

Din sökning på "*" gav 530668 sökträffar

Happiness, Prosperity and Inequality in the 21st Century: The Case of Latin America

Latin American countries are among the happiest countries world-wide despite suffering from vast economic inequality at the same time. Addressing this alleged puzzle, this study analyses the effects of economic prosperity and inequality on happiness in Latin America. Using a pooled dataset of annual surveys from the Latinobarómetro between 2005 and 2018, an advanced three-level model with individu

Eco-labels: A Tool to Enhance Sustainable Consumption - A quantitative study about how consumers knowledge and trust in eco-labels can affect purchase intention

Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine eco-label knowledge and eco-label trust, and their relationships to planned sustainable behaviour. This will be done by investigating the Swedish market and more specifically eco-labelled food within the FMCG sector. Methodology: This thesis adopted a deductive research approach which follows a quantitative research method. The data was coll

Building and Maintaining Psychological Safety and Trust in Virtual Teams

The recent virus COVID-19 has forced companies around the world to change the way they work. Teams who usually work together in the same physical space are now experiencing working virtually from home. Previous studies demonstrate the importance of psychological safety and trust in the aim of building high-performing and effective teams. A virtual setting implies new challenges and opportunities f

Impact of economic growth on income distribution in East Asian emerging economies

Income inequality is one of the main topics that worried economists in recent decades. It became more popular, especially starting with the integration process of East Asian economies’ to the global market as a result of the globalization process. And there are lots of approaches on economic growth’s positive and negative effects on income distribution. Its impact on income distribution has been t

Metodik för utmattning av asfaltbruk

Omfattande studier på Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH) har under de senaste åren inriktats på hur egenskaperna i asfaltbruk kan optimeras eftersom de har avgörande betydelse för asfaltens funktion. Förutom naturligt förekommande filler i asfaltmassa har tillsatser såsom vaxer, fibrer och polymerer blivit allt vanligare. Hur dessa tillsatser påverkar asfaltbrukets egenskaper är viktigt att utreda för The durability of asphalt can be investigated with fatigue tests, which unfortunately are very laborious and costly. Therefore, they are not used as often as they should. At LTH in Lund, an alternative method is utilized using a dynamic shear rheometer, DSR, on asphalt’s mastic for fatigue properties testing. The properties of asphalt mastic are crucial for the asphalt pavements ability to withsta

Side Streams Throughout the Food Supply Chain in Västra Götaland - A Study of Reported Data, Interviews with Food Producers and a Simplified LCA Case Study

Vikten av resurseffektivitet i livsmedelskedjan är tydlig, eftersom denna sektor är en av de största bidragarna till negativ klimatpåverkan globalt. Målet med den här uppsatsen var att utforska sidoströmmar av mat inom livsmedelskedjan i Västra Götaland, för att kartlägga hur mycket som redan är täckt i statistiken och vilka luckor i datamaterialet som finns för framtida forskning att täcka. DessThe importance of resource efficiency in the food supply chain is clear, since this sector is one of the biggest contributors to the negative environmental impacts globally. This thesis project aimed to examine food side streams throughout the food supply chain in Västra Götaland, to map out how much has already been covered statistically and what gaps there are in the data for future research to

Assessment of the Contribution of Groundwater Flow and Surface Flow from Bolmsö Island to Lake Bolmen, Sweden

The increase of brownification in surface waters has been a problem for rivers and lakes from the northern hemisphere. The main factors of this water brownification are the increase of dissolved organic matter and iron in water bodies. This study aims to assess the contribution of groundwater flow and surface flow from Bolmsö Island to the water balance of Lake Bolmen, Sweden. This assessment help

Undersökning av tryckhållfastheten för cementstabiliserad asfalt - En undersökning av dagens betongstandard

Cementstabiliserad asfalt (CSA) är ett kompositslitlager bestående av en asfaltbeläggning med högt hålrum som är fyllt med en cementbaserad slamma. Produkten kan därför kallas för ett semiflexibelt slitlager på grund av att egenskaper från både asfalt och betong kombineras. Egenskaperna som kännetecknar CSA är asfaltens elasticitet samt cementens bärighet och beständighet, hög motståndskraft mot kCement stabilized asphalt (CSA) is a composite layer consisting of an asphalt with high cavity which is filled with a cement-based slurry. The product can therefore be called a semiflexible wearing course because of its combined characteristics from both asphalt and concrete. The characteristic features of CSA are the asphalts elasticity and the cements buoyancy and resistance, high resistance aga

Machine Learning for the Prevention of Injuries in the Construction Industry

The Swedish construction industry is subject to a high rate of occupational injuries, where overload factors are a significant cause. Through Human Activity Recognition, movement data can be collected and analyzed, enabling the identification of harmful movement patterns with the use of machine learning. This study aims to describe the environmental barriers and stakeholder attitudes towards a sma

The Limitations and Potential of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: An Analysis through the Lenses of Indigeneity and Gender

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), theforemost legal instrument that defines and protects Indigenous rights, is groundbreaking because it centers the voices of Indigenous peoples and pushes back on the colonial undertones of the United Nations human rights framework. While this declaration represents a landmark in the fight for Indigenous rights, it is non

Överavkastning på Knoppar och Avknoppare

Titel: Överavkastning på knoppar och avknoppare - En studie om avknoppningar och moderbolagets avkastning på två års sikt Seminariumdatum: 4 Juni 2020 Kurs: FEKH89, Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Wahidullah Barikzay, Malcolm Holm, Andreas Magnusson Handledare: Anamaria Cociorva Fem nyckelord: Avknoppningar, anormal avkastning, BHAR, Title: Abnormal Return on Spin-offs and its Parent– A study on the performance of the Spin-off and the Parents performance over 2 yers Seminar date: June 4, 2020 Course: FEKH89, Business Administration: Degree Project undergraduate Level, 15 University Credit Points Authors: Wahidullah Barikzay, Malcolm Holm, Andreas Magnusson Advisor: Anamaria Cociorva Keywords: Spin-off, Abnormal Return, B

En undersökning av kapitalstrukturen hos kanadensiska REIT-bolag

Syfte: Undersöka kapitalstrukturen hos REIT-bolag i Kanada och vilka faktorer som påverkar dessa bolags val av kapitalstruktur. Vidare ämnas rådande teorier inom ämnet kapitalstruktur appliceras för att testa deras förmåga att förklara kapitalstrukturen hos REIT-bolag på den kanadensiska marknaden. Metod: En kvantitativ studie med en deduktiv ansats för att statistiskt undersöka kapitalstrukturen

Investigating how the political will for strengthening resilience has developed within Bristol

This study investigates how the political will for strengthening resilience has developed within the city of Bristol, focusing on how this is shaped by factors at local, national and international scales. Thematic analysis of Bristol City Council policy documents and interviews with participants from a range of different organisations throughout the city are used to gather data. The findings are a


Diarrhoeal disease is the second leading cau- se of death in children under five years old, and is responsible for killing around 525 000 children every year. The spread of diseases is also a problem in our western society. Thanks to our developed me- dical infrastructure not to the extent as in de- veloping countries. Nevertheless the amount of work and school hours missed because of preven

The Influence of Social Media Content on Youth Tourism: Can Culture Play a Role?

This thesis aims to investigate the influence of social media content on youth tourism by assessing the perceptions of youth travelers from four countries - Bulgaria, Croatia, Sweden, and the Netherlands. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to examine the cultural differences of youngsters’ attitudes towards social media use in travel planning. It uses a quantitative research approach. The da

Beaktande av inomhusmiljöaspekter i miljöcertifieringssystem för byggnader

I detta examensarbete kommer sex miljöcertifieringssystem att jämföras med varandra för att se hur dessa beaktar inomhusmiljön i nybyggnationer för skolor, lokaler och bostäder. Dessutom kommer det att redovisas vilka krav och förordningar som dessa förhåller sig till för att uppnå en god inomhusmiljö samtidigt som man beaktar människans behov. Dessa miljöcertifieringssystem som kommer att jämföraIn this thesis, six environmental certification systems will be compared with each other, in order to analyze how these systems, take the indoor environment into account in new buildings for schools, premises and housing. In addition, it will be reported what requirements and regulations these relate to in order to achieve a good indoor environment while taking into account people's needs. The

Curse of the Good Rains - The Long-Run Impacts of Locust Infestations: Evidence from the 1986-89 Locust Plague in the Sahel

This thesis estimates the long-run impacts of a desert locust plague, which lasted from 1986 to 1989. It considers the effect of in utero exposure and during young ages for both men and women. The analysis is based on DHS surveys from the Sahel countries Senegal, Mali and Chad and data on locust infestations to derive the impact of the plague on adult education and height outcomes. The focus of th

Narcissism och görandet av stigma

Narcissister förknippas bland annat med ”narcissistisk misshandel”, en bild som sprids av YouTube-kanaler som primärt publicerar videos berörande detta ämne. En netnografisktematisk analys utfördes på kommentarsfältet tillhörande en sådan video, med rubriken ”Why do you feel it so important to know they are definitely a narcissist?”. Detta i mål om att studeras hur ”görandet” av stigma, i form av