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Advancing Upconversion Emissions for Biomedical Imaging
During the past decade, upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) doped with rare earth ions have become an important class of fluorescence contrast agents for molecular imaging, due to their unique properties. Their property of anti-Stokes luminescence, with both the excitation and emission wavelengths close to the optimal for biomedical imaging, has been extensively explored in various biomedical appli
Plasma Copeptin, A Unifying Factor behind the Metabolic Syndrome.
Context: Arginine vasopressin (AVP) is known to affect liver glycogenolysis, insulin, and glucagon secretion and pituitary ACTH release. We previously showed that high copeptin, the stable C-terminal fragment of AVP prohormone, is independently associated with hyperinsulinemia and future development of diabetes mellitus. Objective: The objective of the study was to examine whether plasma copeptin
Lunds stifts landebok. D. 1, Nuvarande Malmöhus län
Shaft-mounted time domain reflectometry probe for water content and electrical conductivity measurements
ʻWhereby we know that it is the last timeʼ: musings on Anti-Messiahs and Antichrists in a Ruthenian textual community : antidoron natalicium Laurentio Steensland expleto sexagesimo quinto aetatis anno oblatum
Modality packaging in Japanese : the encoding of modal meanings and subjectivity
This paper focuses on the grammatical expression or ‘packaging’ of modality in Japanese. I consider two aspects: (1) the grammatical encoding of epistemic, deontic, and evidential notions with English as a point of comparison, and (2) the co-encoding of modality and subjectivity. As for the former aspect, the comparison between Japanese and English exemplifies how languages can take different stra
Lagmanshejdan : ett gravfält som spegling av sociala strukturer i Skanör
Mitochondrial targeting sequence variants of the CHCHD2 gene are a risk for Lewy body disorders.
To assess the role of CHCHD2 variants in patients with Parkinson disease (PD) and Lewy body disease (LBD) in Caucasian populations.
Intrajejunal Levodopa Versus Conventional Therapy in Parkinson Disease: Motor and Nonmotor Effects.
ABSTRACT: Seventeen patients with advanced Parkinson disease (PD) were treated with intrajejunal L-dopa infusion (IJL) and compared with a matched group of 9 patients (termed comparator [C]) not given IJL because of funding restriction by primary care trusts (PCTs) in the UK, although considered to be clinically eligible for IJL. Assessments were baseline and follow-up (6 months) with Hoehn and Ya
Using simulation for assessing the real impact of test-coverage on defect-coverage
The use of test-coverage measures (e.g., block-coverage to control the software test process has become an increasingly common practice. This is justified by the assumption that higher test-coverage helps achieve higher defect-coverage and therefore improves software quality. In practice, data often show that defect-coverage and test-coverage grow over time, as additional testing is performed. How
The attraction of extraction: three cases of state versus peasantry
Recension av "'Mig själv och mitt gods förvalta' - 1800-talskvinnor i kamp om myndighet"
En bok om kvinnors kamp för myndighet under 1800-talet, gestaltad genom nio enskilda fall, i relief mot en större undersökning av myndighetsansökningar.
The Neuroanatomic Localization of Epstein-Barr Virus Encephalitis May Be a Predictive Factor for Its Clinical Outcome: A Case Report and Review of 100 Cases in 28 Reports.
Encephalitis is one of the manifestations of infection with Epstein-Barr virus with clinical outcome varying from complete recovery to death. A 16-year-old boy with Epstein-Barr virus encephalitis with global cortical and subcortical gray matter involvement and a full clinical recovery is reported. The case inspired a literature review which yielded 100 cases of Epstein-Barr virus encephalitis sub
Nattsänkning - analys av en onödig komplikation
Med en enkel dynamisk modell analyseras nattsänkning. Författaren drar slutsatserna att nattsänkning ger små besparingar som också kan uppnås genom sänkning av framledningstemperaturen, vidare att nattsänkning och dag/nattaxa är i konflikt med varandra.
Peder Thalén, Ateismens fall: den moderna religionskritikens kris (Skellefteå: Artos, 2007). 153 s.
Anm. av Eva Storskrubb: Civil procedure and EU law: a policy area uncovered
Retail and fashion - A happy marriage? The making of a fashion industry research design
Fashion and retail ought to be a happy marriage. Yet several entrepreneurs in the field of fashion speak of a climate that is difficult to penetrate because of economic and cultural factors. For example, the chain store concept is an expression of the specific and current fashion situation in Sweden: democratic fashion that is cheap and accessible. At the same time, customers now demand personal,
Deregulation of the Wilms' tumour gene 1 protein (WT1) by BCR/ABL1 mediates resistance to imatinib in human leukaemia cells
The Wilms' tumour gene 1 (WT1) protein is highly expressed in most leukaemias. Co-expression of WT1 and the fusion protein AML1-ETO in mice rapidly induces acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Mechanisms behind expression of WT1, as well as consequences thereof, are still unclear. Here, we report that the fusion protein BCR/ABL1 increases expression of WT1 mRNA and protein via the phosphatidylinositol-3