

Din sökning på "*" gav 533777 sökträffar

Molecular analysis of Streptococcus pyogenes and its interactions with the human host

Popular Abstract in Swedish De flesta bakterier lever i harmoni med människan, på huden och på olika slemhinnor framför allt i mag-tarmkanalen. Cellerna på dessa ytorna utgör ett effektivt skydd mot sjukdomsalstrande bakterier. Ibland bryts emellertid försvarsbarriären och bakterierna kan få tillgång till delar av kroppen som normalt är sterila. De är försvarade av fagocyter, ätarceller, som omsluStreptococcus pyogenes causes infections only in humans, from trivial tonsillitis to life-threatening conditions. One of its most important virulence factors is the M-like protein family conferring resistance to phagocytosis to the bacterium. The M-like proteins are surface exposed rod-like molecules attached to the cell wall. Each strain of S. pyogenes expresses unique M-like proteins that bind t

A method for identifying simultaneously-transmitted signals from different transmit antennas in multi-antenna channel sounding experiments

A method is described for identifying simultaneous signals from different transmit antennas in multi-antenna sounders. Multiple orthogonal signals are produced from one pseudorandom code by using it to modulate RF carriers at pre-calculated offset frequencies. Although their frequency spectra are interleaved, the spectral lines from different transmitters are separable by Fourier transform at the

Relationship between safety culture and psychosocial working environment in air traffic control

The Swedish Air Navigation Service Provider in cooperation with the University of Lund aims at developing a model for supporting continuous improvements and learning focusing on safety in air traffic control. This paper focuses on relationships between the safety culture and the psychosocial working environment. These areas were studied using questionnaires at the two main air traffic control cent

A flexible CO2 targeting regime

According to EU regulations, CO2 emissions capped by the EU emission trading system must decline by 1.74 percent per year from 2013 and onwards. This paper argues that it is necessary to allow short term fluctuations in emissions in order to avoid unnecessary volatility in the real economy. An analysis of emissions data from the European Union and the United States reveals systematic fluctuations