

Din sökning på "*" gav 530573 sökträffar

Influence of experimental errors on the determination of flux control coefficients from transient metabolic concentrations

The influence of experimental errors on the determination of flux control coefficients from transient metabolite concentrations with the method proposed by Delgado and Liao [(1992) Biochem. J. 282, 919-927] has been investigated by using Monte Carlo simulations. The method requires least-squares fitting of the transient metabolite concentrations. Three different fitting methods have been evaluated

Towards the european strategy for particle physics: The briefing book

This document was prepared as part of the briefing material for the Workshop of the CERN Council Strategy Group, held in DESY Zeuthen from 2nd to 6th May 2006. It gives an overview of the physics issues and of the technological challenges that will shape the future of the field, and incorporates material presented and discussed during the Symposium on the European Strategy for Particle Physics, he

Processing of wheat bran to sugar solution

In accordance to better exploitation of raw material for bioethanol production we try to find the method for saccharification of problematic cover part of grain, so called bran. The bran consists of three main components: residual starch, hemicellulose and cellulose. Whereas hydrolysis of starch is easy and well solved, there are questions how to optimise hydrolysis of all polysaccharides together

ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker test-beam results

Several prototypes of the Transition Radiation Tracker for the ATLAS experiment at the LHC have been built and tested at the CERN SPS accelerator. Results from detailed studies of the straw-tube hit registration efficiency and drift-time measurements and of the pion and electron spectra without and with radiators are presented.

Entrepreneurial studies: The dynamic research front of a developing social science

Entrepreneurship research has been built upon a historical foundation grounded in economic change. To understand the development of the field, it is useful to understand the motivations and interests of key scholars and to trace the linkages between these scholars and other authors, from the transient to the contributor. This has been done through a bibliometric analysis of research articles cited

Utbildning av handledare fördjupar undervisningen i samtalsmetodik. Bättre effekt om lärarna fått samma utbildning som de studerande

Läkarstuderande bör få upplevelsebaserad utbildning i samtalsmetodik, och deras handledare bör utbildas på samma sätt. Utbildningen bör, för att få långsiktig effekt, integreras med klinisk praktik och betona problemdefinierande färdigheter. Kurser i konsultationsmetodik anordnades för att dels utveckla läkarnas egna konsultationer, dels utveckla en feedbackmodell att använda i handledning av läka

The Wilms' tumor gene 1 (WT1) and leukemia -new insights and further complexity

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hematopoes är den process under vilken alla röda och vita blodceller i kroppen bildas. Denna process sker kontinuerligt i benmärgen och förser kroppen med blodceller under hela livet. I benmärgen finns en viss typ av omogna celler sk stamceller som alla olika typer av blodceller bildas ifrån. Genom att stamceller gradvis mognar så bildas mogna blodceller som transporterThe Wilms tumor gene 1 (WT1) encodes a zinc-finger containing transcription factor which is highly expressed in immature hematopoietic progenitor cells. A high expression of WT1 and the presence of somatic mutations in acute leukemia indicate a role for WT1 in the pathogenesis of leukemia. The ojective of this thesis was to investigate the role of WT1 during human hematopoiesis and leukemia. To ga

Effect of headgroup on DNA - Cationic surfactant interactions

The interaction behavior of DNA with different types of hydroxylated cationic surfactants has been studied. Attention was directed to how the introduction of hydroxyl substituents at the headgroup of the cationic surfactants affects the compaction of DNA. The DNA-cationic surfactant interaction was investigated at different charge ratios by several methods like UV melting, ethidium bromide exclusi

Germinal Centers Regulate Human Th2 Development1

In the present study we demonstrate that all CD4+ T cells in human tonsil expressing the Th2-selective receptor chemoattractant receptor-homologous molecule expressed on Th2 cells (CRTH2) also 1) express high levels of CXCR5, and 2) display a transitional CD45RA/RO phenotype and consistently do not produce significant amounts of cytokines when immediately analyzed ex vivo. Hence, they represent pr

A homozygous nonsense mutation (428G -> A) in the human secretor (FUT2) gene provides resistance to symptomatic norovirus (GGII) infections

Noroviruses (formerly Norwalk-like viruses) are a major cause of acute gastroenteritis worldwide and are associated with a significant number of nosocomial and food-borne outbreaks. In this study we show that the human secretor FUT2 gene, which codes for an alpha(1,2)-fucosyltransferase synthesizing the H-type 1 antigen in saliva and mucosa, is associated with susceptibility to norovirus infection

On error exponents for woven convolutional codes with one tailbiting component code

An error exponent for woven convolutional codes (WCC) with one tailbiting component code is derived. This error exponent is compared with that of the original WCC. It is shown that for WCC with outer warp, a better error exponent is obtained if the inner code is terminated with the tailbiting method. Furthermore, it is shown that the decoding error probability decreases exponentially with the squa