

Din sökning på "*" gav 536023 sökträffar

Disentangling the genetics of lean mass

Background: Lean body mass (LM) plays an important role in mobility and metabolic function. We previously identified five loci associated with LM adjusted for fat mass in kilograms. Such an adjustment may reduce the power to identify genetic signals having an association with both lean mass and fat mass. Objectives: To determine the impact of different fat mass adjustments on genetic architecture

Experimental methods for measuring coalescence during emulsification - A critical review

Emulsification is a common process in the production in many non-solid foods. These food-emulsions often have high disperse phase volume fractions and slow emulsifier dynamics, giving rise to substantial coalescence during emulsification. Optimal design and operation of food-emulsification requires experimental methods to study how emulsification in general and coalescence in particular progresses

Towards an optical diagnostic system for otitis media using a combination of otoscopy and spectroscopy

An improved method, where conventional otoscope investigation of human suspicious otitis media is combined with diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and gas in scattering media absorption spectroscopy (GASMAS) is being developed. Otitis media is one of the most common infectious diseases in children, whose Eustachian tube connecting the middle ear with the nasal cavity is more horizontal than for adul

Citing Matters : An Analysis of the Use of Judicial Decisions in International Criminal Law Adjudication through the Lens of Law-Making

The present research investigates the formative processes of international criminal law through the iterative citation of judicial decisions in adjudicatory practices. Given the centrality of the judge in the adjudication of international criminal law, this study is underpinned by a legal realist approach to international law informed by the work of Alf Ross (Scandinavian Legal Realism) and GregorThe present research investigates the formative processes of international criminal law through the iterative citation of judicial decisions in adjudicatory practices. Given the centrality of the judge in the adjudication of international criminal law, this study is underpinned by a legal realist approach to international law informed by the work of Alf Ross (Scandinavian Legal Realism) and Gregor

Effects of ultrasonic irradiation on the synthesis, crystallization, thermal and dissolution behaviour of chloride-intercalated, co-precipitated CaFe-layered double hydroxide

The output power (30–150 W) and the periodicity (20–100%) of ultrasound emission were varied in a wide range to regulate and improve the crystallization process in the commonly used co-precipitation technique of chloride-intercalated CaFe-layered double hydroxides. The influence of ultrasound irradiation on the as-prepared materials was studied by X-ray diffractometry, dynamic light scattering, UV

Pollen-based continental climate reconstructions at 6 and 21 ka : A global synthesis

Subfossil pollen and plant macrofossil data derived from 14 C-dated sediment profiles can provide quantitative information on glacial and interglacial climates. The data allow climate variables related to growing-season warmth, winter cold, and plant-available moisture to be reconstructed. Continental-scale reconstructions have been made for the mid-Holocene (MH, around 6 ka) and Last Glacial Ma

Screening för celiaki kan vara motiverad i högriskgrupper

Celiaki förekommer hos 0,5–1 procent av befolkningen. Majoriteten av dem med celiaki har atypiska symtom och är inte diagnostiserade. Personer med vissa kromosomrubbningar eller annan autoimmun sjukdom och nära släktingar till personer med celiaki tillhör riskgrupper där screening kan rekommenderas. IgA-endomysie- eller IgA-transglutaminasantikroppar har båda hög specificitet och hög sensitivitet Coeliac disease is widespread and occurs in 0.5-1 per cent of the population. Most sufferers show atypical symptoms and might well remain undiagnosed. Endomysial or human transglutaminase autoantibody levels of type IgA can be recommended as screening instruments combined with s-IgA for exclusion of such deficiency. In contrast, there is a high frequency of false-positive IgA gliadin antibody test

Territorial raven pairs are sensitive to structural changes in simulated acoustic displays of conspecifics

Human language involves combining items into meaningful, syntactically structured wholes. The evolutionary origin of syntactic abilities has been investigated by testing pattern perception capacities in nonhuman animals. New World primates can respond spontaneously to structural changes in acoustic sequences and songbirds can learn to discriminate between various patterns in operant tasks. However

Moralising Global Markets : The Creativity of International Business Discourse

Investigating how international market actors create market morality on a global level, this book reflects on the unresolved questions and debates regarding the relationship between business and society. The author explores how market actors in international business communication are unified in their attempts to make markets moralised. Providing detailed case studies and empirical evidence based

Increased B-cell activating factor, interleukin-6, and interleukin-8 in induced sputum from primary Sjögren's syndrome patients

OBJECTIVE: Small airway disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are common in primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS). However, the underlying inflammatory mechanisms behind pSS-associated airway disease have not been studied in detail. We therefore wanted to study cytokine and leucocyte levels in induced sputum in never-smoking patients with pSS.METHOD: Induced sputum cytokines and leucocytes

Simultaneous 36 kHz PLIF/chemiluminescence imaging of fuel, CH2O and combustion in a PPC engine

The requirements on high efficiency and low emissions of internal combustion engines (ICEs) raise the research focus on advanced combustion concepts, e.g., premixed-charge compression ignition (PCCI), partially premixed compression ignition (PPCI), reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI), partially premixed combustion (PPC), gasoline compression ignition (GCI) etc. In the present study,

Dermatan sulfate epimerase 1 and dermatan 4-O-sulfotransferase 1 form complexes that generate long epimerized 4-O-sulfated blocks

During the biosynthesis of chondroitin/dermatan sulfate (CS/ DS), a variable fraction of glucuronic acid is converted to iduronic acid through the activities of two epimerases, dermatan sulfate epimerases 1 (DS-epi1) and 2 (DS-epi2). Previous in vitro studies indicated that without association with other enzymes, DS-epi1 activity produces structures that have only a few adjacent iduronic acid unit

Reglering av banker

The subject of this dissertation is the regulation of banks. The enquiry is built around three overreaching research questions:1. What is a bank?2. Why do banks have to be regulated?3. How should banks be regulated? Each of these three questions is dedicated a separate and comprehensive section, each consisting of several chapters. Even though the subject is jurisprudence, the perspective of the

Calcium channels at the adrenergic neuroeffector junction in the rabbit ear artery

Neurotransmitter release is dependent on influx of Ca2+ through voltage-operated calcium channels (VOCCs). These channels may be divided into L, N, T and P subtypes. To investigate the subtypes of VOCC involved in transmitter release from adrenergic nerves in the isolated rabbit ear artery, the effects of some subtype selective VOCC antagonists were examined on contractile responses induced by ele

The amphetamine induced rotation test : A re-assessment of its use as a tool to monitor motor impairment and functional recovery in rodent models of Parkinson's disease

Rats and mice with unilateral damage to the nigrostriatal dopamine system-induced by neurotoxins, such as 6-hydroxydopamine, overexpression of α-synuclein, or injections of toxic synuclein protofibrils-are widely used as experimental models to mimic the loss of dopamine neurons seen in Parkinson's disease. The amphetamine rotation test is commonly used to monitor the extent of motor impairment ind

Proteomic and genomic profiling of pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer remains the most fatal human tumor type. The aggressive tumor biology coupled with the lack of early detection strategies and effective treatment are major reasons for the poor survival rate. Collaborative research efforts have been devoted to understand pancreatic cancer at the molecular level. Large-scale genomic studies have generated important insights into the genetic driver

Spin rotation effects in diffractive electroproduction of heavy quarkonia

In this work we present for the first time the comprehensive study of the Melosh spin rotation effects in diffractive electroproduction of S-wave heavy quarkonia off a nucleon target. Such a study has been performed within the color dipole approach using, as an example and a reference point, two popular parametrizations of the dipole cross section and two potentials describing the interaction bet