

Din sökning på "*" gav 529676 sökträffar

Determining minimum curing time and temperature for a phenolic formaldehyde/epoxy adhesive

Alfa Laval has been using its unique adhesive mixture for over 50 years for bonding of rubber gaskets to the corrugated plates used in their heat exchangers. The adhesive mix is designated GC6 and is composed out of an epoxy component and a phenolic component. GC6 has throughout the years shown exceptionally good performance in both adhesion to the rubber gasket and to the plate with minimal pre-t

"Gudz goda werck och skickelse"

ABSTRACT The purpose of this essay is to compare the Church of Sweden’s current view on marriage with partly the marriage view of Martin Luther and partly the view held within the church in Sweden after the Reformation. The objects for my analysis is Luther’s Prelude on the Babylonian Captivity of the Church (first published 1520, my edition 1928 in Swedish), Swedish Church Ordinance of 1571 and C

Improving Materials Supply Processes to Assembly Lines Through Toyota Production System and Lean Manufacturing

Purpose – TePe Munhygienprodukter AB (TePe) is moving the production facility designated their toothbrushes as part of their expansion phase. Not only do they face challenges due to a two-floor production, but also do they face efficiency and safety challenges in their materials flow. The purpose of this paper is, therefore, to construct recommendations on improving TePe’s materials supply process

Exploring the application of neural networks in predictions of nuclear binding energies

In this project the locations of the proton and neutron drip-lines are predicted using neural networks and theoretical data obtained by applying the HFBTHO program. For each of the neural networks a comparison is made between neural network predictions and experimental data in the region experimental data exists. By comparing the effectiveness of the networks at reproducing experimental results wi

Extending the Standard Model by a Dark and Visible Scalar Singlet

Den bästa teorin vi har om den subatomära världen kallas för ”Standardmodellen”. Standardmodellen beskriver de allra minsta partiklarna och deras interaktioner med varandra genom den elektromagnetiska svaga och starka kraften. Genom åren har Standardmodellen förutspått en rad av olika partiklar som har verifierats experimentellt. År 2012 upptäcktes den allra sista partikeln förutspådd av standardmIn this thesis, we extend the Higgs sector of the Standard Model by two scalar singlets and impose a discrete Z2 symmetry on each of them, under which, both singlets are odd. One of the two scalar singlets will acquire a vacuum expectation value while the other one does not. This leads to one scalar field mixing with the SM-like Higgs field and one stable scalar singlet. Thus, three scalar bosons

Postkolonial turism - En diskursiv kamp om konsumenters (o)medvetande

Marknadsföringen av dagens charterresor och framväxten av postkolonial teori står under en diskursiv diskrepans. Därför syftar denna studie till att utifrån postkoloniala perspektiv analysera diskurser i aktuell svensk marknadsföring och klargöra för om turisters kulturella resurser kan ha grunden i koloniala privilegier. Med utgångspunkt i att företagen har egenintresse av att marknadsföringen spThe practise of marketing charter travels can today be seen as standing under a discursive discrepancy with the emergence of postcolonial theory. With a postcolonial viewpoint, this essay therefore aims to study marketing discourses in a Swedish context in order to understand the cultural resources Swedish consumers of charter tourism take part of. The costumer’s expectation of that marketing give

Urban animal

This project focus on the exploration of playfullnes in public furniture. The aim has been to identify and refine playfull aspects of form and function of public furniture through iteration and form exploration. In this project the main purpose has been to develope an inviting, playfull yet practical public seating environment for outdoor use. This paper documents the design process and reflection

Backtesting Expected Shortfall A comparative empirical evaluation of different backtests

This paper empirically evaluates whether different backtests for Expected Shortfall (ES) produce similar results. In 2016, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision proposed a shift from Value-at-Risk (VaR) to ES as the industry standard when calculating capital requirements for banks. However, ES has been found difficult to backtest. Since backtesting results form the basis for determining the c

Synthesis of Lineraly Fused Tröger's Base Analogues

Trögers bas är en organisk molekyl först skapad under 1900-talet. Trögers bas blev sedan den första kirala molekylen där kiraliteten enbart ligger på kvävet. Att en molekyl är kiral innebär att den också kan existera som en spegelbild av sig själv, och att spegelbilden inte kan perfekt överlappa den speglade molekylen trots rotationer och andra icke-inversioner. Från kvävena bildas en bro mellan tThis thesis presents a seven-step synthetic pathway producing Methanol-Tröger’s base analogue, a monomer. The monomer was intended to be linearly fused to form heptakis-Tröger’s base analogue for characterization, as synthetic pathway had been laid down by previous members of the Wärnmark group. Tröger’s base (TB) is a highly customizable molecule with several aromatic carbon sites and a diazocine

Effects of planetary radius contraction on scattering

Sedan den första bekräftade upptäckten av planeter utanfört vårat solsystem år 1992 har över 4000 fler hittats. Den data man har kunnat samlat ger ett gott underlag till att jämföra med resultaten av datorsimuleringar, i hopp om att bättre kunna förstå hur planetsystem formas och utvecklas. Planeter formas i en såkallad protoplanetär skiva, bestående av 1% stoft och 99% gas, som roterar runt en The observed high orbital eccentricities of many giant exoplanets is thought to be the result of gravitational scattering between planets. Outcomes of planet-planet scattering can result in some planets being lost by ejections into interstellar space, or collisions between planets or with the star. The likelihood of collisions for a planet with a certain mass, increases with larger radii. After p

Design and optimization of Bandwidth Part selection for massive beamforming

In the last 30 years, a new mobile communications generation has been developed every 7 to 10 years. The last one that is currently under development is the Fifth Generation. This generation aims to fulfill a wide range of requirements for different use cases. To that end, a new radio access technology called New Radio (NR) has been developed. The main design principle behind NR is to allow enoug

Gerillamarknadsföring - En effektfull väg genom bruset?

Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur konsumentbeteende påverkas av gerillamarknadsföring. Studien behandlar teorier om gerillamarknadsföring och faktorer inom konsumentbeteende. Dessa faktorer är word-of-mouth, brand credibility och köpintention. Empirin är hämtad från en enkätundersökning som presenteras i form av diagram och tabeller. Resultatet visar att gerillamarknadsföring har effekter på fak

Classification of four mesosiderites and implications for their formation

Mesosideriter är sällsynta sten-järnmeteoriter med ett gåtfullt ursprung. Deras ovanliga blandning av skorp- och kärnmaterial har föranlett många bildningsteorier under det senaste århundradet. Några frågor har avsett ursprunget till metallen, huruvida den kom från en annan himlakropp, eller från moderkroppens egen kärna, samt varför det finns så pass lite mantelmaterial. Nedslag har haft en centrMesosiderites are rare stony-iron meteorites with enigmatic origins. Their unusual mix of crustal and core materials have inspired many formation theories over the last century. Some of the outstanding questions have regarded the origin of the metal, whether it came from another celestial body or from within the parent body, and the absence of mantle material. The role of impacts has been central

The Vintage Revolution: En kvalitativ dokumentanalys om konstruktionen av Chanelväskans status och värde på lyx-andrahandsmarknaden

One of the most desired products on the current secondary luxury market is the vintage Chanel designer handbag. Throughout the last decade vintage as a phenomenon has become a major topic applied to identity, value and status markets in relation to fashion science. The purpose of this study is to explain how value and status are constructed on the vintage market in relation to a Chanel vintage bag


The background or idea of this project came from when I was living in Chamonix, France, for two winter seasons where I skied and climbed. During this time, I saw how much humans really do affect the environment. This in turn made me want to investigate what sustainability is and how we, as future designers, can influence this subject. The investigation revealed that the key to a more sustainable