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Guidelines for the Sisters in the Abbey of Vadstena : The Continuity Between the Confessor General Nicolaus Ragvaldi ́s Collationes and the Consecration Rite in Regula Sanctissimi Salvatoris
Advantages and limitations of reservoir computing on model learning for robot control
In certain cases analytical derivation of physicsbased models of robots is difficult or even impossible. A potential workaround is the approximation of robot models fromsensor data-streams employing machine learning approaches.In this paper, the inverse dynamics models are learned byemploying a learning algorithm, introduced in [1], which isbased on reservoir computing in conjunction with self-org
Applying the Kanban method in problem-based project work: a case study in a manufacturing engineering bachelor’s programme at Aalborg University Copenhagen
Problem-based learning (PBL) has proven to be highly effective for educating students in an active and self-motivated manner in various disciplines. Student projects carried out following PBL principles are very dynamic and carry a high level of uncertainty, both conditions under which agile project management approaches are assumed to be highly supportive. The paper describes an empirical case stProblem-based learning (PBL) has proven to be highly effective for educating students in an active and self-motivated manner in various disciplines. Student projects carried out following PBL principles are very dynamic and carry a high level of uncertainty, both conditions under which agile project management approaches are assumed to be highly supportive. The paper describes an empirical case st
Insect Navigation : Understanding insect neural networks could help unravel the complexities of mammalian brains
The flavouring of a gluon jet
We show that the hard qq̄ production is very sensitive to the details of the parton shower and that our treatment based on the dipole approximation gives significantly larger production than “conventional” parton showers. For our model we find qualitative agreement with experimental data for the Kπ ratio and D-meson production in high-pT jets.
Search for Direct Gamma Production at Low Transverse Momentum in 63-GeV pp Collisions
We have searched for direct photons of low PT (≤1.0 GeV/c) at θc.m.=90° in pp collisions at √s =63 GeV. We used two independent methods: direct detection in NaI crystals and conversion to e+e− pairs. No signal is observed; the photon spectrum is well described by the decay of hadrons. The result is consistent with a direct low-PT photon signal reported at √s =12 GeV, but excludes a rapid growth of
Short-range versus long-range structure in Cu(In,Ga)Se2, Cu(In,Ga)3Se5, and Cu(In,Ga)5Se8
The Cu-poor phases Cu(In,Ga)3Se5 and Cu(In,Ga)5Se8 play an important role both for understanding the Cu-(In,Ga)-Se material system and for growing high-efficiency Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin film solar cells. Using extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy, we have studied the element-specific short-range structure of Cu(In,Ga)Se2, Cu(In,Ga)3Se5, and Cu(In,Ga)5Se8 alloys spanning the entire comp
EU Passenger and Travel Law : Regional Harmonization and Implications for the International Regime
A generalised area law for hadronic string reinteractions
A new model for hadronic string reinteractions based on a generalised area law is presented. The model describes both the hadronic final states in e+ e- annihilation and the diffractive structure function in deep inelastic scattering. The model also predicts a shift in the W-mass reconstructed from hadronic decays of W-pairs of the order 65 MeV.
The Cutting Edge. A Sterilisation Campaign in Sweden
Unified description of rapidity gaps and energy flows in DIS final states
We show that the 'orthogonal' characteristics of the observed rapidity gaps and large forward energy flows in deep inelastic scattering at HERA, can be described within a single framework. Our Monte Carlo model is based on perturbative QCD matrix elements and parton showers together with Lund string model hadronization, but has in addition a new mechanism for soft colour interactions which modifie
Fixing the renormalization scheme in NNLO perturbative QCD using conformal limit arguments
We discuss how the renormalization scheme ambiguities in QCD can be fixed, when two observables are related, by requiring the coefficients in the perturbative expansion relating the two observables to have their conformal limit values, i.e., to be independent of the [Formula presented] function of the renormalized coupling. We show how the next-to-leading order BLM automatic scale-fixing method ca
The strong coupling from ALEPH tau decays
We analyze some of the different determinations of αs(mτ 2) that can be found in the literature and the numerical impact of their possible weaknesses with the publicly available non-strange spectral function from ALEPH tau decays. We also introduce some novel approaches. We find very stable results and uncertainties dominated by the perturbative part. Our final value is αs(mτ 2)=0.328±0.013.
Exome sequencing identifies germline variants in DIS3 in familial multiple myeloma
Combined photo- and electroreflectance of multijunction solar cells enabled by subcell electric coupling
Electric coupling between subcells of a monolithically grown multijunction solar cell in short circuit allows their simultaneous and independent characterization by means of photo- and electro-reflectance. The photovoltage generated by selective absorption of the pump beam in a given subcell during photoreflectance measurements results in reverse biasing the complementary subunits at the modulatio
Nuets förnöjsamhet : att hoppas är att dö en smula
En sakprosa som beskriver bakgrunden till forskningen runt Momentary contentment.