

Din sökning på "*" gav 534719 sökträffar

Depression is associated with poor prognosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - a systematic review

INTRODUCTION: Patients with depression have significantly increased mortality from somatic disease. The purpose of this article was to review studies that investigate if there is a prognostic association with depression as co-morbidity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We chose the following outcomes: mortality, suicide behaviour, risk of COPD exacerbation, use of prim

Guiding Development of Contribution and Community Strategies in Open Source Software Requirements Engineering

Background:For software-intensive organizations, Open Source Software (OSS) may provide a pivotal building block in business models and strategies, product and service offerings, as well as in tool and infrastructure setups. The Requirements Engineering (RE) and development processes of OSS take place inside communities where the focal organization is a stakeholder among many, including competitor

Göte från andra sidan: Hörspel

Carina Ehrenholms farbror Göte föddes 1926 och var genom hela sitt liv en brinnande kommunist. När han var tjugo år såg han på framtiden med otroligt stor tillförsikt och optimism. Industrin blomstrade och den socialdemokratiska reformpolitiken hade verkligen slagit rot i den svenska folksjälen. Läget blev, som i Karl-Gerhards populära melodi, bättre och bättre dag för dag. Göte dog hösten 2016, s

Collider aspects of flavor physics at high Q

This chapter of the 'Flavor in the era of LHC' workshop report discusses flavor-related issues in the production and decays of heavy states at the LHC at high momentum transfer Q, both from the experimental and the theoretical perspective. We review top quark physics, and discuss the flavor aspects of several extensions of the standard model, such as supersymmetry, little Higgs models or models wi

A Monte Carlo implementation of the BDMPS-Z formalism

We present preliminary results of a Monte Carlo algorithm that provides a faithful representation of the BDMPS-Z formalism for highly energetic partons interacting in dense QCD matter. In the incoherent limit, the evolution is governed by the probabilities for elastic and inelastic scattering of the highly energetic parton with target constituents in the dense QCD matter. A dynamically evolving fo

Monte Carlo Tools for Jet Quenching

A thorough understanding of jet quenching on the basis of multi-particle final states and jet observables requires new theoretical tools. This talk summarizes the status and prospects of the theoretical description of jet quenching in terms of Monte Carlo generators.

Maternal dietary antigens and the immune response in the offspring of the guinea-pig

Guinea-pig dams and their litters were raised on either a cow's milk protein-containing diet (MCD) or a milk-free diet (MFD). At 8 weeks of age all litters were challenged i.p. with 50 μg milk whey-protein concentrate (v67) and 100 mg A1(OH)3 in saline. The immune response was estimated 2 weeks later as the serum IgG antibody titres against V67, β-lactoglobulin (β-LG) and α-lactalbumin (α-LA) usin

Kan det finnas cyanotoxiner i dricksvatten? / Are there cyanotoxins in the drinking water?

Denna studie syftar till att preliminärt utvärdera förändringar i risken för cyanobakteriella blomningar i en eutrof sjö, Vombsjön, som ligger i södra Sverige och testa hur näringsämnen (fosfor och kväve) påverkar algväxten. Ytvatten som sjöar har stor betydelse för dricksvattenförsörjningen, till exempel hälften av dricksvattnet i Sverige är från ytvatten. Enligt riskmatrisen har Vombsjön en storThis study aims to preliminarily evaluate changes in the risk of cyanobacterial blooms in a eutrophic lake, Lake Vombsjön, in the southern Sweden and test the role of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) in algae formation. Surface water such as lakes service great importance for drinking water supply, such as half of the drinking water in Sweden is from surface water. According to risk matrix, Lak

Hydrogen derived from algae and cyanobacteria as a decentralized fueling option for hydrogen powered cars : Size, space, and cost characteristics of potential bioreactors

New options are needed to reduce the impact of motor vehicles on climate change and declining fossil fuel resources. Cars which are fueled by hydrogen could be a sustainable method of transportation if suitable technologies can be devised to produce hydrogen in an environmentally benign manner along with the provision of the necessary fueling infrastructure. This paper assesses size, space, and co

Influence of Quantum Interference on the Thermoelectric Properties of Molecular Junctions

Molecular junctions offer unique opportunities for controlling charge transport on the atomic scale and for studying energy conversion. For example, quantum interference effects in molecular junctions have been proposed as an avenue for highly efficient thermoelectric power conversion at room temperature. Toward this goal, we investigated the effect of quantum interference on the thermoelectric pr

Hydrolysis of chylomicron retinyl ester by an acid retinyl esterase of rat liver

Rat liver homogenate hydrolyzed chylomicron remnant retinyl esters with pH optima 4.5, 6 and 8. The retinyl ester hydrolysis at pH 4.5 was correlated to the acid phosphatase activity in different subcellular fractions, and thus the highest activity was found in highly purified lysosomes. These fractions could also catalyze the reverse reaction, i.e., the esterification of retinol when incubated wi

Tracing the climate signal : mitigation of anthropogenic methane emissions can outweigh a large Arctic natural emission increase

Natural methane emissions are noticeably influenced by warming of cold arctic ecosystems and permafrost. An evaluation specifically of Arctic natural methane emissions in relation to our ability to mitigate anthropogenic methane emissions is needed. Here we use empirical scenarios of increases in natural emissions together with maximum technically feasible reductions in anthropogenic emissions to

Nutritional status of children with intestinal parasites from a tropical area of Bolivia, emphasis on zinc and iron status

Malnutrition and parasitic diseases are within the major issues in rural areas in developing countries. In this study, the nutritional status, dietary intake including mineral absorption inhibitor (phytate), hematological indicators and trace element status (zinc, iron) were evaluated and associated to the presence of intestinal parasites in a group of children from a rural area of Bolivia. The re

Albuminuria measurement in diabetic care : a multilevel analysis measuring the influence of accreditation on institutional performance

Background: Studies assessing institutional performance regarding quality of care are frequently performed using single-level statistical analyses investigating differences between provider averages of various quality indicators. However, such analyses are insufficient as they do not consider patients' heterogeneity around those averages. Hence, we apply a multilevel analysis of individual-patient

Socioeconomic differences in swimming ability among children in Malmö, southern Sweden : Initial results from a community-level intervention

Aims: To investigate to what extent socioeconomic differences in swimming abilities persist among children in the city of Malmö, Sweden, after a community-level swimming intervention programme in public primary schools. Methods: A compulsory swimming education programme was launched in 2014 in second grade (at age 8) in all public primary schools in Malmö, Sweden. Data for the present study on soc

Extremely large differences in DFT energies for nitrogenase models

Nitrogenase is the only enzyme that can cleave the triple bond in N2, making nitrogen avaiable for other organisms. It contains a complicated MoFe7S9C(homocitrate) cluster in its active site. Many computational studies with density-functional theory (DFT) of the nitrogenase enzyme have been presented, but they do not show any consensus-they do not even agree where the first four protons should be