

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Genomic Mechanisms Accounting for the Adaptation to Parasitism in Nematode-Trapping Fungi

Orbiliomycetes is one of the earliest diverging branches of the filamentous ascomycetes. The class contains nematode-trapping fungi that form unique infection structures, called traps, to capture and kill free-living nematodes. The traps have evolved differently along several lineages and include adhesive traps (knobs, nets or branches) and constricting rings. We show, by genome sequencing of the

Looking Through the Infrastructure Lens: review of Brett M. Frischmann's Infrastructure - the social value of shared resources

This is a review of Brett M. Frischmann's "Infrastructure : the social value of shared resources" (2012). It is a rich book that neither ducks from challenging the disciplinary boundaries of economic theory nor from complex issues of spillover effects or hard-to-measure externalitites. Frischmann’s contribution includes the grand task of comparing and analysing the very much different types of inf

Holocene fire in Fennoscandia and Denmark

Natural disturbance dynamics, such as fire, have a fundamental control on forest composition and structure. Knowledge of fire history and the dominant drivers of fire are becoming increasingly important for conservation and management practice. Temporal and spatial variability in biomass burning is examined here using 170 charcoal and 15 fire scar records collated throughout Fennoscandia and Denma

Mischaracterising density dependence biases estimated effects of coloured covariates on population dynamics

Environmental effects on population growth are often quantified by coupling environmental covariates with population time series, using statistical models that make particular assumptions about the shape of density dependence. We hypothesized that faulty assumptions about the shape of density dependence can bias estimated effect sizes of temporally autocorrelated covariates. We investigated the pr

Swedish Female Hairdressers' Views on Their Work Environment - A Qualitative Study.

Objectives: Hairdressers have several work-related health hazards. Little is known of their strategies for the work environment. The aim of this study was to explore female hairdressers' own views on their physical, social and psychological work environment as possibilities of influencing it, implementation of their knowledge, financial impacts and how work-related symptoms affect their views. Met

Selective spore germination on shoots of Homalothecium lutescens, a moss with dwarf males.

Spores from three bryophyte species with dwarf males (Homalothecium lutescens, Homalothecium sericeum and Isothecium alopecuroides) were sown on shoots of H. lutescens in vitro. After 10 months, presence and fertility of dwarf plants were scored. Spores of the more distantly related I. alopecuroides were unable to develop into dwarf plants on H. lutescens. Spores of both H. lutescens and H. serice

Disease progression and costs of care in Alzheimer's disease patients treated with donepezil: a longitudinal naturalistic cohort.

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Improved data and methods are needed for modeling disease progression in Alzheimer's disease (AD) for economic evaluation of treatments. The aim is to estimate prediction models for long-term AD progression and subsequently economic outcomes. METHODS: Three-year follow-up data on 435 patients treated with the cholinesterase inhibitor donepezil in clinical practise were analyzed.

Antioxidant Effects of Secondary Metabolites from Geranium psilostemon

An investigation was made of the effects on endogenous antioxidant enzyme activities and H2O2-induced lipid peroxidation inhibition in human red blood cells of the crude MeOH extract and its EtOAc, n-BuOH, and H2O sub-extracts obtained from aerial parts of Geranium psilostemon Ledeb., as well as compounds isolated from the most active EtOAc extract. Gallic acid (1), methyl gallate (2), pusilagin (

Optical Far-Field Method with Subwavelength Accuracy for the Determination of Nanostructure Dimensions in Large-Area Samples.

The physical, chemical, and biological properties of nanostructures depend strongly on their geometrical dimensions. Here we present a fast, noninvasive, simple-to-perform, purely optical method that is capable of characterizing nanostructure dimensions over large areas with an accuracy comparable to that of scanning electron microscopy. This far-field method is based on the analysis of unique fin

Heat Transfer Control Around an Obstacle by Using Ribs in the Downstream Region

This paper investigates the effect of the presence of a rib on the local heat transfer around an obstacle using liquid crystal technique. An obstacle with a rectangular cross section is placed in a channel and attached to the end-wall. A rib is positioned in the downstream region of the obstacle. The spacing S between the rib and the obstacle is normalized by the spanwise width of the obstacle and

Low prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome in primary health care in four Swedish counties.

Abstract Objective. Few large-scale studies have examined the prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and the number of visits among IBS patients in a primary health care setting. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of IBS in primary health care in four Swedish counties. Another aim was to study the number of visits among the IBS patients. Design. A register-based study. Settin

Posterior Insular Molecular Changes in Myofascial Pain

Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) include craniocervical pain conditions with unclear etiologies. Central changes are suspected; however, few neuroimaging studies of TMD exist. Single-voxel proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (H-1-MRS) was used before and after pressure-pain testing to assess glutamate (Glu), glutamine (Gln), N-acetylaspartate (NAA), and choline (Cho) levels in the right and le

Enzymatic preparation of oligosaccharides by transglycosylation: A comparative study of glucosidases

Five glucosidases were studied with respect to their ability to catalyse the transglycosylation of maltose or cellobiose. Experiments were carried out at high substrate concentrations to increase the ratio between transglycosylation and hydrolysis. The properties of the enzymes were quite different, and as a simple descriptor of transglycosylation ability we suggest the use of the acceptor concent

Prediction of postpartum diabetes in women with gestational diabetes mellitus

We studied the incidence of postpartum diabetes after gestational diabetes mellitus and investigated biochemical and clinical predictors of postpartum diabetes. We monitored 174 women with gestational diabetes by performing oral glucose tolerance tests during pregnancy as well as 1, 2 and 5 years postpartum. Women who developed impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes were

Why some parasites are widespread and abundant while others are local and rare?

Abundances and distributions of species are usually associated. This implies that as a species declines in abundance so does the number of sites it occupies. Conversely, when there is an increase in a species' range size, it is usually followed by an increase in population size (Gaston etal. ). This ecological phenomenon, also known as the abundance-occupancy relationship (AOR), is well documented

The Economics of Grief

We study the short-run and long-run economic impact of one of the largest losses that an individual can face; the death of a child. We utilise unique registers on the entire Swedish population, combining information on the date and cause of death with parental outcomes. We exploit the longitudinal dimension of the data and deal with several selection issues. Losing a child has adverse effects on l

Child-to-teacher ratio and day care teacher sickness absenteeism

The literature on occupational health points to work pressure as a trigger of sickness absence. However, reliable, objective measures of work pressure are in short supply. This paper uses Danish day care teachers as an ideal case for analysing whether work pressure measured by the child-to-teacher ratio, that is, the number of children per teacher in an institution, affects teacher sickness absent

Free-energy perturbation and quantum mechanical study of SAMPL4 octa-acid host-guest binding energies.

We have estimated free energies for the binding of nine cyclic carboxylate guest molecules to the octa-acid host in the SAMPL4 blind-test challenge with four different approaches. First, we used standard free-energy perturbation calculations of relative binding affinities, performed at the molecular-mechanics (MM) level with TIP3P waters, the GAFF force field, and two different sets of charges for