

Din sökning på "*" gav 533345 sökträffar

A Comparative Analysis of the Performance of Euro-Denominated Green and Conventional Bonds

The green bond market has seen exponential growth since its boom in 2013 but literature on this topic is considered woefully inadequate. This research paper therefore seeks to compare the performance of European green bonds against its conventional counterparts. Analysis was conducted on two data samples spanning from the year 2013 to 2019 using the matching principle and an extended Fama-French m

Peroperativa riskfaktorer för att utveckla postoperativt delirium

Bakgrund: Postoperativt delirium är en komplikation till kirurgi och anestesi som leder till ökad mortalitet, lidande och ökade sjukhuskostnader. Preoperativa riskfaktorer är väl undersökta men peroperativa riskfaktorer, som anestesisjuksköterskan skulle kunna påverka, är mindre väl beforskade. Syfte: Syftet med denna systematiska litteraturstudie var att belysa evidensen om peroperativa riskfakto

Pluralities and Pines: An Exploration of Immigrant Integration in the Catalonian Forest Sector

As migrations from within and outside of Europe continue to increase steadily, particularly in the Mediterranean region, the integration of immigrant populations is one of the most pressing issues faced by many European countries. Although there is significant research on immigrant integration in urban areas, the settlement and integration of immigrants in rural areas is largely understudied, even

Harmonizing social and ecological sustainability through human rights and weak anthropocentrism : A case study of green urban spaces and education in Malmö

Social and ecological sustainability are recognized pillars of sustainable development. However, it is not always clear how they are supposed to be achieved jointly. This unclarity can lead to major tradeoffs between social and ecological sustainability which ultimately endangers our prospects for sustainable development. In Malmö, Sweden, the tension of social and ecological sustainability can be

Product attributes that facilitate disruption survival in declining markets: What we can learn from the disruption veteran vinyl

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to (1) investigate if product attributes relevant for early stages of the product life cycle enable the survival of disruption and (2) to further examine if there are any specific product attributes related to later stages of the product life cycle enabling market innovation. Methodology: For the purpose of this thesis, qualitative semi-structured int

Framkomlighet vid cykelöverfarter - En utvärdering av regelförändringar

Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att undersöka hur framkomligheten för olika trafikslag påverkas av att införa cykelöverfarter i tre korsningspunkter i Malmö. Det görs genom att försöka svara på följande frågor: Hur ligger forskningsläget kring framkomlighet för cyklar, bilar och bussar vid införandet av cykelöverfarter? Hur har framkomligheten för de trafikslagen påverkats av cykelöverfarter The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the level of service for different transport modes are affected by the introduction of bicycle crossings at three crossing points in Malmö by trying to answer the following questions: What is the research situation on how the level of service for cyclists, cars and buses is affected when introducing bicycle crossings? How has the level of service fo

Sverigedemokraterna - etniska eller medborgerliga nationalister?

This study seeks to examine the nationalist ideological positioning of the Swedish parliament’s only self-proclaimed nationalist party, the Sweden Democrats (SD). The understanding of nationalism differs heavily in the social sciences and a variety of distinctions have been proposed in the study of it. The most common of these distinctions is the one between civic and ethnic nationalism. The metho

Does the Substance over Form approach implemented as a result of the BEPS package reconciles the Permanent Establishment definition with the existence of economic allegiances?

The Permanent Establishment (PE) concept plays a key role in the distribution of taxing rights between States by determining when the profits derived by an entity are taxable in a State other than the State of its residency. This concept, originally, evidenced the existence of sufficient economic allegiances between a non-resident entity and a State to justify taxation therein. However, the evolut

Pursuing the evolvement and purpose of the Cost Sharing Exemption in the EU VAT system

on the 21st of September, the CJEU delivered the judgements in DNB Banka and AVIVA, clearly stating that the cost sharing exemption cannot be relied upon by taxable persons operating in the financial and insurance sectors, due to the fact that the scope of Article 132(1)(f) is limited to exemptions in the public interest. This paper will look at the purpose and the development of Article 132(1)(f)

Right to Collective Bargaining and to Strike in Cambodia’s Apparel Industry: A Legal Implication of the Labour Law and Law on Union of Enterprises

This paper is designed to examine the implications of Cambodia’s labour legislation, namely the Labour Law and the newly adopted Law on Union of Enterprises on the exercise of the rights to collective bargaining and to strike in Cambodia’s apparel industry. Both laws are adopted by the Cambodian government in order to purportedly provide an effective and efficient safeguarding umbrella for workers

Radio vs Spotify

Examensarbetets titel: Radio vs Spotify - En studie om hur media, som sekundärkälla, påverkar varumärkespersonlighet Seminariedatum: 2018-05-31 Kursnamn: FEKH29 - Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Susanna Ström, Lukas Simonsson, Carolina Larsen Handledare: Oskar Christensson Nyckelord: Varumärkespersonlighet, A New Measure of Brand Personality, brand equiTitle: Radio vs Spotify - A study about how media, as secondary source, affect brand personality Seminar date: 2018-05-31 Course name: FEKH29, Business Administration: Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate Level, 15 hp. Authors: Susanna Ström, Lukas Simonsson, Carolina Larsen Advisor: Oskar Christensson Key words: Brand personality, A New Measure of Brand Personality, brand equity, Spotify, ra

“Jag är väl, typ, anställningsbar?” Studenters upplevda anställningsbarhet och deras attityder till artificiell intelligens i relation till personliga egenskaper

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka det potentiella sambandet mellan studenters upplevda anställningsbarhet och deras attityder gentemot artificiell intelligens. Detta område är av intresse att undersöka av flera skäl, särskilt eftersom artificiell intelligens är ett fenomen som i dagsläget är väldigt omtalat. Artificiell intelligens kan uppfattas som ett potentiellt hot, men även som en möjThe purpose of this study was to investigate the potential relationship between students’ perceived employability and their attitudes towards artificial intelligence. This area is of interest to study due to several reasons, particularly because artificial intelligence is a phenomenon which has gained substantial attention lately. Furthermore, artificial intelligence may be seen as a potential thr

Catcalling – ‘It is not illegal’: a survey-based content analysis study regarding experiences of catcalling in Sweden

An article written by the Swedish Government in 2018 outlines that they are working towards a more equal society and describes how they are conducting prevention work regarding men’s violence towards women. Although recently media has portrayed street harassment and catcalling as something that has become an increasing problem for young women in Sweden. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to

Does the Swedish specialized health care respond to competition inducing reforms? -Effects of the Freedom of Choice Act on quality, volume, efficiency and upcoding for elective patients.

This study aims to analyze the effects of competition on quality, efficiency, produced volume and gaming the system of specialized health care in Sweden, after implementation of the Freedom of Choice Act (LOV, Lagen om Vårdval). This is done by using data for specialized ophthalmology, which is a patient-elective diagnostic category. The motive behind the law, which established free entry for priv

The effect of sponsored equity research on stock prices

This paper examines the effect from issuer-sponsored equity research on stock prices in Sweden. This kind of reports has risen in popularity and today, over 290 firms in Sweden are covered by a sponsored equity research. To reach a conclusion, a traditional event study was performed on 141 Swedish firms between the years of 2008 and 2019. The result show that there are significant, at the 1%-level

Utmaningar för Self-Service Business Intelligence: Ur praktikerns perspektiv

Denna uppsats undersöker vad praktiker, det vill säga utvecklare, konsulter och användare som arbetar med Self-Service Business Intelligence (SSBI), anser är SSBI. Praktikers beskrivning av SSBI diskuteras i förhållande till litteraturens beskrivning. Både praktiker och litteratur diskuterar SSBI som ett visualiseringsverktyg, men praktiker beskriver vidare att det inte är begränsat till en viss t

Somliga gator är somriga gator - En jämförande studie av Sveriges sommargågator

I städer finns det, något förenklat, bilgator och gågator. En sommargågata, däremot, är både ock. Den skapas genom att biltrafiken tillfälligt stängs av på en gata under sommarmånaderna vilket ger fotgängare tillgång till hela gaturummet. Den frigjorda ytan kan användas till verksamheter och restauranger som vill flytta ut i gatan, växter, bänkar, spel och lek, cykelställ och konstinstallationer. A summer street is created by temporarily closing the car traffic on a street during the summer months. The pedestrians get access to the entire street and the liberated space can be used for activities, greenery, benches, bike parking, art and by restaurants. During recent years major cities have made the concept known to the general public. My study shows that summer streets have a much longer

Cannabis and Cancer: Early evidence on the remedying effects of recreational marijuana laws

Medical marijuana has been argued to supplement the treatment of cancer in terms of relieving symptoms and side effects occurring from treatment, such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. As the legalisation of cannabis becomes more widespread across the United States not only for medical but also recreational use, any effects on the well-being on those who undergo cancer treatment could have importa

Enzymatic Modification of the Interaction Between Lignin and Recycled Cellulose Fibers

Pappers- och pappersmassaindustrin har ökat markant under de senaste årtiondena. På grund av att samhället har blivit mer miljömedvetet har återvinning av papper blivit en allt viktigare del inom industrin. Återvunna pappersfiber är dock av lägre kvalité än nygjorda fibrer. Syftet med denna rapport är att analysera möjligheterna att använda ett enzym av typen lackas för att modifiera interaktionenThe pulp and paper industry have been a growing market during the last decades. Due to higher environmental concerns among people, the recycling of papers has become an even more important part of the industry. Recycled paper fibers however are of lower quality than virgin fibers. This report aims to analyze the possibility to use a laccase enzyme to modify the interaction between lignin and recyc

Knowledge Management in a High-Risk Organisation: A Case Study on an Aviation School

This qualitative research aims to observe, understand and provide an overview regarding the knowledge management processes at a high-risk organisation such as an aviation school that does not have an established knowledge management system, but has reported zero accidents during its 35 years of operation, achieving an excellent safety record that demonstrates its high level of reliability. The res