

Din sökning på "*" gav 531812 sökträffar

Utbrändhet: kan det förstås ur ett samhällsperspektiv?

The purpose of this essay was to better be able to understand the concepts of neurasthenia and burnout, and also what connections that can be made between these concepts and changes in society. The questions I used was: How can we understand the concept neurasthenia ? How can we understand the concept burnout ? How can these concepts be connected to recent development in modern society ? The metho

"I will follow the law of my country" : a study of young Shanghainese women's view on their future in the light of the one-child policy

The objective of this thesis was to reveal how young and well-educated Shanghainese women see their future in the light of the Chinese one-child policy and why. The questions were elaborated in depth through a qualitative interview study. They were contextualised through an analysis of historical data and applicable theory. The questions were how do young well-educated Shanghainese women view the

Med unga ögon - fadersbilden hos ungdomar boende i olika familjekonstellationer

The purpose of this study was to illuminate 14-16-year old boys’ and girls’ conception of their father in a comparison between young people who are living with both of their parents and young people who are living with their single mother, but who are in contact with their father. The main questions were: o How are fathers conceived by young people who are living with their fathers, respectively n

Våldtäkt En studie av hur våldtäktsoffer och förövare framställs i domstolen

This essay concerns the legislation and legal procedures concerning the crime “rape”. We focus on rapes committed by young offenders and where young victims (girls) are involved. Media often presents a picture that raped girls don’t get a fair trial because she comes out as a bad looking girl in court. Our purpose has been to investigate and analyse rape from a historical and legal perspective and

Drogfri på kriminalvårdsanstalt, att välja eller inte välja? : "ett ja är alltid ett nej till något annat"

This research investigates the factors influencing prisoners to choose to participate or not in Gnistan Addiction Activities at the Halmstad Prison. The factors included in this study were the importance of network, the type of treatment model, the atmosphere of the institution, the prisoners’ definition of addiction, plus experience with previous treatment. We chose a triangulation method using b

Active parenting : en utvärderingsstudie av kursen för föräldrar med barn 2-12 år

Active Parenting is an American course for parents with children between 2-12 years. The purpose of Active Parenting is to give the parents support and practical instruments in their parenthood. The course is also given in many cities of Sweden. Our aim with this paper was to evaluate the course by interviewing parents who live in Malmö. To examine this, we have interviewed 10 parents who have par

Utbildningsverksamhet i maktens tjänst : en kritisk analys av utbildningens betydelse i vårt samtida samhälle

Bakgrund: Inom socialtjänsten används yrkesinriktad utbildning för långtidsarbetslösa människor, trots att de inte är efterfrågade på arbetsmarknaden. De erhåller försörjningsstöd och får ofta detta villkorat med en motprestation, t ex deltagande i en yrkesutbildning. Samtidigt finns det ett stort antal människor som har både gymnasieutbildning och yrkeserfarenhet, och får sägas stå närmare arbets

Kalaallit nunaat - människornas land: en studie om en kulturell minoritet

The purpose of this essay was to research the citizenship of a minority in relation to that of the majority and what importance it has for Greenlanders in Denmark. The questions asked were the following; What elements underlie the Danish people's image of the Greenlanders and the Greenlanders' image of themselves? What is the importance of official institutions recognising cultural minorit

"Dom satsar sina liv" : bakomliggande faktorer vid placering av vuxna missbrukare

The purpose of this study was to investigate what facts that matters in relation to where drug abusers get their care and treatment, after a decision of voluntary treatment has been taken, by the social welfare. Another question I wanted to answer, was if there was any deviation between social secretaries with or without the authority to make those decisions in their opinion of what underlying mat

Born to work

Our aim with this research was to investigate the reasons behind child labour in India and what you could do to prevent it. Interrogative sentences to answer the aim were: What does the child labour situation look like in India? Why does child labour exist in India? Is there any legislation in India about child labour, and if so, how does it actually work? How do they work in Trichy to prevent chi

Att vara lärare : en studie av högskolelärares upplevelser av sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö

The aim of this study was to get a picture of what it's like to work as a university teacher. By emphazising some factors in the psychosocial work environment I tried to reach a deeper understanding of which of these factors that could lead to a feeling of stress for a teacher at a university. The factors emphazised was demand and control, according to the stress researchers Karasek and Theore

Projekt PROVE : Schweiz och dess heroinförskrivningsprojekt

The purpose of this paper was to explain the project PROVE and the treatment given as well as to examine and clarify the manner in which the staff discuss and motivate their treatment methods within the various projects. The purpose was also to examine whether the staff's use of language is similar to that of government drug-addiction policy objectives and the discourse on addiction in society

Privatiserad socialtjänst : en studie av Stockholm stads förslag till konkurrensutsättning av individ- och familjeomsorgens (IFO) utredningar

The main purposes of this essay was to identify motives for, and to study a project called "contractors in social welfare" introduced in the municipality of Stockholm in 2001. The aim of the project was to introduce quasi-markets in social welfare. We also intended to investi-gate whether there is a tendency towards vouchers within this project. The essay also contains a comparison betwe

Den missbrukande kvinnan som social konstruktion: Sofia kvinnoinstitution, en litteraturstudie

The purpose of this essay was partly to study research of drug-addicted women from a social constructive perspective, partly to describe and analyse the social construction of the drug-addicted woman in the scientists' studies of Sofia treatment institute. § What did the woman look like from a social construction perspective? § How did the scientists describe the woman's close relations du

"En konstig värld" : föräldrars berättelser om vad som händer i familjen när deras barn insjuknar i cancer

Syftet med studien är att beskriva och söka kunskap om vad som händer i familjer när ett barn insjuknar i cancer. Familjernas egna upplevelser utgör utgångspunkten i våra försök att förstå deras situation vid tidpunkten för diagnosbeskedet under behandlingstiden och efter att den har avslutats. Vårt intresse är främst fokuserat på hur behandlingen påverkar familjer med barn som har överlevt en can

Rättssäkerhet med hjärtat : vad är kvalité inom äldreomsorgens biståndshandläggning

During the last 10 years Sweden's municipalities have changed their eldercare organisation. From a traditional organisation with an executive official of aid who even had the staff responsibility in the execution to a separate or specialized organization where the official only have the exercise of public authority. The evaluators of aid (biståndsbedömare) have the title executive officials (b

Mobbning i skolan : en kvalitativ undersökning av fyra skolor i Eslöv

The purpose with our essay was to study how comprehensive school work against bullying. The essay is written out of the perspective of the headmasters and the staff of the four schools. Our question at issue was: how defines the headmaster and the staff of the school bullying? What characterises the pupils who are exposed to bullying and the ones who expose others for it? What is detrimental with

Prästers psykosociala arbetsmiljö - en jämförelsestudie mellan manliga och kvinnliga präster i Malmö och Lund

This study was performed to investigate the psychosocial work environment for priests in Malmö and Lund. The purpose of the study was to identify differences in psychosocial work environment for men and women, and to identify most important areas of problem within the psychosocial work environment. To measure the work environment Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, COPSOQ, was distributed to 78

Affekt och substantiell informationsbearbetning och dess inverkan på sambandet mellan implicita och explicita attityder

This experiment was conducted to determine whether affect and substantive information processing moderate implicit and explicit attitude correspondence. 78 participants completed two implicit attitude measures, the Implicit Association Test (IAT) and the Stereotype Explanation Bias (SEB) and three explicit attitude measures, a temperature scale, a self-report measure and one explicit question. Aff

Hållbar psykosocial utveckling - Vad anser de anställda på Luftfartsverket?

The purpose of this study was to evaluate what the employees of Luftfartsverket (Swedish Civil Aviation Administration) think is important for a socially and economically sustainable development. A qualitative questionnaire was designed and handed out to a random sample of the employees by email. The results showed that all the questionnaire's statements within the social dimension of sustaina