

Din sökning på "*" gav 529685 sökträffar

A Framework for Nonlinear Model-Predictive Control Using Object-Oriented Modeling with a Case Study in Power Plant Start-Up

In this paper, nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) is applied to the start-up of a combined-cycle power plant. An object-oriented first-principle model library expressed in the high-level language Modelica has been written for the plant and used to set up the simulation and optimization models. The NMPC optimization problems are both encoded, using a high-level notation, and solved in the op

A Theory of Architectural Objects to support Design Configuration

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna doktorsavhandling presenterar resultaten från ett forskningsprojekt inriktat mot arkitektonisk utformning i det industriella byggandet. Arbetet har inledningsvis fram till licentiat bedrivits inom ramen för ett nationellt forskningsprogram inriktat mot industriellt träbyggande, Lean Wood Engineering. Ansatsen i detta forskningsarbete har emellertid varit att förutThe thesis presents the results from a research project targeting architectural design and house-building in a setting of industrialized design process and product platforms. During the early stages of a traditional design process, architects manage a degree of problem complexity, besides technical aspects, also includes user function, material, environment, aesthetics etc. As a result of the des

Effects of the EU Sugar Reform on Developing Countries

The European Union’s sugar policy is one of the most distorting policies within the common agricultural policy. It includes import control, production quota, and export refunds to support producer price within the EU at levels high above international prices. The main beneficiaries of the support system are the EU sugar industries and EU beet growers, but they are not the only producers benefiting

Religious Minorities in Scandinavia

Detta bidrag vid en internationell konferens i Heidelberg 2001 utgår från Sverigeräkningen 1999 och ställer frågan vad en religiös minoritet är, relaterat till den "passiva" majoriteten och de "aktiva" minoriteterna. Den skandinaviska miljöns väg från begränsad tolerans till religiös pluralism leder till ett avsnitt om civilreligion och religiösa minoriteter. Därefter behandlas den svenska riksdag

Människonära design

Det mesta i den här boken tar sin utgångspunkt i människor med funktionsnedsättningar. Situationer med stora svårigheter behöver en stark prioritering, både för sin egen del och för att det särskilda förr eller senare brukar komma det gemensamma till godo. Boken har två delar. Den första består av tio minst sagt spretiga kapitel som alla visar på att hur svår en situation än är, finns det alltid n

Ethyl(hydroxyethyl)cellulose and Some Model Uncharged Polymers: A Calorimetric Study of Their Interaction with Surfactants in Aqueous Solution

The interactions between uncharged polymers, e.g. ethyl(hydroxylethyl)cellulose (EHEC) and some model polymers, and ionic surfactants in aqueous solution has been studied by using isothermal titration and differential scanning calorimetry. We found that titration calorimetry could give quite detailed information about polymer - surfactant interactions. Values for the critical aggregation concentra

Specific Precipitation of Biomolecules Using Synthetic Polymers

Purification is a very important stage in biotechnological processes. The traditionally used precipitation techniques are generally nonspecific and thus one or more chromatographic steps are normally required. There is thus a need for new approaches to improve existing techniques. New, more specific precipitation techniques have been introduced by the use of stimuli-responsive polymers. These poly

Colour Reconnection and Weak Showers

Popular Abstract in Danish Ved CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) accelerer man protoner og bly-ioner op til næsten lysets hastighed, for derefter at kollidere dem med hinanden. Målet med dette er at forstå, hvordan de mindste ting i universet er bygget op, og hvordan de interagerer. Alle tidligere eksperimentelle data er kombineret til en enkelt teori, kendt som StandardModellen This thesis consider the improvement of the simulation tools used to describe high energy particle collisions. These simulation programs are normally referred to as event generators. The emphasis is on two specific parts of the event generation: the introduction of radiation of weak bosons associated with the collision and a new model for colour reconnection. Each collision contains significant