Din sökning på "*" gav 533107 sökträffar
Varying Degrees of Europeanization in Swedish Women's Organizations
Ansvaret för krisen
Step-wise approach to prevention of chronic diseases in the Danish primary care sector with the use of a personal digital health profile and targeted follow-up- A n assessment of attendance
Background: Current evidence on chronic disease prevention suggests that interventions targeted at high-risk individuals represents the best way forward. We implemented a step-wise approach in the Danish primary care sector, designed for the systematic and targeted prevention of chronic disease. The intervention centered on a personal digital health profile for all participants, followed by target
Infrared monitoring of the adhesion of Catenaria anguillulae zoospores to solid surfaces
Electron microscopic studies of nematodes infected with the chytridiomycetous fungusCatenaria anguillulae indicated that zoospores of the fungus adhered to the cuticle of nematodes by a layer of extracellular polymers. The chemical composition of the adhesive polymers and their interaction with a solid surface were examined with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, using an attenuated total re
Recycling of fecal pellets in isopods : Microorganisms and nitrogen compounds as potential food for Oniscus asellus L
The isopod Oniscus asellus was fed wood pieces. The fecal pellets produced during 6 days were reingested twice. Both fresh and ageing pellets were examined for microorganisms and nitrogen compounds including proteins and bacterial cell wall compounds, d-alanine and diaminopimelic acid. In old pellets, the plate counts of fungi decreased but that of bacteria as well as the concentrations of protein
Effects of cardiovascular pharmacotherapies on incident dementia in patients with atrial fibrillation : A cohort study of all patients above 45 years diagnosed with AF in hospitals in Sweden
Background: Patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) have an increased dementia risk dementia. We aimed to study the effect of antihypertensive drugs on dementia in AF patients. Methods: Included patients were ≥45 years diagnosed with AF in Swedish National Patient Register (n = 160,251; 89,723 men and 70,528 women) and alive on January 1, 2007. We excluded patients with dementia before onset of AF.
Lunglavens mikroklimat i Jasmund Nationalpark på Rügen
Vi har tidigare tagit del av av flera olika inventeringar av lunglaven i södra Sverige. Nu har projektet gått in i en ny fas och man vill försöka förstå mikroklimatet vid förekomster av lunglaven. Läs mer om hur man vill gå tillväga.
Framtid handlar om livet självt
Instrumentalundervisning och "lotsning" - ett metodisk problem
International Monetary Interdependence in the New Century
Even though each country is trying to follow its own monetary policy, it is affecting other countries which have, trade and capital flow links with each other. hence, the monetary policy of each individual country has an impact at the global level. The study analyses this interdependence. More specifically, this book discusses the emerging international financial structure, the liquidity crises, f
Board Report for the Nordic Dermatology Association 2013–2015.
The Technology Trap : Capital, Labor, and Power in the Age of Automation
Full-scale studies of improving energy performance by renovating historic Swedish timber buildings with hemp-lime
With an increased focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, energy saving is of great importance in all sectors of society. EU directives set targets for member states to reduce energy use in buildings. Energy saving in historic buildings requires special measures, balancing energy-saving renovations against the preservation of heritage values. Traditional constructions are open to vapor diffusi
Utility of G protein-coupled receptor 35 expression for predicting outcome in colon cancer
The utility of mRNA and protein determinations of G protein-coupled receptor 35, that is, GPR35a (GPR35 V1) and GPR35b (GPR35 V2/3), as indicators of outcome for colon cancer patients after curative surgery was investigated. Expression levels of V1 and V2/3 GPR35, carcinoembryonic antigen and CXCL17 mRNAs were assessed in primary tumours and regional lymph nodes of 121 colon cancer patients (stage
En granskning av distinktionen mellan personliga uppdrag och företagsuppdrag
Toxic algae silence physiological responses to multiple climate drivers in a tropical marine food chain
Research on the effects of climate change in the marine environment continues to accelerate, yet we know little about the effects of multiple climate drivers in more complex, ecologically relevant settings - especially in sub-tropical and tropical systems. In marine ecosystems, climate change (warming and freshening from land run-off) will increase water column stratification which is favorable fo
Secondary Acute Myeloid Leukemia and the Role of Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in a Population-Based Setting
Secondary AML (s-AML), including AML with an antecedent hematologic disorder (AHD-AML) and therapy-related AML (t-AML), constitutes a large proportion of patients with AML and is considered to confer a dismal prognosis. The role of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) in patients with s-AML and the extent to which HCT is performed in these patients has been little studied to date. W
On the Technics of Affect: Opportunities and Challenges for International Relations Theory
Emboldened by the aesthetic,- emotional-, and corporeal turns in the study of world politics, International Relations (IR) scholars are increasingly paying attention to the political dimension of affects and emotions. Yet while, so far, affect and emotions have been studied as (micro-political) forces that circulate between bodies in the context of the everyday, little attention has been given to
Influence of Triplet Surface Properties on Excited-State Deactivation of Expanded Cage Bis(tridentate)Ruthenium(II) Complexes
Calculations of excited-state potential energy surfaces (PESs) are useful to predict key properties relating to the deactivation cascade of transition-metal complexes. Here, we first perform full free optimizations of the relevant excited-state minima, followed by extensive two-dimensional PES calculations based on the minima of interest. Maps of the lowest triplet excited-state surfaces of two bi