Din sökning på "*" gav 530573 sökträffar
En trogen anhängare: Sverige och IMF 1960-1992
Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone? On the Reception History of Hebrews 8:13
This article develops ideas presented in a volume to be published by T&T Clark/Continuum, i.e., it traces the extraordinary reception history of Hebrews 8:13, from its original apocalyptical setting to how it is currently used in apologetical contexts.
Monitoring and mapping of waders breeding in northernmost Sweden
Den omöjliga kedjan: Människan och mångfaldens mönster.
Computer software structures integrating AI/KBS systems in process control : a postprint volume from the IFAC workshop, Lund, Sweden, 10-12 August 1994
Textens ansikte i seklernas spegel [med Efterskrift 2007]
A reprint, with an added postscript of 2007, of a seminal lecture given in 1998 on the importance to observe changing graphic codes in the printing history of texts, especially in editorial practice. See further its first publication.
Sociologi genom litteratur
Kyrkan mot vetenskapen: 150-års jubileum av en legendarisk debatt
Windowcraft - Part One
Large Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Flow past a Backward-Facing Step
Direkt Profil : un système d’évaluation de textes d’élèves de français langue étrangère fondé sur les itinéraires d'acquisition
Abstract in FrenchRésumé : Direkt Profil est un analyseur automatique de textes écrits en français comme langue étrangère. Son but est de produire une évaluation du stade de langue des élèves sous la forme d’un profil d’apprenant. Direkt Profil réalise une analyse des phrases fondée sur desitinéraires d’acquisition, i.e. des phénomènes syntaxiques locaux liés à un développement dans l’apprentissag
The ‘Underclass’ - a Misleading Concept and a Scientific Myth? Poverty and Social Exclusion as Challenges to the Theory of Class and Social Structure
Endurance Per Se in B-time
Three arguments for the conclusion that objects cannot endure in B-time even if they remain intrinsically unchanged are examined: Carter and Hestevold’s enduring-objects-as-universals argument (American Philosophical Quarterly 31(4):269–283, 1994) and Barker and Dowe’s paradox 1 and paradox 2 (Analysis 63(2):106–114, 2003, Analysis 65(1):69–74, 2005). All three are shown to fail.
Att sätta annan i sitt ställe. Partsbyte av nyttjanderättsinnehavare
[abstract missing]
Deepening George Town’s Heritage
Play well and have fun - Community, group coherence and musical development in an amateur brass band.
Inramad skola: ramfaktorer, frames och analys av sociala interaktionsdynamiker i skolan
I Inramad skola beskrivs två olika ramperspektiv: å ena sidan Dahllöfs och Lundgrens pedagogiska och utbildningssociologiska ramfaktor-perspektiv, å andra sidan Goffmans frame- eller inramningsperspektiv som befattar sig med social interaktion. Perspektiven sätts i arbete i en analys av inramningar av den obligatoriska skolan baserad på styrdokument, närmare bestämt skolan som institution, som org
Analysis of DFT-based channel estimators for OFDM
No title
The dominating property of the present report concerns an approach, which is exclusively based on discontinuities as the reliable observations. In what way the presentation is designed and the main assumptions are formulated is described within an ecological context. Furthermore, a system of computer programs constitutes the background for reflection. A perspective, oriented on the environment, is