

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Clinical results after hip fracture - with special focus on hip arthroplasty

Hip fractures are of major concern worldwide, but even if literature isabundant, there are still gaps to fill. The global outcome needs to be betterunderstood, including patient-reported outcome. Many studies focus onimproving surgical outcome, with less focus on medical complications. Thetrue number of adverse events after hip fracture surgery is unknown. Femoralneck fractures (FNFs), constitutin

Marine ert modeling for the detection of fracture zones

Resistivity measurements in marine environments have already been tested in Norwegian landscapes in in the detection of subsea fracture zones (Lile et al. 1994; Dalsegg, 2012). Yet, most of the produced data have been processed without taking into account the special conditions created by the presence of seawater. Similar studies outside of Norway (Tsourlos et al., 2001; Satriani et al., 2011; Ruc

RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, ethyl 2-methyl-1,3-dioxolane-2-acetate, CAS Registry Number 6413-10-1

Ethyl 2-methyl-1,3-dioxolane-2-acetate (CAS # 6413-10-1) was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity/photoallergenicity, skin sensitization, and environmental safety. Data show that ethyl 2-methyl-1,3-dioxolane-2-acetate is not genotoxic. Data from ethyl 2-methyl-1,3-dioxolane-2-acetate show that there are no safety conce

Experimental Vitreous Substitution

Blixtar. Svarta prickar, spindelben och dimmoln. Rörliga grumlingar framför ögat och liknade symptom drabbar varje dag många svenskar. Oftast är symptomen helt ofarliga men de kan också tyda på begynnande näthinneavlossning, vilket i värsta fall kan leda till blindhet.Näthinneavlossning börjar i de flesta fall med en s.k glaskroppsavlossning. Detta tillstånd innebär att glaskroppen, den geléartadeBlindness and visual disability are common following vitreoretinal pathologies such as open globe injury, proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). These conditions often necessitate surgical intervention using vitrectomy with a tamponading vitreous substitute. However, current tamponades are all associated with complications such as inflammation, cataract, g

Morpheus: from Text to Images. Intersemiotic Translation

Every type of reality belongs to the semiotic realm and this means that every being is in constant need of translation and interpretation. What we mostly translate are signs and that is why this book envisages interpreting the morphotic nature of signs. In spite of Roman Jakobson having outlined the impossibility of full equivalence between code-units, the same theoretician admitted to paraphrasin

Densifying the Suburban Metropolis : Architecture as an Instrument for Urban Planning

This paper elucidates a disciplinary context for an emergent buildingtype dubbed Accessory Dwelling Unit, or ADU. Today, ADU developmentsadd density to metropolitan Los Angeles by undermining the low densityprinciples of single-family residential zoning. Surfacing withinthe jurisdiction formally known as the City of Los Angeles, the ADUsupplements city planning in the transformation of suburbia. T

Därför minskar skjutningarna i Malmö

Ardavan Khoshnood, kriminolog vid Malmö universitet, listar tre anledningar till varför skjutningarna i Malmö minskar.Ardavan Khoshnood, criminologist at Malmö University, lists three reasons why shootings in Malmö is diminishing.

Analysis of Transmission Schemes for Dual-Antenna Terminals in Massive MIMO Systems

The overall system performance of massive MIMO is improved by equipping user terminals with multiple antennas. In this paper, we investigate transceiver designs for the case of a single downlink stream and in particular, we study the uplink pilot design. Moreover, we study the consequences of channel estimation errors at the base-station, and to what extent a dual-antenna terminal can get access t

Anti-glomerular basement membrane disease : an update on subgroups, pathogenesis and therapies

Most patients with anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) disease present with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis with or without pulmonary haemorrhage; however, there are several variants and vigilance is necessary to make a correct diagnosis. Such variants include overlap with anti-neutrophil cytoplasm antibodies-associated vasculitis and membranous nephropathy as well as anti-GBM occu

Midlife development of type 2 diabetes and hypertension in women by history of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy

BACKGROUND: Women with history of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) are at increased risk of early onset cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes (T2D). We aimed to investigate the extent to which HDP is also associated with midlife development of T2D and hypertension above and beyond established risk factors.METHODS: We included parous women who attended population-based structured clin

Review of R. W. Gibbs. 2016. Mixing Metaphor (Metaphor in Language, Cognition, and Communication 6)

“Mixing Metaphor” is a compilation of 12 chapters by prominent researchers, introduced by Raymond Gibbs, one of the main actors in the eld of metaphor studies. It is a highly timely contribution that lls a gap between the pre-theoret- ical notion of ‘mixed metaphors’, largely known to the (English-speaking) pub- lic as something to be avoided as it re ects poor style or even sloppy thinking, and s

Multicenter prospective study of the humoral autoimmune response in bullous pemphigoid

Bullous pemphigoid (BP) is an autoimmune bullous disease, associated with autoantibodies directed against the hemidesmosomal components BP180 and BP230. In this study for the first time different laboratories have analyzed the autoantibody profile in the same group of 49 prospectively recruited BP patients. The results show that: 1) disease severity and activity correlated with levels of IgG again

Inget är heligare än att stå upp för den akademiska friheten

Jag vill gärna avsluta med att citera psykiatrikern David Eberhard som i sin bok ”Det stora könsexperimentet" förklarar problemet med klagomålen kring Hesslow mycket väl: ”I dagens genusteoretiska värld tycks inte ens biologi existera. Man har helt enkelt valt bort den”.A debate article on the discussions at Lund University regarding Professor Germund Hesslow and his lecture regarding sexuality.

Reproductive events, occurring in adolescence at the time of development of reproductive organs and at the time of tumour initiation, have a bearing on growth characteristics and reproductive hormone regulation in normal and tumour tissue investigated decades later-A hypothesis

Both animal and human data indicate that reproductive events taking place early in reproductive life may have an important influence on growth characteristics and reproductive hormone regulation in both normal tissue and neoplastic tissue investigated later in life.