

Din sökning på "*" gav 535476 sökträffar

Hydro Climatic Trend and Periodicity for the Source Region of the Yellow River

The hydrology of the Yellow River source region is expected to be affected by coming climate change. This will have repercussions for the 110million basin inhabitants. Consequently, precipitation, temperature, and streamflow trends and periodicities during the last 50years were investigated to identify significant changes in time and space over the study area. Results showed that mean annual tempe

Anemia and iron deficiency in inflammatory bowel disease: an open, prospective, observational study on diagnosis, treatment with ferric carboxymaltose and quality of life

Objective. Iron deficiency and anemia are being increasingly recognized as a complication of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aim of this study was to observe, in a non-interventional way, how Swedish gastroenterologists adhere to guidelines in IBD outpatients treated with intravenous ferric carboxymaltose (FCM), and the result of treatment. Material and methods. Altogether 394 IBD patients (

Measured indoor hygrothermal conditions and occupancy levels in an arctic Swedish multi-family building

As requirements regarding energy efficiency are getting tougher, buildings in the arctic, as well as the rest of the world, need to be more energy efficient without compromising a good indoor climate. This article presents measured moisture supply and occupancy level in a Swedish arctic multi-family apartment block. Measurements were done over 1 year every 30 minutes in a building consisting of 51

Equilibrium bunch density distribution with passive harmonic cavities in a storage ring

The MAX IV storage rings, currently under construction in Lund, Sweden, will use third harmonic cavities operated passively to lengthen the bunches and alleviate collective instabilities. These cavities are an essential ingredient in the MAX IV design concept and are required for achieving the final design goals in terms of stored current, beam emittance, and beam lifetime-such performance challen

The L-VP35 and L-L interaction domains reside in the amino terminus of the Ebola virus L protein and are potential targets for antivirals.

The Ebola virus (EBOV) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) complex consists of the catalytic subunit of the polymerase, L, and its cofactor VP35. Using immunofluorescence analysis and coimmunoprecipitation assays, we mapped the VP35 binding site on L. A core binding domain spanning amino acids 280-370 of L was sufficient to mediate weak interaction with VP35, while the entire N-terminus up to amin

Neck postures in air traffic controllers with and without neck/shoulder disorders.

Prolonged computer work with an extended neck is commonly believed to be associated with an increased risk of neck–shoulder disorders. The aim of this study was to compare neck postures during computer work between female cases with neck–shoulder disorders, and healthy referents. Based on physical examinations, 13 cases and 11 referents were selected among 70 female air traffic controllers with th

Kreditbedömning och rekonstruktion av företag i tider av makroekonomisk turbulens: Fallen General Motors och Ford

Behovet av modeller för att förutsäga risken för att ett företag inte skall kunna fullfölja sin skuldtjänst har aktualiserats av de nya Baselreglerna, som kräver fördjupad kvantitativ kreditvärdering, och av den pågående världsomspännande ekonomiska krisen. Ett antal alternativa modeller för att förutsäga kommande kreditsvårigheter och en eventuell konkurs existerar. Flera inkluderar makroekonomis

Solubilization of sphingomyelin vesicles by addition of a bile salt.

The interactions of the bile salt sodium taurocholate (TC) in 50mM Trizma-HCl buffer and 150mM NaCl (pH 9) at 37 degrees C with membranes composed of sphingomyelin (SM) were studied by dynamic light scattering, cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) and turbidity measurements. Small unilamellar SM vesicles were prepared by extrusion. Below the CMC of TC, taurocholate addition leads

Evaluation of a setup for pNRA at LIBAF for applications in geosciences

A new setup for photon tagged nuclear reaction analysis pNRA is being developed at Lund's ion beam analysis facility LIBAF. Particle induced gamma ray emission PIGE and nuclear reaction analysis NRA are two methods that have been extensively used for light isotope measurement in ion beam analysis IBA. There is an abundance of nuclear reactions between light elements and MeV protons, deuterons and

The evaluation of climate policy: theory and emerging practice in Europe

Climate policy is a relatively young and dynamic area of public policy making. However, its development has attracted far more attention than the results it delivers in practice, which of course are the concern of policy evaluators. This article attempts to provide the first systematic cataloging of the emerging patterns of policy evaluation undertaken in different parts of the European Union. The

Exciton Binding Energy and the Nature of Emissive States in Organometal Halide Perovskites.

Characteristics of nanoscale materials are often different from the corresponding bulk properties providing new, sometimes unexpected, opportunities for applications. Here we investigate the properties of 8 nm colloidal nanoparticles of MAPbBr3 perovskites and contrast them to the ones of large microcrystallites representing a bulk. X-ray spectroscopies provide an exciton binding energy of 0.32 ±

Blood grouping discrepancies between ABO genotype and phenotype caused by O alleles

Purpose of review In the modern transfusion service, analysis of the ABO allele underlying a donor or recipient's A or B subtype phenotype is becoming a mainstream adjunct to the serological investigation. Although an analysis of the ABO gene can be helpful in establishing the nature of the subtype phenotype, numerous confounding factors exist that can lead to a discrepancy between the genotype an

Population structure and migratory directions of Scandinavian bluethroats (Luscinia svecica) -a molecular, morphological and stable isotope analysis

Abstract in UndeterminedMany species of birds show evidence of secondary contact zones and subspeciation in their Scandinavian distribution range, presumably resulting from different post-glacial recolonization routes. We investigated whether this is the case also in the Scandinavian bluethroat Luscinia svecica, a species that has been suggested to consist of two separate populations: one SW-migra

Filter-based treatment of leachate from an industrial landfill containing shredder residues of end-of-life vehicles and white goods.

A pilot plant was set up to treat leachate from an industrial landfill containing shredder residues of end-of-life vehicles and white goods. The treatment plant consisted of aeration and sedimentation steps for pre-treatment, and a filter. The plant was designed to simultaneously remove various types of pollutants. The efficiencies of pre-treatment and of the main treatment step were investigated

Ett landskap byter skepnad : förändring och kontinuitet i Risebjärsområdet under 300 år

Det område som idag kallas Strövområdet Arriesjön har bytt skepnad flera gånger under de senaste tre hundra åren. De processer och den historia som åstadkommit dessa förändringar speglas i de två historiska kapitlen. Men i det här kapitlet ger vi en översikt över områdets rent fysiska förändringar med hjälp av de flesta kartor och flygfoton som finns tillgängliga, från den första kartbilden 1702 t