

Din sökning på "*" gav 531139 sökträffar

The effects on the bracing stiffness of timber structures of the stiffness of its members

The design of slender structures is often associated with a number of assumptions made by engineers in checking on the stability of the structure. Not seldom, these assumptions are rather uncertain. In the present paper the effects of the stiffness of different members on the bracing stiffness of timber structures is studied. Both full-scale laboratory testing and FE-modelling are employed here in

The effects of joints on the moisture behaviour of rain exposed wood: a numerical study with experimental validation

Joints in timber structures are particularly vulnerable to degradation due to their tendency to trap moisture. The mechanisms involved, and their effect on the moisture conditions of wood, are here investigated numerically. The horizontal member of a rail and post-type configuration is modelled numerically by a two-dimensional diffusion model with material properties for Norway spruce. Contact are

Aggregation and microstructure of cereal β-glucan and its association with other biomolecules

A plethora of studies have shown the ability of cereal dietary fiber to improve intestinal health and to protect the colon from diseases. Lowering of blood cholesterol levels and a reduced risk of coronary heart diseases are just examples for beneficial health effects often directly related to β-glucan from cereal grains. β-Glucan is one of the major components of dietary fiber and is found with h

Can enzymatic stoichiometry be used to determine growth-limiting nutrients for microorganisms? - A critical assessment in two subtropical soils

The measurement of potential enzymatic activities has been proposed as an efficient method to infer nutrient limitations for microorganisms in environmental samples. To validate this use, confirmation with direct methods of microbial growth responses to resource additions are required. We experimentally manipulated nutrient-poor soils from the afromontane subtropics with relatively low (grassland

A DNA barcode-based survey of terrestrial arthropods in the Society Islands of French Polynesia : Host diversity within the SymbioCode project

We report here on the taxonomic and molecular diversity of 10 929 terrestrial arthropod specimens, collected on four islands of the Society Archipelago, French Polynesia. The survey was part of the ‘SymbioCode Project’ that aims to establish the Society Islands as a natural laboratory in which to investigate the flux of bacterial symbionts (e.g., Wolbachia) and other genetic material among branche

Investigations of alkaline and enzymatic membrane cleaning of ultrafiltration membranes fouled by thermomechanical pulping process water

The pulp and paper industry is one of the most important industrial sectors worldwide, and has considerable potential for the sustainable fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass to provide valuable compounds. Ultrafiltration (UF) is a suitable separation technique for the profitable production of hemicelluloses from process water from thermomechanical pulping (ThMP), but is limited by membrane fo

Cloning and sequence of a thermostable multidomain xylanase from the bacterium Rhodothermus marinus

The gene (xyn1) encoding a Rhodothermus marinus xylanase has been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The gene comprises 5 different domains in an unusual combination. The cellulose binding domains (CBDs) encoded by xyn1 are repeated in tandem at the N-terminus and show similarity with the CBD family IV. The xyn1-gene is the first example encoding a CBD family IV in combination with a xylan

Speech in 5-Year-Olds With Cleft Palate With or Without Cleft Lip Treated With Primary Palatal Surgery With Muscle Reconstruction According to Sommerlad

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate speech in 5-year-olds with cleft palate with or without cleft lip (CP±L) treated with primary palatal surgery in 1 stage with muscle reconstruction according to Sommerlad at about 12 months of age.DESIGN: Retrospective study.SETTING: Primary care university hospital.PARTICIPANTS: Eight 5-year-olds with cleft soft palate (SP), 22 with cleft soft/hard palate (SHP), 33 with uni

Ten grams and 13,000km on the wing - route choice in willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus yakutensis migrating from Far East Russia to East Africa

Background: High-latitude bird migration has evolved after the last glaciation, in less than 10,000-15,000years. Migrating songbirds rely on an endogenous migratory program, encoding timing, fueling, and routes, but it is still unknown which compass mechanism they use on migration. We used geolocators to track the migration of willow warblers (Phylloscopus trochilus yakutensis) from their eastern

Arterial spin labeling MR imaging for differentiation between high- and low-grade glioma - A meta-analysis

Background. Arterial spin labeling is an MR imaging technique that measures cerebral blood flow (CBF) noninvasively. The aim of the study is to assess the diagnostic performance of arterial spin labeling (ASL) MR imaging for differentiation between high-grade glioma and low-grade glioma. Methods. Cochrane Library, Embase, Medline, and Web of Science Core Collection were searched. Study selection e

Percutaneous haemodynamic and renal support in patients presenting with decompensated heart failure : A multi-centre efficacy study using the Reitan Catheter Pump (RCP)

Background: Worsening heart failure complicated by congestion, hypotension, and renal dysfunction is difficult to manage, increasingly common and predicts a poor outcome. Novel therapies are required to facilitate diuresis and implementation of disease-modifying interventions in preparation for hospital discharge. Accordingly, we investigated the haemodynamic and renal effects of the Reitan Cathet

On the Growth of Bone through Stress Driven Diffusion and Bone Generation Processes

För att bättre kunna förebygga att skelettet bryts ner vid långvarig vila eller vid sjukdomarsom osteopenia och osteoporos, behövs bättre förståelse för de processer somstyr detta. I den här avhandlingen antas att den primära orsaken till bentillväxt är enförändring i den kemiska miljön i benet. Förändringen antas orsakas av att tillväxtstimulerandeämnen transporteras genom benet till den plats däIn order to prevent or modify bone degeneration due to rest or due to diseases such as osteopenia and osteoporosis, the modeling and remodeling of bone tissue must be better understood. In this thesis it is assumed that the primary condition leading to bone growth is a change of the chemical environment caused by transport of matter resulting from stress driven diffusion. The change in the chemica

Lactic acid bacteria : From starter cultures to producers of chemicals

Lactic acid bacteria constitute a diverse group of industrially significant, safe microorganisms that are primarily used as starter cultures and probiotics, and are also being developed as production systems in industrial biotechnology for biocatalysis and transformation of renewable feedstocks to commodity- and high-value chemicals, and health products. Development of strains, which was initially

LeucoPatch system for the management of hard-to-heal diabetic foot ulcers in the UK, Denmark, and Sweden : an observer-masked, randomised controlled trial

METHODS: This was a multicentre, international, observer-masked, randomised controlled trial of people with diabetes and a hard-to-heal foot ulcer done in 32 specialist diabetic foot clinics in three countries (UK, Denmark, and Sweden). After a 4-week run-in period, those with a reduction in ulcer area of less than 50% were randomly allocated (1:1) by computer-generated, web-based randomisation (b

How do experienced professors teach palliative medicine in european universities? a cross-case analysis of eight undergraduate educational programs

Background: In Europe in recent decades, university teaching of palliative medicine (PM) has evolved. In some countries it has been introduced as a compulsory subject in all medical schools, but in a majority of countries it remains an isolated subject at few universities. Objective: To explore how PM has been introduced into the curricula and how it is currently being taught at different European

High-dose chemotherapy and blood autologous stem-cell rescue compared with standard chemotherapy in localized high-risk ewing sarcoma : Results of Euro-E.W.I.N.G.99 and Ewing-2008

Purpose For over 30 years, the place of consolidation high-dose chemotherapy in Ewing sarcoma (ES) has been controversial. A randomized study was conducted to determine whether consolidation high-dose chemotherapy improved survival in patients with localized ES at high risk for relapse. Methods Randomization between busulfan and melphalan (BuMel) or standard chemotherapy (vincristine, dactinomycin

Streaming instability of multiple particle species in protoplanetary disks

The radial drift and diffusion of dust particles in protoplanetary disks affect both the opacity and temperature of such disks, as well as the location and timing of planetesimal formation. In this paper, we present results of numerical simulations of particle-gas dynamics in protoplanetary disks that include dust grains with various size distributions. We have considered three scenarios in terms