Din sökning på "*" gav 532053 sökträffar
Multinationella företags organisation. Ett nyinstitutionellt ekonomiskt perspektiv på samordning.
During the 1980s and the 1990s several researchers have described new organisational features and a new organisational form in multinational enterprises, linked to a variety of theoretical approaches. Can the new organisational features be analysed from a consistent theoretical basis, and can, hereby, a new organisational form be distinguished from earlier forms? The purpose of this dissertation i
Small rodent population synchrony in western Sweden. Effects of landscape structure.
Small rodents were captured in two regions in western Sweden. One represents an agricultural landscape were captures were made in 19 small habitat islands and in two small forests. The other represents a forest region were captures were made in four sites in a continuous forest. The captures were made for seven years. There were no clear indications of cyclicity. Within both regions, wood mice cap
Food hoarding: Memory and social conditions - an evolutionary approach
Popular Abstract in Swedish Spridningshamstring är en form av matlagring som används av många djur för att t.ex. överleva en lång svår vinter då det finns mycket lite mat i naturen. I Sverige är talltitan en av de i särklass främsta spridningshamstrarna och den brukar lagra tiotusentals frön inför varje vinter. Ett flertal andra mesfåglar, nötskrikor och nötkråkor har samma vanor. Det som skiljer Food hoarding is a widespread behavior among a large number of animals, and it exists in several different varieties, all of them used by the animals as a method of having a steady supply of food during periods of low food abundance such as the winter. This thesis concentrates mainly on two aspects of scatter food hoarding behavior, using small birds as study and model animals. Scatter hoarding is
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Fish foraging under visual constraints
Popular Abstract in Swedish De optiska egenskaperna i våra sjöar och vattendrag förändras kontinuerligt. Näringsrika sjöar blir grumliga genom algblomningar och erosion gör vattnet grumligt av lerpartiklar. De senaste årtiondena vattnet också blivit brunare genom att mer humusämnen läcker från omkringliggande mark. Både grumligt och humöst brunt vatten försämrar fiskens siktförhållande, men det skVisual conditions are changing in several different ways. Some lakes are getting turbid due to eutrophication or erosion while others are getting browner due to brownification. These two types of visual degradation results in completely different optical properties of lakes. Turbid water scatter light which degrades image quality severely while brown coloured humic water mainly absorb light making
Liberal theology and anti-Catholicism in Sweden
Anti-Catholicism is a phenomenon as old as the Protestant church, and tales of scheming popes and treacherous Jesuits have historically formed an important part of Scandinavian culture. But whereas topics such as anti-Semitism in recent years have had increased attention from scholars, the Scandinavian history of anti-Catholicism has been notable for its continued neglect. True, there are several
Participation, päverkan och partsrelationer: Storbritannien i Omvandling
Development of the Swedish press and journalism since the thirty years war until today
Hannah Arendt och utbildningsfilosofin
Staden som upplevelserum
Under perioden mellan 1955 och 1995 präglades det svenska stadsbyggandet av rationalitet och funktionsuppdelning. En bieffekt blev att staden som upplevelselandskap utarmades. I många snabbt växande svenska städer kom de "riktiga stadskvarteren" att ligga som små öar omgärdade av ett allt större modernt bebyggelselandskap. Mängder av verksamheter, invånare och besökare fortsätter dock att föredra
Drug-induced contractions in isolated human groin lymphatics.
Vision forming and brain storming. Different aspects of creativity captured by a percept-genetic measurement and traditional measurements of creativity
The relationship between a percept-genetic measurement of creativity and other tests of creativity was investigated. The participants were elementary school children. The relation between self-image and three different creativity measures was also studied. A creative fluency test, a questionnaire about creative activities and a percept-genetic creativity test were used. A self-image inventory meas
A computational model of emotional learning in the amygdala.
Jet Production and Parton Dynamics in Deep Inelastic Scattering
Popular Abstract in Swedish All materia i vår värld består av protoner, neutroner och elektroner. För att förstå hur materian byggs upp av dessa partiklar behöver vi även förstå hur nukleonerna (protonerna och neutronerna) samt elektronerna (som vi i dagsläget anser vara grundläggande, "elementära") är uppbyggda, samt hur dess beståndsdelar (i fallet med nukleonerna) växelverkar med varandra. HERAHard QCD processes have been studied by measuring the di-jet event rate for deep inelastic scattering in the kinematic range 5 < Q2 < 100 GeV2 and 10-4 < x < 10-2. The jets we re reconstructed using the cone algorithm in the hadronic center-of-mass frame in which the transverse momentum of the jets were required to be greater than 5 GeV. The result of the investigation is that using Leading Order
Svensk-tyska relationer kring sekelskiftet 1900. Politik och ekonomi vid tillkomsten av 1906 års svensk-tyska handels- och sjöfartstraktat
Undersökningen behandlar relationerna mellan Sverige och Tyskland från 1890-talet och fram till första världskriget med fokus på tillkomsten av 1906 års svensk-tyska handelstraktat. De handelspolitiska förbindelserna sätts här i relation till den inrikes- och säkerhetspolitiska situationen i respektive land och ses mot bakgrund av de maktpolitiska förhållandena och den handelspolitiska utvecklinge
Water Use and Rights (Middle East and North Africa)
Measurements of branching fractions and hyperfine structure constants in singly ionized niobium (Nb II)
The extensive analysis of Nb II by Ryabtsev et al. (2000) has made it possible for us to measure branching fractions (BFs) in Nb II. The BFs have been measured from spectral line intensities, recorded with the Lund UV Fourier transform spectrometer in the wavelength region 2500 to 5000