

Din sökning på "*" gav 532102 sökträffar

On Opportunities of Integrated Packaging, Logistics and Product Development - Experiences from a Case Study at IKEA

The main ambition of companies is to deliver products (or services) to customers successfully in order to remain competitive. This requires an efficient and effective product development process, as well as cost reductions and higher service levels through improved logistics performance in the supply chain. Traditionally, these two areas, i.e. product development and logistics, have been treated s

The development of psychoanalytic explanations of PTSD and assoicated disorders with a special focus on the somatic sequelae to torture

Abstract PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (or, earlier, Syndrome) covers a great variety of symptoms which develop in a variety of contexts – accidents, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, wars and other events where people come face to face with violence and death. PTSD was included in the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-III, during the earl

Enantioselective Binding of Designed Propranolol Analogues to the Cellobiohydrolase Cel7A

This thesis describes the affinity and enantiomeric selectivity of the cellobiohydrolase Cel7A (isolated from Hypocrea jercorina). The chiral recognition of the enzyme has been studied with respect to amino alcohols and new ligands have been designed, based on the structure of the common ?-blocker propranolol. Capillary electrophoresis have been used to determine the dissociation constants of the

Measurement of volume fractions of solid, liquid and gas in kraft and CTMP paper at varying moisture content

The consolidation of paper during drying is of interest to increase the understanding of the development of the paper quality. The mercury displacement technique proved suitable to measure the apparent solid density and the volume fractions of solid, liquid and gas in wet paper sheets. Measurements were performed on handsheets of chemi-thermomechanical pulp (CTMP), bleached and unbleached softwood

Stochasticity in Biophysical Systems: Searching, Aging, and Spreading

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stokastika effekter är av stor betydelse i många biofysiska system. Evolution, djurs sökande efter föda, spridning av virusinfektioner och stamcellsdifferentiering, är alla exempel på processer som på ett eller annat sätt är stokastiska till sin natur. Syftet med denna avhandling är att undersöka de verktyg som ofta används för att kvantifiera slumpmässighet i naturen oThe role of stochasticity throughout many biophysical systems is of great importance. From evolution to foraging, from the spreading of viruses to cell fate, all hinge in one way or another on inherent stochasticity. The aim of this thesis is to explore the tools often used to quantify randomness in nature, and employ these tools on a selected range of biophysical systems (Papers I-IV). In these p

Imperfect Tagging Revisited

Revisiting Parsons' 1996 article about disability insurance with imperfect tagging in a two type-economy -- individuals are either able or disabled. Here Parsons' analysis is extended in several directions. The model is generalized to allow for different utility functions over work status. The analysis extends to three different cases of a two-type economy. Finally Parsons' model is extended to th

Handledaren, gruppen och organisationen

This chapter argues for the importance for basic areas knowledge in group psychology as prerequisites for supervisors working in group formats. The tasks of the supervisor are divided into a) task related work, b) maintenance work, c)individuallly oriented work and d) organizational work. The unique charactistics of supervision groups are discussed. A number of useful models concerning group forma

Making a Garden out of the Wilderness

By using examples of European meetings with indigenous Mi‟kmaq in the Atlantic provinces of Canada in the early 17th century, I will show how the concept of wilderness was employed as a key metaphor for establishing the moral right and duty of Europeans to colonize the land, reorganizing the nomadic hunters in settled communities and remaking the mobile nature of the “savage” in the image of a cul

On-the-job training for process operators as a strategy for competence achievement - A case study

The technical development in complex and highly automated production processes affects the process operator’s work and the demands on the operator. Two significant problems are difficulties in acquiring and maintaining the necessary competence and a risk of understimulation, since a stable process does not generate many active tasks, largely because of a higher degree of automation. In this case s

Structure, Morphology, and Catalytic Properties of CuOx/CeO2 Model Catalysts

Cerium dioxide, or ceria, is a chemically stable oxygen ion conducting material with a capacity to store and release oxygen, and is therefore extensively used in combustion catalysts. The Cu-Ce-O system has been identified as one of the most active catalysts for the combustion of carbon monoxide. To study the catalytic oxidation of CO, we have synthesised model CuOx/CeO2 catalysts by gas phase tec

Jewish Perspectives on Law and Religion in the Nordic Countries in the 21st Century

An introduction to Judaism as text-centered traditions and conceptions of law, along with an outline of the Jewish legal history, is given as frame for a more specific presentation of the history of the Jews in the Nordic societies up to modern times with Denmark as the main example, including potential problems such as ritual slaughter and circumcision. The close relationship between Jewish law a

Rapport om SI-verksamheten vid LTH 2009/10

Rapporten redovisar en utvärdering av SI-verksamheten (SI = Samverkansinlärning) vid nio civilingenjörsprogram vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola under läsåret 2009/10 tillämpat på kurser i endimensionell analys, linjär algebra, mekanik samt inledande kemi. Både kursresultat samt poängproduktion under det första året är signifikant bättre för SI-deltagare än de som ej följt SI. Resultaten avseende andel

Failure Monitoring and Asset Condition Assessment in Water Supply Systems

In this thesis, different aspects of failure management in urban water supply systems are discussed. As assets are getting older, the number of pipe failures is increasing and an efficient failure management strategy becomes important. Two types of failure management strategies can be applied: proactive asset condition assessment and reactive failure detection and location. Currently available con

Challenges in start-up control of a heat exchange reactor with exothermic reactions; a hybrid approach

In this paper, the control of a continuous heat exchange reactor is investigated from a hybrid perspective with focus on the start-up phase and the transition to the optimal operating point. The temperature sensitive exothermic reaction leads to the possibility of multiple steady states and in combination with safety constraints forms an interesting challenge for a safe and efficient start-up. A s

Review of Computer Based Methods for Modeling and Simulating Critical infrastructures as Socio-Technical Systems

The paper presents a review of the scientific literature on computer modeling of socio-technical systems. The aim is to briefly review and discuss modeling approaches that are suitable for the simulation of socio-technical systems, specifically in the context of risk and vulnerability analysis of critical infrastructures. It is found that seven main socio-technical modeling approaches can be disce

Threshold Saturation for Spatially Coupled Turbo-like Codes over the Binary Erasure Channel

In this paper we prove threshold saturation for spatially coupled turbo codes (SC-TCs) and braided convolutional codes (BCCs) over the binary erasure channel. We introduce a compact graph representation for the ensembles of SC-TC and BCC codes which simplifies their description and the analysis of the message passing decoding. We demonstrate that by few assumptions in the ensembles of these codes,