

Din sökning på "*" gav 531347 sökträffar

Quasi-Cyclic Asymptotically Regular LDPC Codes

Families of asymptotically regular LDPC block code ensembles can be formed by terminating (J, K)-regular protograph-based LDPC convolutional codes. By varying the termination length, we obtain a large selection of LDPC block code ensembles with varying code rates, minimum distance that grows linearly with block length, and capacity approaching iterative decoding thresholds, despite the fact that t

Islet constitutive nitric oxide synthase and nitric oxide production. Modulatory effects on insulin and glucagon secretion.

The aim of this thesis was to elucidate the role of nitric oxide (NO) in the transduction signalling of insulin and glucagon release by stimulating or inhibiting islet endogenous NO-production as well as by using NO donors. Insulin release stimulated by L-arginine, the substrate for constitutive NO-synthase (cNOS)-catalyzed NO-production, was increased by the selective NOS-inhibitor NG-nitro-L-arg

Highest spin discrete levels in Ce-131,Ce-132: Spin generation near the mesoscopic limit

The three superdeformed (SD) bands in Ce-132 and the two SD bands in Ce-131 have been extended to higher spin, following experiments with the EUROBALL IV spectrometer. The two SD bands in Ce-131 have been linked together. However, despite the relatively high population intensity of the bands (up to 5% of the respective channel), it has not been possible to unambiguously link any of the five SD ban

Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Cluster-Based Catalysts for Asymmetric Reactions

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kemisk industri, inklusive petrokemisk industri, är en av de största av alla världens industrier. Mer än 60% av de produkter som framställs och 90% av de processer som används inom kemisk industri är baserade på katalys. Det är tydligt att katalytiska processer utgör en mycket viktig del av ett antal av de största industrierna och att stura ekonomiska vinningar därför kSynthesis and characterization of new transition metal carbonyl clusters has been undertaken, and evaluation of the new clusters to act as catalysts/catalysts precursor in asymmetric reactions has been carried out. The catalytic hydrogenation of tiglic acid under relatively mild conditions, using diastereomeric clusters of the general formula [(µ-H)2Ru3(µ3-S)(CO)7(µ-1,2-L)] (L= chiral diphosphine

Modelling parkinsonian akinesia and dyskinesia in dopamine depleted rodents

Popular Abstract in Swedish Parkinsons sjukdom är en av de vanligaste neurologiska sjukdomarna i västvärlden. Vad som orsakar sjukdomen är fortfarande okänt men det betyder sannolikt att det är många faktorer som samverkar för att leda fram till sjukdomen. De mest framträdande symptomen i Parkinsons sjukdom är stelhet, oförmåga att initiera rörelser (s.k. akinesi), balanssvårigheter och tremor (daAnimal models of Parkinson’s disease and L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia are essential to explore pathophysiological hypotheses and to test new treatment options. There are many different animal models of Parkinson's disease, which differ greatly with respect to species, mechanisms of nigral cell death, and extent of dopamine-dependent motor deficits. My work has been performed in rats and mice with uni

Coola offer - Unga mäns balansering av brottsofferidentiteten

Balanseringen av identiteterna som brottsoffer och som ung man åstadkoms i intervjuer på skilda sätt. Ett sätt är via negeringar. De unga männen talar om vilka de är genom att säga att ”så är jag inte …”. I skildringarna av brottet, utsattheten, reaktioner hos andra, mötet med polis- och rättsväsende är vidare skratt, humor och ironi återkommande inslag.

Gränslös politik och demokrati i rörelse

Vad är det som är ”nytt” med den globala rättviserörelsen och senare års rörelseprotester kring frågor om globaliseringen? Varför uppkommer denna rörelse just nu? Vilka är det som är de centrala aktörerna inom den? Vad vill de som är aktiva inom denna rörelse? Och går det verkligen att tala om den som en rörelse? I denna artikel ska jag försöka reda ut några av dessa frågeställningar, i relation t

Global Lifestyles : Constructions of Places and Identities in Travel Journalism

This dissertation studies representations of globalization by analyzing travel journalism in two magazines from 1982 to 2008. Globalization discourses are studied through an analysis of how places and identities are constructed. The aim of this study is to examine the use of globalization discourses in travel journalism as both a construction and a defense of privilege. By focusing on two magazine

Fluid Governance : Scalar politics in the South African waterscape

Popular Abstract in English Practices of scaling are an everyday part of governance. To ignore the way scaling is used as an intended or unintended means of securing power is a depoliticizing act. In this thesis, I consider processes of scaling and how they shape water governance in South Africa. Investigating three cases, namely, the De Hoop Dam development, water service delivery in JohannesburgThis thesis offers a critical analysis of the scaling of water governance in South Africa and its implications for water access and allocation. As the complexity and severity of environmental problems increases, there is a growing tendency to look to environmental governance to offer solutions. I contend that water governance, as with all forms of environmental governance, is never an apolitical e