

Din sökning på "*" gav 532897 sökträffar

Limited protective effect of the CCR5 Delta 32/CCR5 Delta 32 genotype on human immunodeficiency virus infection incidence in a cohort of patients with hemophilia and selection for genotypic X4 virus

The relationship among CCR5 genotype, cytomegalovirus infection, and disease progression and death was studied among 159 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients with hemophilia. One patient (0.6%) had the CCR5Delta32/CCR5Delta32 genotype (which occurs in similar to2% of the Scandinavian population) and a rapid disease course. His HIV V3 region contained genotypic features attributable

Time-domain Green dyadics for temporally dispersive, simple media

Time-domain fundamental solutions and Green dyadics for temporally dispersive, simple media are introduced. Second forerunner approximations to the electromagnetic fields from an electric point dipole in unbounded dispersive materials are obtained. Numerical results for two frequently used material models are presented. Moreover, surface integral representations of the electromagnetic fields in di

Co-operation and communication in apes and humans

We trace the difference between the ways in which apes and humans co–operate to differences in communicative abilities, claiming that the pressure for future–directed co–operation was a major force behind the evolution of language. Competitive co–operation concerns goals that are present in the environment and have stable values. It relies on either signalling or joint attention. Future–directed c

The lens eyes of the box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora and Chiropsalmus sp. are slow and color-blind

Box jellyfish, or cubomedusae, possess an impressive total of 24 eyes of four morphologically different types. Compared to other cnidarians they also have an elaborate behavioral repertoire, which for a large part seems to be visually guided. Two of the four types of cubomedusean eyes, called the upper and the lower lens eye, are camera type eyes with spherical fish-like lenses. Here we explore th

Review of Sven Thidevall, Folkkyrkan, vision och verklighet. Ett folkkyrkligt reformprograms öden 1928–1932. Uppsala 2000

Thidevalls avhandling i kyrkohistoria utgår från Svenska kyrkans möte med det moderna samhället. Hypotesen är att Svenska kyrkan fick sina strukturer präglade av andra intressen än biskopsmotionens reformprogram 1929. Detta program sätts in i sin kyrkopolitiska närkontext med nya kommunallagar, församlingsstyrelselag, Kungl. Maj:ts beslut att ge Lilla katekesen större utrymme i folkskolan, och öve

Defense mechanisms and morality: A link between isolation and moralization.

The relationship between morality and perceptual defense mechanisms was studied. Three new scales were constructed to measure different aspects of morality: moralism (the tendency to evaluate everything in terms of right and wrong), conscience (strength of feelings of right and wrong) and reparation (inclination to repair the damage one has caused). Perceptual defense mechanisms were measured with

Serum HCV RNA levels in patients with chronic hepatitis C given a second course of interferon alpha-2b treatment after relapse following initial treatment

10 patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection who previously had responded temporarily to 9 months interferon alpha-2b treatment with normalization of ALT levels during treatment but later relapse were given a second 6-month treatment course. All patients were positive for anti-HCV by a second generation ELISA confirmed by second generation RIBA and positive for HCV RNA in serum befor

Exposure-Based Cash-Flow-at-Risk: An Alternative to VaR for Industrial Companies

Abstract in UndeterminedCash-Flow-at-Risk (CFaR) is the cash flow equivalent of Value-at-Risk (VaR), a measure widely used as the basis for risk management in financial institutions. Whereas VaR-based systems specify the maximum amount of total value a firm is expected to lose under most foreseeable conditions (for example, with a 99% confidence level), CFaR-based systems determine the maximum sho

Long-acting beta(2)-agonists: how are they used in an optimal way?

Inhaled long-acting beta(2)-agonists are frequently used for the treatment of asthma. When introduced to the market, the drug was accompanied by a debate among physicians and scientists raising warnings against the use of beta(2)-agonists, leading to a risk of tachyphylaxis and worsening of asthma control. During recent years, much of these warnings have been counter proved and there has been a te

What is a passive? The case of Finnish

Several previous authors have argued that Finnish lacks a true passive construction, and relabel the form ''indefinite,''''impersonal'' or ''suppressive'.' In this paper, we first devise a set of criteria for passives cross-linguistically; we then present syntactic and morphological evidence to show that the Finnish construction displays all the key features we would expect from a passive.

The body as a sign

When does the body become a sign? By studying the importance of social norms in our understandings of gender and bodies, an argument can be made that mental processes (inner signs) are results of perpetual negociations with the world outside (outer signs). In some cases thus, gender is not perceived to coincide with the body and therefore certain bodily parts may be conceived as signs.

Exotisk estetik

Essä om användningen av långa tagningar och avancerade kamerarörelser hos Josef von Sternberg och Kenji Mizoguchi.

No title

Traditional push-and-pull factors have been provided as partial explanations to the size of large urban areas in the third world. In addition to these,the growing literature in the field of economic geography-has identified trade costs as an additional fact-or exacerbating the phenomenon. The present study tests econometrically whether higher trade barriers contribute positive to concentration for

Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the human gene for osteoprotegerin are not related to bone mineral density or fracture in elderly women

Osteoprotegerin (OPG), a secreted member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family, is a potent inhibitor of osteoclast activation and differentiation. In animal models OPG prevents bone loss, and in humans bone resorption can be reduced by injections of OPG. OPG may also play a role in cardiovascular disease since mice lacking the OPG gene display arterial calcification. In a screening effort

DNA adducts and lung cancer risk: A prospective study

Objectives were to investigate prospectively the ability of DNA adducts to predict cancer and to study the determinants of adducts, especially air pollutants. DNA adducts were measured in a case-control study nested in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC investigation. Cases included newly diagnosed lung cancer (n = 115), upper respiratory cancers (pharynx and la

Identification of Excited States in the Tz=+1/2 Nucleus 75Rb: The Quest for Experimental Signatures of Collective Neutron-proton Correlations

Excited states in the T-z-1/2 nucleus Rb-75 were observed for the first time using the Ca-40(Ca-40,alpha p) reaction at 128 MeV. Identification was achieved using events detected by the Daresbury recoil separator in coincidence with gamma rays detected in the 45 element EUROGAM I Ge-detector array. Threefold events were used to build a decay scheme which consists of two rotational bands observed t