Första nationella konferensen i svenska med didaktisk inriktning : Växjö 8 - 9 januari 2003
Abstract not available
Abstract not available
The impact of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) and other emerging economies on the field of international development has seen traditional donor nations wrestle with fundamental shifts in the geometry and makeup of the donor community. This has resulted in asymmetrical power relations in organizations such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) f
AQP9 is known to facilitate hepatocyte glycerol uptake. Murine AQP9 protein expression has been verified in liver, skin, epididymis, epidermis and neuronal cells using knockout mice. Further expression sites have been reported in humans. We aimed to verify AQP9 expression in a large set of human normal organs, different cancer types, rheumatoid arthritis synovial biopsies as well as in cell lines
Background: Contact allergies to the preservatives formaldehyde and methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI)/methylisothiazolinone (MI) have been reported to appear together at a statistically significant level. Recently, revisions concerning the patch test preparations of MCI/MI, MI and formaldehyde have been recommended for the European baseline series. Aim: To investigate (i) the number of concomitant
Caloplaca arandensis, C. archeri, C. craggyensis, C. queenslandica and C. wallabyensis from Australia and Caloplaca subsaxicola from New Zealand are described as new to science and compared with allied taxa.
This study was undertaken to evaluate the role of transcytosis as a bulk transfer mechanism for the passage of albumin from blood to tissue. Isolated rat lungs were continuously weighed and perfused with an albumin-serum buffer solution under strictly controlled hemodynamic conditions, which allowed measurements of microvascular pressure and of the capillary filtration coefficient (LpS). With the