

Din sökning på "*" gav 535961 sökträffar

Prevalence of annoyance attributed to electrical equipment and smells in a Swedish population, and relationship with subjective health and daily functioning

BACKGROUND: Self-reported annoyance from electrical equipment has been in evidence since the mid-1980s, and the first reports of illness from everyday chemicals arose in the 1960s. However, the extent of the problem has not yet been fully established.AIMS: The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of annoyance related to electrical and chemical factors in a Swedish general population, a

New chromosomal rearrangement, t(12;22)(p13;q12), in acute nonlymphocytic leukemia

The karyotype 47,XX, + 8,t(12;22)(p13;q12) was found at diagnosis in two patients with acute nonlymphocytic leukemia (ANLL). The bone marrow morphology of both patients corresponded to the M4 subtype of the French-American-British (FAB) classification. The translocation t(12;22) has not previously been reported as the sole structural aberration in ANLL.

Performance of the Recoil Mass Spectrometer and its Detector Systems at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility

The recently commissioned Recoil Mass Spectrometer (RMS) at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF) is described. Consisting of a momentum separator followed by an E-D-E Rochester-type mass spectrometer, the RMS is the centerpiece of the nuclear structure endstation at the HRIBF. Designed to transport ions with rigidities near K = 100, the RMS has acceptances of +/- 10% in energy and +

"Man är kanske mer kapabel än vad man trodde..." Utvärderingsrapport av projekt Mötesplats Social Ekonomi Malmö - arbetsträning för långtidsarbetslösa och långtidssjukskrivna

Rättssociologiska enheten vid Lunds Universitet har av projektägaren Föreningen Bryggeriet, Malmö, fått i uppdrag att utvärdera EU-projektet "Mötesplats Social Ekonomi Malmö". Projektet har erbjudit långtidsarbetslösa och långtidssjukskrivna arbetsträningsplatser i Malmös föreningsliv. Projektet är ett intressant samverkansprojekt mellan fyra föreningar och Malmö stad/Södra Innerstaden samt Försäk

Use of chemically extracted muscle grafts to repair extended nerve defects in rats

Nerve regeneration, measured as axonal outgrowth, Schwann cell migration, macrophage invasion, and neovascularisation, was compared after repair of a 15 mm gap in rats' sciatic nerves using autologous muscle grafts made acellular either by freezing and thawing or by chemical extraction. Both extracted and freeze-thawed acellular muscle grafts could be used to bridge the defect. However, axons and

Respiratory mechanics after 180 days space mission (EUROMIR'95)

The present study reports data on respiratory function of lung and chest wall following the 180 days long European - Russian EuroMir '95 space mission. Data reported refer to two subjects studied before the mission, on day 9 and 175 in flight and on days 1, 10, 12, 27 and 120 after return. In-flight vital capacity (VC) and expiratory reserve volume (ERV) were similar to those in supine posture, na

Ultrasound measurement of the ovarian volume

The ovaries of 377 women between the age of 40 and 70 years were measured by ultrasound. About one third of the patients were postmenopausal. Mean value, standard deviation and S.E.M. of the ovarian volume were calculated and related to age, parity and menstrual cycle. Ovarian size decreased with age in all women but bore no relation to parity and day of menstrual cycle in the menstruating group o

Realization of a resonant tunneling permeable base transistor with optimized overgrown GaAs interfaces

A resonant tunneling permeable base transistor has been realized experimentally by overgrowing a tungsten grating placed in direct vicinity to a double barrier heterostructure. In this way, we can directly modulate the tunneling current via an embedded gate. Since the quality of the overgrown interface is critical, special attention is paid to this issue, and the effect of different wet etchants p

Normbildningsprocess genom brukarsamverkan

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen visar två olika vägar för att skapa brukarinflytande, den kollektiv- och den individinriktade vägen. Den kollektiva inriktningen innebär att medborgarna endast kan utöva inflytande via folkvalda företrädare, medan den individinriktade vägen ger möjlighet att samverka direkt med politiker och tjänstemän i den kommunala organisationen. Två olika teorier har aThe dissertation shows two different means or directions for creating civic participation: the collective and the individual way. The collective way is characterized by the citizen's ability to participate only through elected representatives while the individual way makes it possible for inhabitants to participate face to face with politicians and local civil servants. Two different theories hav

Nature's choice of genes controlling chronic inflammation.

Inflammation is a physiological response that may go uncontrolled and thereby develop in a chronic way. This seems to happen in many common diseases of autoimmune, degenerative, or allergic character. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is by definition a chronic disease with an autoimmune inflammatory attack on diarthrodial cartilaginous joints. The development of new treatment neutralizing cytokines invol

En vattenbild från Vilda Västern

Tänk er en stad som ligger i en öken. När det blir riktigt hett kan det bli upp till 45 grader i skuggan. Medeltemperaturen på årsbasis är cirka 22 och som varmast är det i juli och augusti med 33 grader i genomsnitt. Med sådan hetta är det inte förvånansvärt att man förr i tiden dödade varandra för tillgången till vatten. Tänk er att denna stad är den snabbast expanderande staden i landet. Mellan

Development of the assessment framework for sustainability networking

This paper is concerned with question of how to assess results of networking which is an important element in movement towards sustainable development. Although based upon a large body of research, including empirical studies, the question of assessment of the networking results remains un-addressed, to a large extent. Based on an in-depth analysis of two Swedish tourism networks for sustainabilit

Trousseau's syndrome - what is the evidence? A population-based autopsy study

Despite numerous studies documenting the association between cancer and venous thromboembolism (VTE), the reason for the excessive risk in certain cancers remains obscure. No large-scale studies have yet investigated the independent effects of cancer type, site and growth pattern. Between 1970 and 1982, 23,796 standardised autopsies were performed, representing 84% of all in-hospital deaths in an

Trends in civilian vascular trauma during 30 years. A Swedish perspective

Vascular injuries operated on during a 30-year period (1955-1984) were analyzed. There has been significant increase of such injuries, particularly the iatrogenic types. The total incidence per 100,000 population and year rose from 11.0 to 26.6. Various angiographic and catheterization techniques were responsible for the iatrogenic increase. The noniatrogenic vascular injuries not infrequently wer

Precision of single-shot dual-broadband rotational CARS thermometry with single-mode and multi-mode Nd : YAG lasers

The precision of single-shot coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) thermometry is an important characteristic for the application of CARS in various combustion devices such as internal combustion engines. It is generally assumed that the precision of CARS is directly related to the spectral noise of the interacting laser fields, and previous studies have presented a theoretical model desc

Activation of contraction and ATPase activity in intact and chemically skinned smooth muscle of rat portal vein. Dependence on Ca++ and muscle length

The mechanical manifestations of muscle contraction (force development or shortening) are accompanied by an increased turnover of chemical energy (ATPase activity, JATP). In intact rat portal veins activated by high potassium medium to produce graded contractions at different levels of extracellular calcium, a linear dependence of oxygen consumption on force was found. The slope of the relation (m

Intervention thresholds for osteoporosis

The aim of this study was to determine the threshold of fracture probability at which interventions become cost-effective. We modeled the effects of a treatment costing $500/year, given for 5 years, that decreased the risk of all osteoporotic fractures by 35%, followed by a waning of effect for 5 years. Sensitivity analyses included a range of effectiveness (10%-50%) and a range of intervention co