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Good Faith and the Exercise of Treaty-Based Discretionary Powers
This article inquires into the role of good faith for the exercise of treaty-based discretionary powers. As the article argues, not only does the principle of good faith form a source of inspiration and an explanatory background to the vast body of law laid down in international treaties. Furthermore, it sets a limit to the application of any treaty rule that confers a discretionary power, whetherThis article inquires into the role of good faith for the exercise of treaty-based discretionary powers. As the article argues, not only does the principle of good faith form a source of inspiration and an explanatory background to the vast body of law laid down in international treaties. Furthermore, it sets a limit to the application of any treaty rule that confers a discretionary power, whether
Sedan sist: Alnarpsparken, 13 augusti 2018
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Övervakning av fåglarnas populationsutveckling : Årsrapport för 2016
I denna rapport redovisas populationstrender för 198 svenska fågelarter för åren 1975–2016. Fåglarna har räknats vinter, vår och sommar enligt strikt standardiserade metoder. Sommar- respektive vinterpunktrutter har räknats sedan 1975, i huvudsak i södra Sverige. Standardrutterna räknas också på sommaren (sedan 1996) men täcker hela Sverige. Nattaktiva fåglar har räknats sedan 2010. Utöver detta rWe present the results of the Swedish Bird Survey, run by the Department of Biology, Lund University, as a part of the National Monitoring Programme of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The results for 2016 include data from: 565 winter point counts in 2015/2016 (41st winter), of which 281 were carried out during the Christmas/New Year count, 249 summer point count routes (42nd year) an
Self-aware computing systems : Open challenges and future research directions
In this chapter, we discuss the open challenges in building self-aware computing systems that are still being faced by the research and development community. The challenges can be theoretical, technical, computational, or even sociological. First, we highlight the challenges associated with each of the earlier parts of the book and summarize on respective future research directions. We then offer
Breakprone chromosome bands in fibroblasts from patients with non‐Hodgkin's lymphoma do not coincide with bands involved in primary rearrangements in non‐Hodgkin's lymphomas
The distribution of breakpoints in structural chromosome aberrations (chromatid and chromosome gaps, breaks, and exchanges) was studied in skin fibroblasts from 35 untreated patients with non‐Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) and 39 controls. A total of 227 aberrations in the NHL group and 260 in the control group could be assigned to specific chromosome bands. The distribution of breakpoints was nonrandom
Hippt kulturarv och samtida smakpreferenser : Att paketera det nordiska för en amerikansk museimarknad
Social mobilisering bland grupper i välfärdens ingenmansland
Who says what is absurd?
Robotic Seam Tracking for Friction Stir Welding under Large Contact Forces
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a solid-state welding process where metals are joined without melting. Heat is generated by friction between a rotating non-consumable tool and the work-piece material, and by mechanical deformation of the material. The process, invented in 1991, provides several benefits over arc welding and other fusion processes: No filler material has to be added, low energy cons
Cytogenetic studies in non‐Hodgkin lymphomas ‐ Results from surgical biopsies
Cytogenetic analysis using Giemsa banding technique was successful in 30 of the 49 adult patients with nonHodgkin lymphomas investigated. The results are correlated with previous findings in 48 non‐Hodgkin lymphoma patients studied by means of fine needle aspiration in our laboratory. As 8 patients were included in both series, the total number successfully investigated was 70. The success rate wi
Nongoa da Kirmen Uribe? : On the Belonging of a Basque-Language Writer
My article studies the place of Kirmen Uribe, one of the most read and celebrated Basque-language writers today, in relation to Basque, Spanish and world literature, and what his novels have to say about belonging, in the Basque Country and beyond. My starting point is the first sentence of the Wikipedia pages (2017) on Kirmen Uribe in five different languages, which all relate to Uribe’s belongin
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NOx-Conversion Comparison of a SCR-Catalyst Using a Novel Biomimetic Effervescent Injector on a Heavy-Duty Engine
NOx pollution from diesel engines has been stated as causing over 10 000 pre-mature deaths annually and predictions are showing that this level will increase [1]. In order to decrease this growing global problem, exhaust after-treatment systems for diesel engines have to be improved, this is especially so for vehicles carrying freight as their use of diesel engines is expected to carry on into the
Wood ash application in a managed Norway spruce plantation did not affect ectomycorrhizal diversity or N retention capacity
Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi are key players in N cycling in coniferous forests, and forest management such as application of wood ash can affect their functionality. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of wood ash application on ECM fungal mycelial production, capacity to retain N, diversity and community composition. In-growth mesh bags were installed in control and treated plots.
Orbifold projection in supersymmetric QCD at N(f) ≤ N(c)
Supersymmetric orbifold projection of N = 1 SQCD with relatively small number of flavors (N(f) ≤ N(c)) is considered. The purpose is to check whether orbifolding commutes with the infrared limit. On the one hand, one considers the orbifold projection of SQCD and obtains the low-energy description of the resulting theory. On the other hand, one starts with the low-energy effective theory of the ori
Haemophilus influenzae – typing, epidemiology and beta-lactam resistance
Haemophilus influenzae är en bakterie som lever i människans luftvägar. Ofta orsakar bakterien ingen skada hos personen som bär den, men ibland orsakar H. influenzae luftvägsinfektioner såsom öroninflammation hos barn, akut försämring hos patienter med kroniskt obstruktiv luftvägssjukdom (KOL) samt lunginflammation. Bakterien kan också orsaka allvarliga infektioner såsom blodförgiftning och hjärnhHaemophilus influenzae is a common cause of respiratory tract infections such as acute otitis media (AOM), exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pneumonia. The species is subdivided into encapsulated and non-encapsulated strains, designated type a-f and nontypeable H. influenzae (NTHi), respectively. Prior to introduction of polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccines aga
Proposal for a classification of ISO22400 KPIs for manufacturing operations management
The ISO22400 standard defines key performance indicators for manufacturing operation management. Its visionary goal is to be applicable to all industry types, regardless the production methodology and the process configuration. Pursuing this objective, a challenging trade-off between generality and specificity in the definitions must be found. In the cited standard, the former approach has been pr