Disordered eating in a community sample of Swedish adolescent girls
Tidigare forskning har visat att störda ätbeteenden (disordered eating/DE) är vanligt bland ungdomar, särskilt bland tonårsflickor. DE definieras som olika beteenden (t.ex. kräkningar, restriktivt ätande) och negativa attityder till ätande/kroppsform/utseende/vikt. Avhandlingen hade flera syften. (1) Att validera en svensk version av frågeformuläret RiBED-8 (risk behaviour for eating disorders) soPrevious research has described that disordered eating (DE) is common in adolescents, especially in girls. DE is defined as maladaptive behaviours (e.g., vomiting) and negative attitudes toward eating and one’s body shape, appearance, and weight. The present thesis had several aims. First, to validate a Swedish version of a Danish 8-item screening inventory, Risk Behaviour for Eating Disorders/RiB