

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Thaumasite sulphate attack on self-compacting concrete with limestone filler

The paper deals with durability of Self-Compacting Concrete with limestone filler during Thaumasite Sulphate Attack. For this purpose six concrete with varying amounts of limestone filler, particle size of limestone filler, pressure height during casting and mixing order were studied. One normal concrete (without limestone filler) with vibrator compaction was studied in parallel. In the ongoing ex

Nanoimprint Lithography Based Nanoelectromechanical Device Fabrication

This thesis presents studies concerning the development of nanoimprint lithography technology, nanoimprint lithography-based nanofabrication, as well as the production of NEMS devices and their characterization. It can be divided into the following parts: The first part introduces different NIL stamp fabricating methods and processes. The top-down fabricating methods, such as E-beam lithography an

Separation of Biomass Components by Membrane Filtration - Process Development for Hemicellulose Recovery

Popular Abstract in Swedish De flesta produkter som vi dagligen använder tillverkas genom att utnyttja fossila råvaror som olja, kol och naturgas. Ett stort problem är att dessa råvaror bara finns i begränsade mängder i naturen, vilket medför att de förr eller senare tar slut. Dessutom medför förbränning av fossila råvaror att det bildas miljöskadande gaser (t.ex. koldioxid) som ansamlas i atmosfäOne of the major challenges facing the world today is the reduction of our dependency on fossil resources as their exploitation has severe negative effects on the environment. One way of realizing this is to utilise the components of lignocellulosic biomass to a greater extent as feedstock for various industrial products. However, such utilisation requires the extraction of the biopolymers from th

Heat and mass balances of an intercooler in PEM Fuel Cell systems

In this paper, heat and mass balances of the intercooler in a 100 kW Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) system are analyzed by employing a commercial software IPSEpro. The compressor, ambient temperature, the humidification method and the PEMFCs cathode operating temperature were considered as the parameters influencing the heat and mass balances in the intercooler. Parametric studies of t

New Technology-Based Firms in Science Parks - A Study of Resources and Absorptive Capacity

Popular Abstract in Swedish I forskningsparker (Science Parks) finns ett antal resurser tillgängliga för de teknologibaserade företag (NTBF) som valt att lokalisera sig i dessa parker. Om företagen använder dessa resurser kan de också lättare bygga upp den resursbas som företag behöver för att kunna utvecklas och växa. I avhandlingen har tre kategorier av forskningsparksresurser identifierats: UniIn this thesis a strategy perspective (the resource-based view) is applied to the New Technology-Based Firms (NTBFs) in Science Parks, arguing that the Science Park provides the firms with a set of resources that if used could help them build their resource base and thus develop and grow. Three categories of resources are identified in the Science Park; University related resources, Science Park f

Analysis of melanins

Mammalian melanins are of two major types, eumelanins and peheomelanins, which often occur together, then called mixed-type melanins. A method has been developed for analysing the various forms of melanins. Melanin characterisation included their oxidation in permanganate under alkaline conditions, and analysis of the resulting degradation products, pyrrole-2,3,5-tricarboxylic acid (PTCA), pyrrole

Ordet: Bli skickliga växlare

A popular agraphon circulated among the first generations of Christians which encouraged them to “become expert money changers.” Intended for a wide audience, this introduction to homiletics suggests that the saying today can be understood as an exhortation to convey the biblical message in modern times so that people today understand its value. The book is written not only for those who regularly