Din sökning på "*" gav 531169 sökträffar
The delicate balance between centralization and decentralization: The new library structure at Lund University, Sweden - Recent redesign of the organization of library and information services at Lund University, Sweden
The paper will discuss the design of a new organization of library services at Lund University, Sweden with special emphasis on the motives and drivers behind the reorganization. The university management has decided the reorganization after an evaluation report with recommendations. The new structure of the library services is designed as a network of libraries with a coordination and management
Att ställa frågan om frågeställningen - Hur kan examensarbeteshandledare arbeta för att stärka studenternas förmåga att hantera frågeställningar?
Information and communication technologies' role in productivity changes, rebound effect and sustainable consumption
Delay and throughput trade-off in WiMAX mesh networks
We investigate WiMAX mesh networks in terms of delay and throughput trade-off. For a given topology, using our proposed analytical model we study how slot allocation policy and forwarding probability affects per-node and network performance.
Linnés skrifter rörande dietetik - mat, hälsa och levnadskonst
Bibliography of Carl Linnaeus's works in dietetics, health and food
Att bygga monument över sig själv
Mittermaier och bröderna Schmidt - ett bidrag till 1800-talets interkulturella juristkommunikation
Abiotic Stress Tolerance. Metabolic and Physiological Effects of Compatible Solutes and Calmodulin on E. coli and Tobacco
In their natural habitats, bacteria and plants can be exposed to abiotic stresses such as drought, high salt concentrations and freezing, which are factors limiting their capacity for growth and proliferation. To withstand environmental stresses, they have evolved specific stress responses. These responses include physiological adaptations, alterations in gene expression and production of protecti
Evaluating the practical use of different measurement scales in requirements prioritisation
The importance of prioritising requirements is widely recognised. A number of different techniques for prioritising requirements have been proposed, some based on an ordinal scale, others on a ratio scale. Some measurement scales provide more information than others, i.e. the ratio scale is richer than the ordinal scale. This paper aims to investigate the differences between the scales used in pri
Stor och liten, Om vårdeffektiva sjukhus
Absolute Photoionization Cross Sections of Excited He States in the Near-Threshold Region
Statistiska metoder
No title
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Förståelsens betydelse för lärandet
The demand for health and health investments in Sweden 1980/81, 1990/91 and 1996/97
Wagners myter
Comparison between a novel claw-pole electrically magnetized synchronous machine without slip-rings and a permanent magnet machine
Electrical machines used in EV/HEV traction applications are usually driven at speeds where field weakening operation is required. In this region, electrically magnetized machines are more easily operated than permanent magnet machines. This paper discusses the performance of an electrically magnetized synchronous machine where the field coils are placed in magnetically conducting end-plates attac
DC-DC Converters - Dynamic Model Design and Experimental Verification
To obtain high performance control of a dc-dc converter, a good model of the converter is needed. The load usually affects the dynamics and one way to take this into consideration is to regard the load as a part of the converter. The load is often the most variable part of this system. If the load current and the output voltage are measured there are good possibilities to obtain a good model of th
Transport, bebyggelse och utvecklingskontroll : En komparativ stadsgeografisk studie
Syftet med avhandlingen är att klarlägga de intraurbana sambanden mellan transportstruktur, bebyggelsestruktur och maktstruktur (utvecklingskontroll). Viktiga faktorer för samspelet som vi urskiljt är verksamhets- och bostadslokalisering, densitet, centrumstruktur, transportsystemets uppbyggnad och färdmedelsval. Faktorerna sammanfattas i en enkel modell. Sambanden har undersökts i fem utländska f