Din sökning på "*" gav 535574 sökträffar
Cross-linked DNA gels: Disruption and release properties
We report on the disruption of DNA gels cross-linked with ethylene glycol diglycidyl ether (EGDE), by sunlight exposure. The disruption over exposure time was characterized through the cumulative DNA release, the evolution in dry weight and extent of swelling, and also rheologically. The network disruption is shown to depend strongly on the degree of cross-linking density. Bovine serum albumin has
Soil surface CO2 efflux measurements in Norway spruce forests: Comparison between four different sites across Europe - from boreal to alpine forest
Extensive measurements of soil surface (including vegetation cover) CO2 efflux were carried out on 80 positions at four different forest sites (Sweden, Germany, Czech Republic and Italy) using a closed dynamic chamber technique. The period of measurement was 4-5 consecutive days per site. Two approaches were used to analyze the measured data, the Q(10) parameter and the Arrhenius relationship. Bas
Functionalised ZnO-nanorod-based selective electrochemical sensor for intracellular glucose
In this article, we report a functionalised ZnO-nanorod-based selective electrochemical sensor for intracellular glucose. To adjust the sensor for intracellular glucose measurements, we grew hexagonal ZnO nanorods on the tip of a silver-covered borosilicate glass capillary (0.7 mu m diameter) and coated them with the enzyme glucose oxidase. The enzyme-coated ZnO nanorods exhibited a glucose-depend
Yrkeskunnande och kompetensutveckling i arbetet med vuxna individer med utvecklingsstörning – ett vårdarperspektiv
Since the law of support and service for people with certain disabilities (LSS) was implemented 1994, the carers’ role has changed from «taking care of» to «giving support to» people with intellectual disabilities/autism, but the requirements of knowledge hasn’t been altered. In order to provide appropriate support, carers need both theoretical knowledge and experience of how people with intellect
Minimum information about a protein affinity reagent (MIAPAR)
Topology Selection and Tautoleptic Aggregation: Formation of an Enantiomerically Pure Supramolecular Belt over a Helix.
Indirect, non-competitive amperometric immunoassay for accurate quantification of calpastatin, a meat tenderness marker, in bovine muscle
A method is described for quantification of the beef tenderness marker, calpastatin, in meat samples by amperometric detection. Using a novel bovine recombinant partial calpastatin protein as standard antigen a low detection limit of 0.2 ng/mL was achieved. The influence of the complex matrix was minimised by heat pretreatment and dilution of the samples prior to detection of calpastatin. The rela
Charge state readout and hyperfine interaction in a few-electron InGaAs double quantum dot
A laterally defined InGaAs double quantum dot with an integrated charge readout sensor is realized in an InGaAs/InP heterostructure. The charge states of the double quantum dot are measured with the use of the charge readout sensor in the few-electron regime in which the current is too weak to be observable by direct measurements of electron transport through the double dot. We also measure the le
Coastal cliffs on islands as foraging habitat for bats
Small islands usually show simplified ecosystems with limited availability of suitable foraging habitats for bats, thus habitat selection on islands may differ compared to the mainland. Habitats that are marginal on the mainland may be important on islands. The island of Capri consists, to a large extent, of steep limestone cliffs and Mediterranean shrubland, with virtually no forests or other hab
Klimatpolitik och energisäkerhet: konflikter och synergier
För att begränsa risken för allvarliga klimatförändringar måste utsläppen av växthusgaser minskas kraftigt. Detta kommer att kräva en omställning av energisystemet där energieffektivisering och en ökad elektrifiering, förnybar energi, avskiljning och lagring av koldioxid samt kärnkraft kan få stor betydelse. I denna rapport analyseras hur en sådan omställning kan påverka olika aspekter av energi
No title
The article comprises an exemplification of the method the author used in his scientific research as a member of the grant Presa românească şi ideea naţională. Antologie, studiu, dicţionar, dosar critic (The Romanian Press and the National Idea. Anthology, Study, Dictionary, Critical File), 2005-2006, CNCSIS code 782, coordinator of grant Professor Mircea Popa. The author was responsible for the p
Introduction: Atherosclerosis as inflammation: a controversial concept becomes accepted
Natriuretic Peptides and the Microcirkulation in Heart Failure Patients
Popular Abstract in Swedish Forskningen har visat Den ökade prevalensen av kronisk hjärtsvikt utgör en enorm utmaning för sjukvården. Trots att vi idag har effektiva medicinska behandlingar vid hjärtsvikt och bra läkemedel så är sjukligheten och dödligheten fortfarande betydande. Hjärtsvikt leder till en förändrad kärlreaktivitet generellt i cirkulationen, dock är betydelsen av denna endast känd The increased prevalence of chronic congestive heart failure (HF) is a tremendous challenge for society. In spite of effective medical treatment for acute HF, better pharmacological treatment for specific neurohormonal intervention and better diagnostic tools, e.g. biomarkers of natriuretic peptides, the morbidity and mortality due to this disease are still prominent. HF leads to vascular dysfunct
The Gaia-ESO Survey: Empirical determination of the precision of stellar radial velocities and projected rotation velocities
Context. The Gaia-ESO Survey (GES) is a large public spectroscopic survey at the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope. Aims. A key aim is to provide precise radial velocities (RVs) and projected equatorial velocities (v sin i) for representative samples of Galactic stars, which will complement information obtained by the Gaia astrometry satellite. Methods. We present an analysis to e
The effect of long-term lactobacilli (lactic acid bacteria) enteral treatment on the central nervous system of growing rats
The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between Consumption of large doses of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and the behaviour and brain morphobiochemistry of normal growing rats. Four groups of rats were treated with LAB Cultures twice daily for 6 months. The control group received 1 ml of saline per treatment, while two experimental groups received I nil of living bacteria (Lactobacill
Genomic and Transcriptional Alterations in Lung Adenocarcinoma in Relation to EGFR and KRAS Mutation Status.
In lung adenocarcinoma, the mutational spectrum is dominated by EGFR and KRAS mutations. Improved knowledge about genomic and transcriptional alterations in and between mutation-defined subgroups may identify genes involved in disease development or progression.
Fractures of the distal radius in women aged 50 to 75 years: natural course of patient-reported outcome, wrist motion and grip strength between 1 year and 2-4 years after fracture.
Fractures of the distal radius in postmenopausal women may cause prolonged pain and disability, but little is known about their natural course beyond the first year. In this study, women of 50-75 years of age, initially treated with cast or external fixation, were examined 1 year after distal radial fracture and then re-evaluated after a mean of 3 (range, 2-4) years. The evaluation included pain,
Changes in self and object representations following psychotherapy measured by a theory-free, computational, semantic space method
We propose a theory-neutral, computational and data-driven method for assessing changes in semantic content of object representations following long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy. Young adults in psychotherapy are compared with an age-matched, non- clinical sample at three time points. Verbatim transcripts of descriptions of the self and parents were quantified in a semantic space constructed b
Breastfeeding of preterm infants. Associated factors in infants, mothers, and clinical practice.
Abstract in Danish Amning har sundhedsmæssige fordele for mor og barn og mere udtalte fordele for præmature børn, men udenlandske undersøgelser viser, at færre præmature børn påbegynder amning, og færre præmature børn ammes i 4 og 6 måneder sammenlignet med mature børn. Der findes ikke danske undersøgelser om andelen af præmature børn, som påbegynder amning, men en dansk undersøgelse viser, at 60 Breastfeeding has even more pronounced health benefits for preterm infants than for full-term infants, but preterm infants are less breastfed. There is no consensus in Danish neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) about which clinical methods facilitate breastfeeding. Skin-to-skin contact between infant and parent is the first step in the breastfeeding process for preterm infants, but studies of to