Din sökning på "*" gav 531142 sökträffar
The atomized body : The cultural life of stem cells, genes and neurons
Just like the first theories in physics viewed atoms as independent and surrounded by a void, our bodies’ microscopic constituents are often portrayed as disconnected from the body as a unified organism, and from its cultural and social contexts. In The Atomized Body the authors examine the relations between culture, society and bioscientific research and show how our bodies’ singularized atoms in
Ämbetsman eller direktör? : förvaltningschefen i demokratin
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Rapidly prototyping a measurement system to detect high-frequency transients in a power system with LabVIEW and CompactRIO
The History and Philosophy of Astrobiology. International Conference on Tycho Brahe’s island Ven, Sweden, September 27–28, 2011
Admission control of the Apache web server
Web sites are exposed to high rates of incoming requests. The servers may become overloaded during temporary traffic peaks when more requests arrive than the server is designed for. An admission control mechanism rejects some requests whenever the arriving traffic is too high and thereby maintains an acceptable load in the system. This paper presents how admission control mechanisms can be designe
Clusters and Regional Development: Critical reflections and explorations.
Ömma tår: Drivkrafter mot ohälsa
Ömma tår kan prägla en människa genom hela livet. I ömma tår döljer man skuldbelagda och skamfyllda tankar och känslor till följd av påfrestande livshändelser. Ömma tår suger energi. Om man inte gör något åt dem kan de leda till ohälsa och långtidssjukskrivning. I boken Ömma tår redovisas erfarenhet och forskningsresultat från mångårigt arbete med rehabilitering av långtidssjukskrivna människor me
Classification of Lakes from Hydrological Function
Primate-mediated ecosystem services: Implications for human reliance on forest resources in Cross River State, Nigeria.
Thermo-Elastic and Traction Load Stress Analysis of the Cutting Tool In Continues Cutting Conditions
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Antropologiska porträtt
Möt kvinnorna och männen bakom de stora verken om mänskligheten: Margaret Mead, James Frazer, Knud Rasmussen, Claude Lévi-Strauss m.fl. Antropologiska porträtt är en serie biografiska essäer om antropologer skrivna av antropologer – en odyssé i tid och rum som spänner över två sekel från Amazonas och Thule till Mloda Polskas Kraków och intelligentsians Paris. Antropologiska porträtt är en lättillg
Landsarkivet i Lund - en byggnadshistorik
Arkiven var en av de många nya byggnadstyper som växte fram i Europa under 1800-talet. I Sverige uppfördes det första specialbyggda landsarkivet i Lund efter framför allt dansk förebild. Visserligen kan man spåra likheter med svenska Riksarkivet som uppfördes några år tidigare, men det är ändå tydligt att det starkaste släktskapet var med tre samtida danska provinsarkiv. Denna dansk-svenska grupp
Combinatorial Methodology. Screening for affinity specific ligands to biological and artificial receptors.
Combinatorial screening methodology has been employed to select new affinity specific ligands to bilogical and artificial receptors. The screening methodology, in particular screening of combinatorial phage display peptide libraries against target molecules differing in function and shape, is focused upon. A linear combinatorial phage display hexapeptide library has been used to select novel pept
Non-Uniform Windowed Decoding Schedules for Spatially Coupled Codes
Low-density parity-check convolutional (LDPCC) codes, also known as spatially coupled LDPC codes, can be decoded using a message passing algorithm. In order to limit decoding latency and complexity, windowed decoding can be applied. Updates within the window can be performed either in parallel or serially. However, simulation results show that uniform updating schedules do not provide the expected
Entrepreneurship and the Growth of the Firm
Production of Postcolonial India and Pakistan: Meanings of Partition
Effects of a Lack of Support for Public Private Partnerships : the Swedish Case.
Sweden is part of a small European minority in the perceived societal gain of PPP. After a pilot PPP project in late 1990’s no additional project has been started in Sweden. Although there is interest from both public infrastructure clients and construction companies the national government has very clearly stated that infrastructure projects should be procured in a traditional way where all fundi