Kan motivation köpas för pengar?
En undersökning vars syfte är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning befordran snarare än ökad lön föredras av individer inom den privata sektorn av svenskt näringsliv beroende på deras kön, ålder och tid på företaget.
En undersökning vars syfte är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning befordran snarare än ökad lön föredras av individer inom den privata sektorn av svenskt näringsliv beroende på deras kön, ålder och tid på företaget.
Inom läkemedelssektorn, originalföretagen som investerar stora summor pengar i forskning och utveckling av nya läkemedel vanligtvis söker patent för flera skyddsområden. De försöker utnyttja det monopol ett patent ger för att skydda sina egna originalläkemedel mot generiska läkemedels marknadsinträde och utebliven vinst som det för med sig. Generiska företag för att kunna lansera sina generiska prIn the pharmaceutical sector, originator companies that invest large sum of money in R&D of new medicines usually file patent applications for several areas of protection. They try to take advantage of a monopoly that a patent grants to protect their medicines against generic entry on the market and consequently the loss of profits. Generic companies in order to be able to launch their generic
Sambolagens tillkomst och förändringar är en produkt av ett samhälle i förändring och man kan tydligt se lagstiftarnas ambition att följa denna förändring. 100 år tillbaka i tiden skulle det vara otänkbart med den könsneutrala lagstiftning i sambolagen som finns idag. Äktenskapet var en självklarhet och stod utan konkurrens och sexuellt umgänge mellan samkönade var ett brott. Idag finns i stället Common-law husband genesis and changes are the product of a changing society and one can clearly see the legislators aim to follow this change. 100 years back in time, it would be unthinkable with the gender-neutral legislation in the common-law husband that exists today. The marriage was a matter of course and stood without competition and sex between same genders was a crime. Today there is this
This study investigates if and how equity-based crowdfunding can benefit a start-up’s corporate brand building process. Building the corporate brand can play a significant role for the company’s establishment in the market. Although equity-based crowdfunding has grown exponentially in the Nordics, it has not been covered enough in corporate brand building literature. The scope of this research was
Through the present paper we shall take a close look at the framework of cartels and create a debate to determine if indeed the same promote and increase competition, or on the contrary cartels could be seen as a direct assault to the principles of competition and therefore recognized as one of the most harmful anticompetitive conducts.
Even though standards have beneficial effects in the network-dependent information and communication technologies industry, they also bring along competition law concerns, especially since they are based on patent-protected technologies. In those circumstances, owners of standard essential patents (“SEPs”) in fact control access to the market. Competition authorities have thus turned their attenti
Problem definition: The increasingly informed customer will lead to an even greater demand for expertise and knowledge of marketers. Firms need to find new ways to utilize the informed customer as a co-creator of value by more proficiently analyzing behavior, both online and offline. An uncertainty lies in to which extent the operational standards of KIBS firms translate to their marketing and sal
Background The business environment is constantly changing, and the way companies do business is continuously changing, which is highly apparent in the automotive industry. Adaption is a fact for firms who want to stay in the game, but what will give a company a competitive advantage in this mess of constant changes? The above-mentioned are pointing towards a new era; the age of the customer. In t
In most manufacturing companies, it is necessary to carry inventory to a greater or lesser extent in order to disconnect the activities in the supply chain that are not conducted at the same pace. This way, a smoother flow through the chain, from raw material extraction to arrival at the final customer of a finished product, is facilitated. However, different parts of a company often have conflict
Problem definition The distance between customers and retail companies and their customers has been a problem for quite some time. Seeking to increase the customer understanding is a general quest for many retailers to bridge the gap and become more customer oriented. As the amount of data keeps growing, the opportunities increase for organisations to become more customer oriented by using technic
Ett utländskt e-handelsföretag som den senaste tiden fått stor uppmärksamhet är kinesiska Alibaba Group vilket är världens fjärde högst värderade teknologiföretag. På den internationella marknaden verkar bland annat affärsenheten AliExpress där konsumenter världen över erbjuds att handla varor från plattformens säljare, vilka nästan uteslutande består av mindre kinesiska företag. I dagsläget fokus
Studier har visat att tvåfasflöde med gas och vätska kan öka ett membrans flux. I detta examensarbete har två vätskor, kiseldioxidlösning och hemicellulosalösning, luftats med olika metoder, och luftningens inverkan på fluxet har studerats. När vätskor med hög viskositet ska membranfiltreras är ofta fluxet lågt vilket gör att filtreringen tar lång tid och att det därför behövs stora membrananläggA new oxygen barrier film that is made of arabinoxylan has been developed by the company Xylophane. Arabinoxylan is available among other things in wheat bran. But a problem with the method of extracting the arabinoxylan is that after an alkali extraction is ultrafiltration used to remove impurities and the flux during this is quite low. In this project is it investigated if gas sparging with air
The purpose of this thesis is to compare best-selling business literature in China and the US. Snapshots of Amazon.com and Amazon.cn bestseller lists were captured in early 2014, and the 25 highest ranked titles in the designated “business” category on each website form the foundation for comparison. The books mainly touch on Economics & Politics, Management Studies, Productivity & Life Ma
Both e-commerce and m-commerce has had and have a big impact on how business today is operated. Furthermore, e-commerce is responsible for creation of many new jobs and its role to the overall economy in Europe is becoming increasingly important. E-commerce is a big part of retail and commerce and is constantly growing. However it is maybe not equally well known that the latest year mobile commerc
Aim. To investigate personality, alexithymia and personal relations in a cohort of seven women with superficial dyspareunia based on either LPV (localized provoced vestibulodynia) or painful vaginism. The purpose was to find background personality variables to address later in psychotherapy. Methods. Personality measurements were performed using Cloninger`s Temperament and Character Inventory – re
Social adekvans är en rättfärdigande omständighet inom den juridiska disciplinen straffrätt. Den är inte lagstadgad utan har istället skapats av domstolen och vidare utvecklats i doktrinen. Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda definitionen av begreppet social adekvans och undersöka hur det tillämpas i praxis samt hur domstolens argumentation förs. Syftet är även att belysa problemen med begreppet, både
Uppsatsen har behandlat den så kallade fyra procent-spärren som trädde i kraft 1 januari 2014. Regeln innebär att en delägare som arbetar aktiv i ett fåmansbolag, måste inneha en kapitalandel motsvarande fyra procent av bolaget för att få utnyttja det lönebaserade utrymmet vid beräkning av dennes gränsbelopp. Innan regeln infördes fick den utstå massiv kritik från remissinstanserna. RemissinstanseThe essay has dealt with the so-called four percents-latch, which came into force on January 1, 2014. The rule means that a partner who works active in a closely held company must hold an equity equivalent to four percents of the company to be able to use the wage based dividend allowance when calculating its dividend allowance. Before the rule was introduced it endured a massive criticism from th