

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar


Popular Abstract in Swedish Ultraljudsundersökningar av bäckenbottens fysiologi och förlossningsrelaterade skador i mellangården ¨Perineum, det sista hinder som fostret vid förlossningen har att öfvervinna, drager sig ofta blodigt sargad tillbaka ur den hårda brottningen, äfven om under densamma en rådig och insigtsfull hand blifvit räckt till dess bistånd. Den biståendes anseende och rykte kan hRepair of obstetric perineal tears is one of the most frequent procedures in surgical practice. Despite repair such tears may result in anal and urinary incontinence and prolapses of the pelvic floor, problems in need of surgical repair later in life. Descriptions of the structures injured during vaginal delivery and their topographic relations in the perineum are missing in most textbooks. Trans

On speed stability

Distributed energy resources, such as wind turbine generators, often employ induction generators. When such a generator is subjected to a nearby fault, its rotor may accelerate and reach high steady-state speed far from that corresponding to the frequency of the system. This is the generator counterpart to induction motor stalling, which is classified as voltage stability. The phenomenon is a matt

Interaction of recombinant human cystatin C with the cysteine proteinases papain and actinidin

The interaction between recombinant human cystatin C and the cysteine proteinases papain and actinidin was studied by spectroscopic, kinetic and equilibrium methods. The absorption, near-u.v.c.d. and fluorescence-emission difference spectra for the cystatin C-proteinase interactions were all found to be similar to the corresponding spectra for chicken cystatin. The kinetics of binding of cystatin

Theoretical Study of the Fast Photodissociation Channels of the Monohalobenzenes

Excited state properties of fluorobenzene, chlorobenzene, bromobenzene, and iodobenzene have been investigated theoretically using multireference CASSCF and CASPT2 methods. Experimentally, chlorobenzene and bromobenzene are known to exhibit one fast dissociation channel, whereas iodobenzene exhibits two fast dissociation channels. The calculations indicate that the chlorobenzene, the bromobenzene,

Refill non-adherence to repeat prescriptions leads to treatment gaps or to high extra costs

Objective: To determine the nature and extent of undersupply and the economic consequences of oversupply of medication among non-adherent patients. Methods: This study used copies of repeat prescriptions (=multiple dispensations), collected during 1 week in 2002 at 16 Swedish community pharmacies. For patients with a refill adherence below 80%, treatment gaps were defined as the number of days the

The changing structure and tree composition in the traditionally grazed forests in the parish of Stenbrohult, southern Sweden

The formerly grazed forest (utmark) was the dominant land use on most farms in southern Sweden until about 100 years ago. Here I describe the changed structure and tree species composition over time of the utmark on three farms owned by the church in the central part of Stenbrohult. In this area Carl Linnaeus spent his first 20 summers until 1728. The study is based on old forest management plans,

Factors regulating the recruitment of cyanobacterial and eukaryotic phytoplankton from littoral and profundal sediments

Many phytoplankton species produce resting cysts, forming 'seed banks' on lake sediments until they germinate and provide inocula (recruitment) for future pelagic populations. We have addressed the question of whether the littoral or the profundal zone provides the inoculum for planktonic populations in a eutrophic and dimictic lake (Lake Erken, Sweden). Our hypotheses were that high temperature,

A new device to study ex-vivo the effects of extracorporeal photochemotherapy on the immune system

Extracorporeal photochemotherapy (ECP) is a medical procedure effective in the treatment of several different T-cell mediated diseases such as cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and Graft-versus-Host Disease. During ECP treatment the patient's blood is processed by means of a cell separator to collect leukocytes (leukapheresis), mostly lymphocytes and monocytes, which are then incubated with the photoactiv

Fast chemical shift mapping with multiecho balanced SSFP

Object: A method is proposed that provides spectroscopic images with high spatial resolution and moderate spectral resolution at very short total data acquisition times. Materials and methods: Balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP, TrueFISP, FIESTA, b-FFE) is combined with a multiecho readout gradient and frequency-sensitive reconstruction such as Fourier reconstruction known from echo-plan

Lack of HIN-1 methylation in BRCAl-linked and "BRCA1-like" breast tumors

We recently identified a candidate tumor suppressor gene, HIN-1, that is silenced due to methylation in the majority of sporadic breast carcinomas and is localized to 5q33-qter, an area frequently lost in BRCA1 tumors and thought to harbor a BRCA1 modifier gene. To establish whether germ-line mutations in HIN-1 may influence breast cancer risk, we sequenced the HIN-1 coding region in 10 familial b

Motion associated susceptibility artifacts

A bowel labeling agent is important for improving abdominal MR. Besides providing contrast between the bowel and other organs, the contrast agent itself is a potential source of artifacts. The artifacts created by superparamagnetic particles (SPP) subjected to motion have been studied in vitro at 0.5 T, and compared to artifacts created by a paramagnetic compound. Apart from the expected static ef


En stor enkätundersökning i Sverige om attityder till nyutbildade bibliotekarier hos bibliotekschefer och studenter.

Idrott och politik

Recension av Andy Dougan, Dödsmatchen – fotboll i nazismens skugga.

Promoting equality between women and men in bilateral development cooperation : Concepts, goals, rationales and institutional arrangements. Part One. Theory, practice and priorities for change. Part Two. Empirical studies in two sectors in Tanzania: Household water supplies and health development.

Popular Abstract in Swedish I mer än tre årtionden har kvinnors situation och främjandet av jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män lyfts fram inom utvecklingssamarbetet. Bilaterala organisationer har gjort politiska åtaganden och utvecklat strategier, metoder och instrument för att uppnå detta viktiga mål. Som uppföljning på FNs fjärde kvinnokonferens i Peking (1995) är det viktigt att analysera vad Gender equality has been on the development cooperation agenda for more than three decades. Bilateral agencies have developed policies, strategies, methodologies and tools to support achievement of this important goal. Following the Fourth United Nations Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995 it is important to take stock of the progress that has been made, and identify the changes needed for movi

Nonlinear waveguides

We investigate the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a cylindrical waveguide with an arbitrary cross section filled with a nonlinear material. The electromagnetic field is expanded in the usual eigenmodes of the waveguide, and the coupling between the modes is quantified. We derive the wave equations governing each mode with special emphasis on the situation with a dominant TE mode. The resu