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Snapphanarnas brutala öde
Strategier och Dilemman
Grannspråk och grannspråksförståelse
Osseointegration of Titanium Implants in Onlay of Cerament™, a New Ceramic Bone Substitute.
The purpose was to investigate whether a new biphasic and injectable ceramic bone substitute Cerament™ that rapidly remodels to bone, may contribute to the retention of titanium implant screws during the healing period, and to analyze the pattern of bone formation around titanium implants.Titanium screws were implanted in rat tibiae and embedded with or without Cerament™ on the cortical surface. T
Många fynd - många människor? Frågor kring gruppering i bosättningen under senneolitikum - tidig bronsålder i skånsk kustbygd
Snobberiet har stått europeisk film dyrt
Produktsäkerhet och rättsekonomi
Development and application of photofragmentation laser-induced fluorescence for visualization of hydrogen peroxides
Popular Abstract in Swedish Utveckling och tillämpning av laserfragmentationsteknik för visualisering av väteperoxider Laserinducerad fluorescens är en etablerad optisk mätmetod för kemiskt specifik detektion och avbildning med tillämpning inom fysik, kemi och biologi. Tekniken bygger på att molekyler ska absorbera laserljus och sedan spontant sända ut ljus som kan detekteras. Det finns dock mångaThe work presented in this thesis is mainly motivated by the need for an optical diagnostic technique which can be used to visualize hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in its gas phase. Due to the lack of bound electronic states, H2O2 cannot be detected using laser-induced fluorescence based on electronic excitation. Absorption in the ultraviolet leads to photodissociation. Thus a technique called photofrag
A numerical model of coastal overwash
Overwash, the flow of water and sediment over the crest of a beach, contributes to flooding and the deposition of sand landward of the beach crest. Washover, the sand deposited by overwash, contributes to the sediment budget and migration of barrier islands. The ability to predict the occurrence, location, and thickness of overwash deposits is important for coastal residents, coastal town planners
Ninas Resa. En överlevnadsberättelse
Review of Att leva som lytt
High-throughput proteomics on antibody-based microarrays: the importance of probe and surface design
Bröllops besvärs ihugkommelse. D. 2, En monografi
Long term survival in women with borderline ovarian tumors: a population-based survey of borderline ovarian tumors in Sweden 1960-2007.
Evaluation of incidence and survival of patients with borderline ovarian tumors in Sweden MATERIAL AND METHODS: All women diagnosed with borderline ovarian tumor in the Swedish Cancer Register 1960-2007 (n=6,252) combined with follow-up in the Swedish Death Registry to 1 July 2009 were included. Estimation of age-standardized relative survival rate according to time periods for diagnosis RESULTS:
Bit selective erasure of photon-echo data using Ti : S and dye laser systems: a comparative analysis
It is investigated how the erasure efficiency for a single bit of data, stored using photon echoes, depends on the data writing time and data storage time. A comparative analysis of the erasure efficiency using a Ti:S laser system and a ring dye laser system is performed. The results clearly establish that the Ti:S laser system, which has a narrower line width than the dye laser system, could be u