecklingsprojekt

Efterhand som informationssystem av olika slag blivit allt mer komplexa har mer specialiserade kunskaper blivit allt viktigare inom systemutvecklingsområdet. Det har blivit omöjligt för en ensam systemutvecklare att tillfullo bemästra alla områden och arbetsmoment. En följd av detta är indelningen i olika roller med tillhörande ansvarsområden. Uppsatsen syftar till att utöka kunskapen angående för

Kan man infria vallöften utan att sitta i regeringen

This study attempts to answer the question as to what extent a political party that sustains a minority government in office, without forming a coalition government, can fulfil its electoral pledges. The study focuses on two minor Swedish parties, namely Vänsterpartiet (the Left party) and Miljöpartiet (Green Party) during the term of 1998-2002 when these parties supported and sustained the Social


Who influences our notion of the European Union? This paper examines the Swedish discourse of the European Union. The study shows how the Swedish parties in the Riksdag (Parliament) build up the picture of the European Union, including and excluding aspects and issues after their interests. The discursive theory of Laclau and Mouffe is used in order to conceptualize and analyze the discursive con

De Väpnade Styrkorna - Retorik och praktik under Putins presidentstyre

The state of the Russian Armed Forces during the 1990’s was so critical that experts warned for a collapse. This thesis examines the relationship between rhetoric and measures taken concerning the capacity of the Armed Forces during Putin’s presidency. Studying the Russian Armed Forces is of interest since they influence and affect both the regional and global order. The theoretical foundation of

The Irish Globalization Game: Strategegies and Impact

This thesis discusses Ireland’s rapid economic growth in the 1990s, in order to place in in the context of contemporary globalization debate. A great deal of the growth has been cited to stem from the state’s encouragement of globalization, in terms of increasing exposure to global markets. I investigate the interactions between the state and market, in order to determine of the economic growth wa