Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar
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Dealing with Economic Stress Through Migration: Lessons from Nineteenth Century Rural Sweden
Crystal Structure of dUTPase from Equine Infectious Anaemia Virus; Active Site Metal Binding in a Substrate Analogue Complex
The X-ray structures of dUTPase from equine infectious anaemia virus (EIAV) in unliganded and complexed forms have been determined to 1.9 and 2.0 A resolution, respectively. The structures were solved by molecular replacement using Escherichia coli dUTPase as search model. The exploitation of a relatively novel refinement approach for the initial model, combining maximum likelihood refinement with
A numerical and experimental study of initial defibration of wood
A major drawback of the defibration or refining process in manufacturing pulp is that of its large energy requirements. If the mechanics of the process were better understood, large amounts of energy could probably be saved. The initial defibration seems to be crucial for both the quality of the pulp and the total consumption of energy. Numerical simulations by means of the finite element method r
Gas chromatographic determination of D-arabinitol/L-arabinitol ratios in urine: a potential method for diagnosis of disseminated candidiasis
A gas chromatographic procedure was developed to determine the relative amounts of D- and L-arabinitol in urine. Samples were filtered, diluted, purified through extractions, evaporated, and treated with trifluoroacetic anhydride; the arabinitol derivatives thus obtained were separated on a chiral stationary phase and registered by using an electron-capture detector. Urine samples from a patient w
Traditionen och det moderna tillståndet: Om att återerövra platsen
A descriptive study of Swedish women with symptoms of breast inflammation during lactation and their perceptions of the quality of care given at a breastfeeding clinic.
Graft polymerization of vinyl monomers inside macroporous polyacrylamide gel, cryogel, in aqueous and aqueous-organic media initiated by diperiodatocuprate(III) complexes
Graft polymerization initiated by diperiodatocuprate(III) complex (Cu(III)) initiator was found to be an effective and convenient method for graft polymerization of vinyl monomers onto macroporous polyacrylamide gels, the so-called cryogels (pAAm-cryogels). The effect of time, temperature, monomer and initiator concentration during the graft polymerization in aqueous and aqueous-organic media was
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On the work of Marijke van Warmerdam.
CT and MR imaging of the liver using liver-specific contrast media. A comparative study in a tumour model
PURPOSE: A new type of liposomal liver-specific contrast medium (CM) in CT was studied, and the results were compared with those obtained with Mn-DPDP, a paramagnetic hepatobiliary CM, in MR imaging. The contrasts of normal liver tissue to tumorous tissue and the importance of the CM for tumour detection in the 2 modalities were studied in a rabbit tumour model. CT and T1-weighted pre- and postcon
Balancing the activation state of the endothelium via two distinct TGF-beta type I receptors
The generation of mice lacking specific components of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) signal tranduction pathway shows that TGF-beta is a key player in the development and physiology of the cardiovascular system. Both pro- and anti-angiogenic properties have been ascribed to TGF-beta, for which the molecular mechanisms are unclear. Here we report that TGF-beta can activate two disti
(Recension av) Markus Tiedemann, Förintelsen och förnekarna – lögner kring Förintelsen och hur du bemöter dem
Recension av Markus Tiedemann; Förintelsen och förnekarna – lögner kring Förintelsen och hur du bemöter dem.
Electrochromic devices operating with electrolytes based on boronate ester compounds and various alkali metal salts
Various polymer electrolytes based on boronate esters and different lithium and sodium salts have been evaluated in electrochromic (EC) devices based on WO3 films. The results showed that the ionic conductivity of the electrolytes was not the most important parameter for the colouration performance of these devices. The use of solid electrolytes containing LiClO4 resulted in a higher colouration p
Signal transduction and calcium sensitivity of smooth muscle contraction
Popular Abstract in Swedish Glatt muskulatur ingår i flera fysiologiskt viktiga organsystem och är involverade i flera sjukdomsprocesser. Glatt muskelkontraktion regleras av variationer i intracellulärt calcium; höjda nivåer aktiverar kinaset MLCK som fosforylerar myosin och initierar kontraktion. Myosin fosfatas (MLCP) avfosforylerar myosin vilket leder till relaxation. Flera intracellulära signaSmooth muscles are components of several physiologically important organs and often involved in disease. Smooth muscle contraction is regulated by variations in intracellular [Ca2+]; increased levels activate the myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) which phosphorylates myosin and initiates contraction. Myosin phosphatase (MLCP) dephosphorylates myosin and promotes relaxation. Several cellular signali
Nanomagnetic and Micromagnetic Properties of Rocks Minerals and Sulphide Oxidation Products
Magnetic and related properties of rocks and products from oxidation of sulphide minerals have been investigated with magnetisation measurements (rocks and oxidation products), magnetic force microscopy (rocks), scanning electron microscopy (rocks and oxidation products), transmission electron microscopy (oxidation products), Mössbauer spectroscopy (oxidation products) and powder X-ray diffraction
Linné i en balkonglåda. Om 1700-tal och historicitet i Magnus Florins "Trädgården" (1995)
Imaging in gynecological disease
Analys av skolor med fläktförstärkt självdrag
Young women and urbanization - trying to cope in crowded cities
The article pins down problems of urbanization, poverty, and youth at risk, focusing on the situation of young women in African slums.