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Vad är en smart stad? En granskning av begreppet ”Smart City” och hur fenomenet kan utvärderas

Smart City är ett begrepp som blir alltmer frekvent inom många delar av samhället. Många städer kallar sig smarta, men det finns ingen vedertagen definition av Smart City. Städer driver projekt för att bli smartare, men det saknas emellertid en standardiserad utvärderingsmetod, vilket gör det mycket svårt att jämföra resultat. Eftersom smarta städer är ett snabbt växande fenomen, så har forskninge

Effect of bladder volume changes and verification of CTV on CBCT for rectal cancer patients

Ändtarmscancer är en av de vanligast förekommande cancersjukdomarna. Tillsammans med tjocktarmscancer är det den tredje vanligaste cancersjukdomen i världen. Den behandlas vanligen med kirurgi, under vilken en stor del av ändtarmen och dess omgivande fettvävnad tas bort. För att minska risken för återfall kan operationen kompletteras med strålbehandling, där patienterna oftast strålbehandlas innanBackground and purpose: During radiotherapy, rectal cancer patients show inter-fractional internal motion that effects the delivered dose distribution. The purpose of this work is to study I) the inter-fractional bladder volume change, II) the effect of bladder volume change on bowel dose distribution, III) the effect of bladder optimization on the relationship between bladder volume and bowel dos

Development of New Easy to Open Cheese Packaging for Elderly in Sweden - A Design Thinking Approach

Changing demographics in most of western society bring a range of new demands in the field of food and more specifically in food packaging. The need for convenience is one of the biggest drivers behind many innovations over the past decades. Current trends involve psychological convenience on environmental aspects, as well as ease of opening. Easy to open packaging is desirable because consumers w

För gammal för psykiatrin - En jämförande vinjettstudie om socionomstudenters bedömning av psykisk ohälsa utifrån ålder

The aim of this study was to investigate whether students in the field of social work assess symptoms of depression and suicidal ideation differently, depending on the age of the client. A case vignette method was used where social work students in Lund (N=102) and Helsingborg (N=71) responded to one of two online questionnaires each. The case vignette featured a 78 year old client for the student

The ‘Refugee Crisis’ On Facebook

This is an ethnographic study on how refugees and policies on asylum and immigration was debated on Facebook in Sweden during the so called ‘refugee crisis’. This study analysed the relation between the Facebook debate, and the way news media framed the ‘refugee crisis’ during three months in which Swedish asylum policy changed drastically: September 2015, November 2015 and January 2016. In Septem

20 years with the Schengen Area - Does it boost trade?

The Schengen Agreement was implemented 1995 between seven nations, making it easier for Europeans to travel and work by removing internal borders. The area has expanded since its inception and today includes 26 nations. Internal borders have, however, been reintroduced in the aftermath of the refugee crisis. An interesting question is therefore whether the Schengen Agreement brought any benefits t

Developing circular business models in Chinese furniture industry

Chinese furniture industry is facing serious problem of limited virgin resources, environmental pollution and has an overall low profit rate. Implementing the circular economy in the industry is necessary and will contribute to its economically sustainable growth. Exploring and understanding these limited business models and conditions under which resource efficiency can be enabled and secured, es

Developing a rapid flow cytometry method to determine ultraviolett light-emitting-diode (UV-LED) -mediated killing of bacteria in drinking water.

A next-generation drinking water purification device has been developed which uses UV-LEDs to create high intensity UV light to inactive the bacteria present in the water that flows through the device tube chamber. The capacity of the different setups of the devices to perform water purification was examined by experimental testing. This report investigates using a new flow cytometry approach comp

Experimental and Numerical Study of Adhesion in Packaging Materials

The peel test is a widely used method for evaluating adhesion in packaging materials. However, the result from a peel test is affected by more factors than only the adhesion. A method, based on beam theory, for calculating the adhesion considering these factors was used and evaluated. This was done by performing peel tests for different materials and peel angles. To obtain more knowledge about how

Investigating Different Register Allocation Techniques for a GPU Compiler

Register allocation is one of the most critical parts of an optimizing com- piler. Although a great effort has been put into researching how to allocate registers, not much of it has been focused on vector registers. This report seeks to find out what fundamentally new problems arise when allocating vec- tor registers rather than scalar registers, how the previously known problems change in vector

Fall Detection Using Depth Maps Acquired by a Depth Sensing Camera

I en tid där befolkningen ökar och medellivslängden blir äldre förändras villkoren för vården. Den största kostnaden inom svensk vård idag är relaterade till äldre människor och fallskador. I den här uppsatsen presenteras en framtagen lösning som detekterar fall och sparar information om vad som händer under ett fall. Ett fall i sig självt är väldigt svårt att stoppa, men det finns faktorer runt mIn a time when the population and life expectancy increase, the demands on health care change. The biggest cost in Swedish health care today is related to accidents regarding falls of old people. This Master's thesis presents a solution to fall detection and logging of data from falls. Falls themselves are hard to stop, but there are several factors behind falls that can be changed in order to

An Analysis of the Determinants of Credit Card Use Among Urban Residents in China

Along with globalization, the use of credit cards has become popular among Chinese urban residents; China has witnessed the tremendous growth in the accumulated number of credit cards issued and the amount of credit loans utilized. The new-classical consumption theory holds individuals responsible for the use of credit loans, however, from Veblen’s institutional perspective, the use of credit card

Kan vi inte prata om det här? En rättssociologisk narrativ analys kring sociala och rättsliga normer om cannabisbruk.

The purpose of this thesis is to gain a greater understanding of the different normative perspectives on a legalization or decriminalization of cannabis in Sweden. Since the debate on the global political arena has changed during the last couple of years concerning “The War on Drugs” we found an interesting aspect in researching what this wind of change might bring, and what it already brought, to

Locating Faults on Energized Airfield Lighting Power Cables

The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility of both online and offline fault location and state of health technologies for airport series circuits used to provide power to light fixtures on the runway. In current series circuits, only some ground faults can be detected and no automated fault location or state of health features are available. Fault location is currently performed w

Lärobokstext i sfi-undervisning på D-nivå : en studie av hur väl texter i sfi-läromedel förbereder eleven inför möte med det svenska samhällets texter efter avslutad sfi-undervisning

I detta examensarbete har jag undersökt tre texter ur läromedel på sfi-utbildningens D-nivå för att se hur väl texternas utformning är upplagda för att hjälpa eleven att nå målet att kunna läsa och förstå främst klarspråksanpassad text i det svenska samhället efter avslutad sfi-utbildning. Jag har undersökt texterna med hjälp av lexikogrammatisk textanalys och Klarspråkstestet samt tittat på dem u

Ephemeral Selves: A semiotic cultural analysis of a Swedish bicycle helmet campaign

Under 2014 så delade Lunds kommun ut 830 gratis cykelhjälmar. Sådana styrande kampanjer är vanliga i Sverige, ändå har ingen kampanj någonsin blivit utvärderad. Syftet med denna uppsats är tvådelad. Först, att utvärdera hur många av de 830 cyklisterna som faktiskt bär hjälmen som de blev tilldelade. Sedan, att nå insikt om varför vissa cyklister väljer att bära hjälmen och varför andra väljer att In 2014, Lund municipality in Sweden handed out 830 bicycle helmets for free. Such governance campaigns are commonplace in Sweden, yet no campaign has ever been evaluated. There are two research aims to this thesis. First, to evaluate how many of the 830 cyclists actually wear the bicycle helmets that they received. Second, to gain insight into why some cyclists choose to wear the helmet that they

Correlations between Health and Communication Trends: An Analysis of the Impact on Swedish Supermarkets

This thesis aims to examine the development of health trends in Sweden, since it is argued that they will prevail and even become more extreme in the near future. Supermarkets will have to understand the impact of those health trends on consumer behaviour and therefore are required to comprehend the sociological, cultural and psychological factors behind these. It is proclaimed that the current he