

Din sökning på "*" gav 531211 sökträffar

‘One moral improvement, more allied to the machinery of life than perhaps any other’: Mid-nineteenth-century punctuality in context

Mid-nineteenth-century Britain saw a significant output of fictional texts, conduct books and tracts with an explicit focus on the concept of punctuality. This article examines a number of such texts by linking the notion of punctuality to the general nineteenthcentury wish for self-improvement and social progress. Three central facets of midnineteenth-century punctuality are identified and discus

Isolation of bacteria-containing phagosomes by magnetic selection.

BACKGROUND: There is a growing awareness of the importance of intracellular events in determining the outcome of infectious disease. To improve the understanding of such events, like phagosome maturation, we set out to develop a versatile technique for phagosome isolation that is rapid and widely applicable to different pathogens. RESULTS: We developed two different protocols to isolate phagosomes

Meningococcal Serogroup B Bivalent rLP2086 Vaccine Elicits Broad and Robust Serum Bactericidal Responses in Healthy Adolescents.

Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B (MnB) is a leading cause of invasive meningococcal disease in adolescents and young adults. A recombinant factor H binding protein (fHBP) vaccine (Trumenba(®); bivalent rLP2086) was recently approved in the United States in individuals aged 10-25 years. Immunogenicity and safety of 2- or 3-dose schedules of bivalent rLP2086 were assessed in adolescents.

Development of the Steam Pretreatment Process for Production of Ethanol from Lignocellulosic Biomass

At a time when natural petroleum resources are on the verge of depletion, and concern about climate change is increasing, the potential of lignocellulosic material for the production of bioethanol is well recognized. Ethanol can be produced from biomass through enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation. However, to achieve high yields and high ethanol concentration, pretreatment of the cellulosic biom

Remember the small giants - Occupational exposure and characterization of aerosol particles

Popular Abstract in Swedish Partiklar som finns i luften och som vi andas in kan leda till negativa hälsoeffekter bland oss människor. I varje andetag andas vi in tusentals partiklar som tar sig ner i våra luftvägar. Det är normalt. Våra kroppar har försvarsmekanismer som tar hand om och oskadliggör partiklar som vi andas in och som fastnar i våra andningsvägar. Vid för höga halter av partiklar i BACKGROUND: Exposure to airborne particles in occupational environments can lead to both acute and long-term health effects in humans. To date, particle exposure limits in the air are typically given in terms of mass concentrations. But by only using mass concentration to characterize particles means there is a risk that other relevant characteristics, such as particle size and composition are con

Intimitet bland främlingar. Om mobiltelefonsamtal på offentliga platser

Mobiltelefonsamtal på offentliga platser kan till det yttre framstå som absurda: en ensam människa som talar, men inte med de andra i närheten. Ofta är man tillräckligt nära för att kunna avlyssna vad som sägs och får ibland höra förbluffande intima detaljer om den talande och om andra. Vad är det som möjliggör denna intimitet bland främlingar? I artikeln utpekas några inslag i en analys, som rikt

Carotenoid cation formation and the regulation of photosynthetic light harvesting

Photosynthetic light harvesting in excess light is regulated by a process known as feedback deexcitation. Femtosecond transient absorption measurements on thylakoid membranes show selective formation of a carotenoid radical cation upon excitation of chlorophyll under conditions of maximum, steady-state feedback deexcitation. Studies on transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants confirmed that this car

Design space exploration and implementation of RVC-CAL applications using the TURNUS framework

While research on the design of heterogeneous concurrent systems has a long and rich history, a unified design methodology and tool support has not emerged so far, and thus the creation of such systems remains a difficult, time-consuming and error-prone process. The absence of principled support for system evaluation and optimization at high abstraction levels makes the quality of the resulting im

Designing for Peer Learning : Mathematics, Games and Peer Groups in Leisure-time Centers

Constrained by national tests and the mathematics curriculum, teachers have problems finding time for exploratory and hands-on mathematical activities, especially so in classes with a reduced pace of progression, for example because of a large proportion of second-language learners. Could the leisure-time center, where time is not earmarked, provide such opportunities? The conclusion of this thesi

Particle Emissions from District Heating Units Operating on Solid Biofuels

With the increasing interest in the use of biofuels for heat and energy generation there is a growing concern about emissions from their combustion. It has been shown that biofuel furnaces emit relatively high quantities of particulate matter in comparison to natural gas and light fuel oil furnaces. Majority of the emitted particulates are smaller than 10 μm with high contribution of fine (< 2.5 μ

Phylogeny of Tec family kinases identification of a premetazoan origin of Btk, Bmx, Itk, Tec, Txk, and the Btk regulator SH3BP5.

It is generally considered mammals and birds have five Tec family kinases (TFKs): Btk, Bmx (also known as Etk), Itk, Tec, and Txk (also known as Rlk). Here, we discuss the domains and their functions and regulation in TFKs. Over the last few years, a large number of genomes from various phyla have been sequenced making it possible to study evolutionary relationships at the molecular and sequence l

Controlled compression and liposuction treatment for lower extremity lymphedema.

In 1987 we noticed excess adipose tissue in a patient with arm lymphedema and later, objective studies confirmed this clinical finding in patients with non-pitting arm lymphedema following breast cancer. A prospective study was begun in 1993, and its long-term results (15 years) shows overall complete reduction of the excess volume in patients with non-pitting arm lymphedema and that adipose tissu

Configuration management for distributed development - practice and needs

Configuration management (CM) includes synchronizing and supporting developers in their common development and maintenance of a system. The rapid development of the Internet and time-to-market pressure affects software development. In order to utilize skilled personnel despite geographical location, groups of developers are now working all over the world on the development of common systems, a sit

Incidence and survival rates in Wegener's granulomatosis, microscopic polyangiitis, Churg-Strauss syndrome and polyarteritis nodosa.

Objective. To estimate the incidence of and survival rates for WG, microscopic polyangiitis (MPA), Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) and PAN within a defined population in southern Sweden. Methods. Cases were retrieved using hospital records and a serology database. All new cases of WG, MPA, CSS and PAN between 1997 and 2006 were included, provided they met pre-defined criteria, and were followed until